Chapter 1? - Recap!

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Harry and Draco ended their 4th year by resolving a feud. Through out their 5th year Harry joined Draco's group more and more, they of course still had their differencies, but the group survived. When they got to their 6th Year, Harry, Draco, Pansy and Blaise were such good friends, that Harry ended up thinking about his housing problem.

Harry Potter did not feel comfortable in the Gryffindor house. He had felt more at home with the three Slytherins over the span of that year, than he ever had in the golden and red house. He was scared to do anything about it, afraid of pushing away the friends he did have in the house. So when he was the only one left from the Golden Trio, on Christmas break, who stayed at the school. He walked to Professor Snapes office.

Harry was too scared to enter, but luckily he didn't have too, as McGonagall opened the door, laughing and letting him in. Harry told them about his thoughts and they let him try the hat on to see if it also found that he needed to swap to be happy. He ended up in Slytherin, the house he hoped for, funnily enough.

The hat pointed out to Harry that he should visit Gringotts, but the information that he hat had for him, shocked him so much, that he went unresponsive, only Draco was able to get him back. Harry and Draco visited Gringotts, where Harry found out some pretty disturbing things about his life. And so the road went on from there. Harry and Draco got impossibly closer and ended up trying out the dating life.

Then Harry got the Dark Mark, and now had a red eye with a snake pupil. Harry was in a dark place for a while after and got even closer with both Draco, Pansy and Blaise in that time before everyone returned back to school.

When school started back up, Harry wanted yet another change, and so he went to get a haircut and got piercings in his ears, as well as a lot of new clothes. Upon arriving back at the school, Draco was waiting for Harry, and when the handsome caramel coloured man stepped out of the bathroom, he almost began to drool.

Most of the school took the swap smoothly, but the Gryffindors were jealous and angry to have lost Harry. Especially Ronald, Seamus and Dean could not accept that he was a 'snake' now. They beat up Harry and were suspended, but Dumbledore got that ruined quickly. Allowing them back after a tiny bit of cleaning duty. Snape was satisfied with Harry and Draco's relationship, as Harry brought out the good parts of Draco, making the boy remember that good still excists.

There was a lot of drama about a party, but everything was resolved that night. Harry never forgot, but he could forgive, in the end.

Harry and Draco had a fun night and the day after, marks were beginning to show up on their bodies, which formed and built up over a long time. They found out the same day the marks appeared, that that meant the bonding ritual was at its last stages. Draco and Harry were being a lot more protective and senstive about the others mental and physical health, and needed to get a better control of it, having to train it almost every day.

Harry and Ron talked out their troubles, Hermione and Ron now also knowing about the dark mark and Gringotts visit.

Months went by and the two groups morphed into one big one, occasionally with Ginny, Luna and Neville as well.

Then Dumbledore needed Harry's help, the two going out to find a horcrux which Dumbledore had located. The old man made a big deal out of something that Harry had cleared, way before an hour was up. Dumbledore fell ill at the smoke from the fire that Harry had created to scare away the creatures, and so Harry had to help them back.

Having no wand deemed no problem for Harry and his wandless magic.

Harry got the Horcrux from Dumbledore, which was good enough, as when he was about to leave, Death Eaters came walking, dragging Draco with them, which sent Harry into a spiral of bloodlust. While they were taunting Dumbledore, Harry had come forward and was emitting bloodlust enough to feed off a hoard of vampires.

Dumbledore noticed him and made a comment that made Harry stop for a moment, but then the old man flew off the edge and was dead.

Harry merely watched, until Draco walked over, moments later falling as they made eye contact. And then Harry could no longer detain it. He transformed into a giant black/red wolf and dove after the blonde.

Harry caught the blonde and laid him on the ground, to which Hermione came over and checked up on Draco. But Harry growled and snapped at anyone who came near them. Hermione talked Harry into letting them help, or the death eaters would come.

Now most from the school knows about Harry's dark mark, and the rest saw it when he transformed back, before apparating away with Ron and Draco, not using a wand.

At the house, Alastor moody wanted to make sure that Harry really was who he said he was, but got nothing but snark remarks out of the boy. And so he pinned him to the wall, a wand under his throat. Harry was about to warn the man, but then Draco pounced on him in wolf form.

Once Alastor stood, he demanded to know what was going on with the change of aura and person before him. And that is where we left off, last time.

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