Chapter 6 - Voldy, Baldy and Salty.

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Draco laid for the 4th night in a row, and felt his arm being caressed. Harry was rubbing his own mark, and he felt it. Draco was not happy, his parents and the death eaters had clearly noticed. Bellatrix had obviously told his parents about the suicide attempt after Dumbledores murder, to which Lucius had slapped him and his mother cried silently, while holding his hand.

Draco could see the marks, of course. No one else could, however. But he didn't dare touch them. He was angry with Harry, he loved the idiot, but he was so fucking angry. He had balled his eyes out to Pansy and Blaise the first couple of nights, and now he just laid in his bed, angry.

Then something seemed to click for him. 'But... If I'm feeling the gentle touch of him... That means he isn't sleeping...' His eyes widened and he moved his arm from laying beside him on the bed, to moving his fingers across the markings on his throat. He felt the caress stop, but he continued, feeling his heart throb, and knowing that it was Harry, he felt sadness overcome him at that... 'He's so happy from a mere touch... I feel bad...'

Draco felt a tingling sensation on his chest and looked at the marks. They were moving and he blinked in slight confusion, a silly smile on his face. The two fell asleep while thinking of the other, and feeling the soft brushed of fingers against their skin.

The next day, when Draco woke up, Pansy stood in his door with a grim look on her face. "He's here..." She said and Draco sat up, fast. "I have tried to use legilimency on you... Harry must have done something, because it is i m p o s s i b l e." She said and Draco smiled. "I know he has..."

After that, Draco got dressed with Pansy sitting on his bed, talking to him. They walked out together, hand in hand. Upon entering the dining hall, all eyes were on them. Blaise sat with his parents, Pansy's was waiting for her and Draco's on him. Voldemort turned with a rock hard facial expression, but then narrowed his eyes and let them both go sit. Draco looked at Blaise and Pansy, they seemed unbothered and he hummed within himself.

"So..." Voldemort said and all eyes turned to the man. "Draco, my boy..." He said and Draco tensed. "Found yourself a pureblood girlfriend yet..?" He asked and Draco clenched his jaw, Pansy was sitting right next to him and both of their hands were on the table. "Yes..." He said, grasping Pansy's hand, everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

"Oh..?" Voldemort asked and a smirk formed on his non existing lips. "Yes... Pansy Parkinson and I have been going out for a couple months, now... Nothing too serious-" "Yet." The dark lord said and Draco merely hummed.

"That is truly, fantastic." Voldemort said and then looked at Lucius. "Why did you not tell me of this, Lucious, Narcissa?" Voldemort was staring at the two with annoyance. "My lord, Draco had not informed us of this fact." Lucius said and eyed the blonde boy beside him. "If he had, we would of course, have told you."

Narcissa sent a worried look to her son, who just smiled at Pansy. The girl staring at him with wide eyes. "I can't believe you just told everyone..." She whispered, but loud enough for everyone to hear, and let off a chain of chuckles. "Sorry, love." Draco said and smirked at the dark look that over-came Pansy's eyes.

Blaise had to restrain himself from snorting and his mother looked at him with narrowed eyes, but made no comment.

"Oh, young Parkinson. No worries at all." Voldemort said and waved his hand in a dismissive manor, which made Pansy smile at him. Voldemort liked her, which was a good thing. "My lord... I was wondering something." She said and many death eaters sat with tense bodies. "Yes?" Voldemort asked in, slight surprise.

"Did you once have a wife..? Or a husband? Before all of this?" She asked and he looked at her in confusion. "Why do you ask?" He asked, but his voice was a bit harder. "Oh, I was just curious, my lord... I find that I am doing this to, 1: Serve you, and 2: out of the love for my parents and Draco. I want a better world for my family and future family. Pureblood and clean." She said and Voldemort seemed pleased with her answer, he let out a laugh.

"Well... Miss Parkinson. That is quite innocent of you. But no, I had no wife or husband for that matter." He said and she hummed. "Children, then?" "Pansy..." Her father hissed warningly. "Oh, Mr. Parkinson. The young girl is merely curious. I must admit, I admire it." Voldemort said and Pansy's father raised his brows in surprise.

"As far as I know... I have no children." "Would, a wife/husband, or kids, have changed the way you look at things today, do you think?" She asked and Draco send her a look, warning her not to take it too far, to which she just glanced back, clearly unbothered. "Well," Voldemort said and took a sip of his wine, thinking about her question. "I suppose...- I quite understand your curiosity, my girl..." He said and then hummed.

"If I had a child... I don't suppose my mind would be changed much. As I am doing this to rid the world of all that is impure and filthy. I have no problem with the muggles, as long as they do not go around meddling with purebloods. If a child, of my off-spring suddenly presented itself to me, at this point in time. I would be surprised, as they would have to be around your parents ages." He said and sighed.

"But alas. That has not happened, and most likely, will not happen." Pansy smiled and bowed her head. "Thank you, my lord... I apologize for all the question, it had just been nagging my mind for some time now." She said and he hummed, nodding slowly. "It is quite alright. Now. Please, do eat."

And with that, the talking was held to a minimum, practically non-existing. Narcissa noticed that albeit Draco having food on his plate. He just pushed it around, never actually eating any of it. "You not hungry?" She asked and he hummed, glancing at her and then shook his head. "No... Sorry..." He said and she smiled. "It is alright dear..." But it wasn't, she was worried for her son. She had not seen him eat since he laid on her front door-step, only a day after having tried to kill himself.

Narcissa also knew that him and Pansy were not together, but dared not think about anything other than wishing the two happiness. And that she was 'proud of her son getting a pureblooded girlfriend'. "I'm proud of you..." She whispered to her son, and he tensed up, looking at her with wide eyes. "Why..?" He asked and Narcissa smiled softly, eyeing him and then glancing over at Pansy. "I am. Proud. Of you..." She said and then gently brushed her pinky against the back of his hand.

Draco sat on his bed the rest of the day and just looked at his wand, trying it out. It felt easier to use than his old one, which was kind of weird, but relieving at the same time.

Before dinner, there was a knock on his door and he hummed, then it opened and he saw Voldemort enter. His eyes widened. "Draco..." Voldemort said and closed the door behind him slowly. "My lord?" Draco asked and it felt sickening in his mouth. Voldemort sighed and looked around, before seating himself on the bed. "That. Pansy Parkinson, girl." He said and Draco hummed, nodding slowly. "I do not hope you are just with her, because she is a girl." He said and eyed the blonde, who furrowed his brows. "I am not discriminating against gays. Blaise, is a fine guy, I might add." He said and Draco blinked a few times.

"Pansy is a good girl, and would make a great wife. But do not use her to satisfy me or your father." He said and Draco gulped. "Pansy's parents doesn't know that she is gay." Draco said and the dark lord smirked. "And your father does not know that you are gay." Voldemort said and Draco nodded slowly, which made the bald man sigh. "Yes... I see why you are doing what you are doing. But, in a week, you're of legal age. Meaning you get all of your money and the estates that are assigned to your name. If you and Pansy Parkinson move in together over the summer... You can both live your lives. And don't be afraid when at the school after the summer. If anyone gives you any hassle on being gay. I'll kill them."

With that, Voldemort stood and sighed. "Talk to you later, Draco." And then he was gone. Draco having been left with wide eyes and mouth slightly ajar.

'Well... That just happened...'

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