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Okay, so I figured a closure was needed. So, the other chapter ended, with Harry ded ded and Draco depresso expresso, with a kid. 

I hated, killing Harry, to be frank, but it was needed, so that the last book could work. Hope you all understand and ain't hating me for it, ahaha. The 3rd book, is on its way, and I hope that you all enjoyed this one, as much as you did, part 1, as well as hope that you will enjoy part 3 just as much, if not more. 

And if anyone is confused, about the whole, DNA thing, and why I didn't include a reveal sort of thing, to Voldy. I don't know about the last part, but I can possibly help clear out the DNA thing about it all, and why the baby wasn't affected.

So as you know, there was the whole battle thing with Lily, James, Merlin, Severus, Minerva, Voldy and a lot more, which resulted in curses and magic being thrown all around them. In my AU, when a fetus is within the mother/carriers body, they will be a lot more vulnerable to magic, due to the whole ordeal with the amniotic fluids, and the fact that they have not yet developed any magical atributes.

But with Harry, we all know he's a bit of a special case, so instead of letting the curses that could potentially harm his mother, he absorbed the magic, and that began the build up of his magical core. 

Jinxes such as Voldemorts dark magic curses, like crucio or imperius, which they figured just didn't actually hit Lily, Harry absorbed, creating the dark parts of his core. But other curses, like stinging ones and expelliarmusses, he would use to build around and create the lighter areas. 

But like before mentioned, this is a bit of a different AU, so Magic, and Wands and such, hold DNA and gene markers, which means, Harry also absorbed that into his tiny little body. And that is also how he became the heir and Lord of the different houses, which will now go onto his daughter and Draco.

While we're on the subject of his daughter. The little girl was protected by the different curses, all the magic and different things, because Harry knew he was pregnant, since he started the trip. He did not know, while at the wedding however. But so early on, it does not matter that he drank a few glasses. As soon as he found out, he put up glamours and different wards around the fetus, to protect her. Which then made sure that she was delivered in the exact spot Harry had previously passed, and the wards would protect her, until they felt a pressence of one of her parents. 

So their Daughter didn't suffer at any sort of magical dilemmas. 

Then we have their wings. As mentioned in the previous book, Harry had the oppertunity of either becoming a Wolf or a Phoenix. He started out with the wolf one, because that is his original inheritage. The Phoenix one was only activated, due to Dracos pain and sorrows, and while Harry had not yet completely passed when Draco went through the inheritage, he too got it. And while they are mates, Draco obviously doesn't have all of the same skills and benefits of being the inheriter, that Harry does, he is extremely overpowered and really dangerous. 

I hope that helps clear some things up. Take care everyone, see you in the next chapter! 
~Author Cupcake<3

EDIT!! The last book is in the making, first part has been puplished. Please go check it out, and I will see you all there. Have fun!

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