Chapter 11 - The captured Death-eaters.

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Ron went ahead to fetch some wood for that nights fire, while Hermione and Harry set up the tent in their new location. "So, Ginny, Neville and Luna are gonna take care of the crown?"

Hermione asked as Harry had been filling her in on the horcruxes. "Yep." He said and Hermione furrowed her brows. "Okay... Let me get this straight. The ring, the book and the amulet are all gone... Then we need the Goblet, the Crown and that snake of his." She said and Harry tensed up a bit, nodding his head. "That is correct."

Counting in the many different things that were problematic about the boy before her. Hermione sometimes wondered if she was about to have her period, and that was why she saw all the emotions on Harry so clearly. But certainly, there was more to it than that.

Hermione narrowed her eyes and stopped hammering the ropes into the ground, in favor of looking at the boy before her. "What are you not telling me? Telling us?" She asked and stood up. Harry glanced over at her and sighed, letting the hammer fall to the ground as he dusted off his pants and stood up to face her. "There's a seventh horcrux."

Hermione's whole body froze as she heard that. A seventh horcrux... And why had Harry not informed them about this? She tried to go over all the possibilities as to why he would keep this from them, and the only ones she came up with, she did not want to face. The secrecy and tension of this piece of information could explain a whole lot of his behaviour... But still. He was very moody, even if he tried to hide it.

"What is it...?" She then finally asked and Harry turned his face and bend down to pick the hammer back up, raising his hand and with one swift movement, all the nails, ropes and the tent was in the air. When he moved his hand down, harshly to his side, and the tent stood.

"Harry... Answer me." "You don't need to know... It is being taken care of." He said and Hermione looked at him with wide eyes. "No. No no! We went out here with you to help you take care of the horcruxes! All of them! You can't just decide now that we don't need to know one of them!" She exclaimed, but their discussion was cut short when Ron came running and screaming back."RUN! FOR FUCKS SAKE!" He yelled and snatched up his bag as he came by it. Hermione and Harry quickly grabbed anything important and just ran after him. Luckily they had their things stored in Hermione's bottomless bag, so it was easy to come around.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Hermione asked as her and Harry caught up to Ron. "DEATH EATERS!" And the spells began to fly around their ears.



-1 hour prior.-

"Only the Slytherins are allowed home for the winter vacation." Snape said at the day of travel. "What...?" The others asked and he sent them all a glare. "Give me one good reason to send you all home... You are nothing but blood traitors and mudbloods. And what is to stop you from not coming back?" Seamus stood and slammed his hand onto the table. "Maybe the fact that you lot are all threatening us with our families?!" He yelled out and Snape raised his hand, the death eaters all vigilant to follow an order.

"Seamus Finnigan... You just earned a spot here at Hogwarts for Christmas, cleaning the whole place. Anyone wanna join him?" He spat and Ginny, Luna, Neville, Dean - Almost all the Gryffindors and a lot of the Ravenclaws stood their ground, as well as a few Hufflepuffs. "Great! I suppose you all can get this place spotless while you're here then. The rest of you, off with ya."And so, the many students that had stood, except for the youngest, all left the school, maybe for the last time. "This better be worth it..." Seamus whispered to Ginny who sent him a smirk. "Oh it most certainly is."

And so she looked up at Snape, who rubbed his ear...



Draco's parents came and picked him up at the school, his mother giving him a look over and narrowing her eyes at him. He glanced over at Ginny and saw that she was staring right at him, wide eyed and rubbed her ear, but it was only once. Which sent his mind into a spiral.

"Excuse me. I have to talk to Professor Snape about something first." He said and his parents gave him a weird look, before nodding and letting him hurry up to the teachers table, looking at the man and he hummed. None of the other teachers knew about Snapes alliance with them, and all sent him nasty looks.

"Sir. Can we talk?" He asked and Snape nodded, guiding Draco off to the side. "When you get home... Bellatrix will be asking you to identify, one Harry Potter..." He said and Draco felt his air catch in his throat.

"The mark..?"

"I don't know..."

"DRACO!" Lucius yelled and Draco composed himself before bowing to Snape and walking after his parents. "Come on, baby." Narcissa said and took Draco's hand before his father could put a hand on him, and so they walked off.


At the manor, Draco felt his heart catch in his throat. Pansy and Blaise were there with their parents as well, and three people were being brought in from a room off to the side. One with what looked like a slightly beaten up, but otherwise handsome face, and the other two were definetly Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. "Dray! My baby!" Bellatrix exclaimed and came running over with a huge manic smile.

Draco braced himself for the squeezing of his cheeks, but he couldn't take his eyes off of Harry. Feeling the anger bubble within him. He looked at Hermione and Ron and noticed that actually, they looked a tad different than normal... Their eyes and noses... Ron's hair colour was a bit blonder than usual. He felt a smirk as he looked at the lot and then turned to the group of death eaters.

"What are they doing here?" He asked, pointing to the trio. "We need you to indentify them as Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley and Potter." Lucius said and Draco raised a brow. "Don't tell me you can't see that this is clearly not them." He said and wandered over there, getting out of Bellatrix' grip.

"Weasleys are red heads. This man, is blonde with brown eyes! All the Weasleys have green eyes. Granger is a know it all Muggleborn." He said and sneered, sending her a look of apology, but she just raised a brow at him, playing the charecter. "This woman, is most certainly not, Granger. And Potter..." He gestured to the man on the end.

"Who the hell would think that this man is THE Harry Potter? Tattoo's?" He gestured to the markings. "Red eyes." He gestured to the eyes, and then gripped the mans Left arm, pulling up the sleeve. "And the Dark Mark. Great fucking job, catching the group of watchers in the woods." He said and threw Harry's arm away as if it was poison.

The death eaters all looked with wide eyes at the trio, as realisation hit them. "Potter most certainly does not have the dark mark..." Lucius said and then turned to the ones who caught the trio. "WHAT THE HELL IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" He yelled and while they were getting their asses handed to them. Draco untied Harry, Hermione and Ron, and took the bindings off of their mouthes, as well as their legs and wrists.

"Hurry and get away... I'll be okay..." He whispered to Harry and the red eyed man sent Draco a wink. "Be ready after new years, handsome..." Harry whispered back, making Draco's eyes widen as a smile spread on his lips. "Fucking fantastic..."

Harry held out his hand and the three wands landed in it. "Pleasure doing business with ya, Malfoy. But we were on the trail of those asshats when you all came and decided to play fucking heroes. So we'll be taking our leave." Harry said and bowed mockingly to them allas he apparated away, using his wand so that they wouldn't be suspecious.

"LEAVE MY HOUSE! AND FIND THE REAL HARRY POTTER! OR ELSE I'LL PERSONALLY HAND YOUR CORPSES TO THE MINISTRY MYSELF!" Lucius roared and Draco sighed, walking over to Pansy and Blaise who were both standing with smirks and folded arms.

"Let's go home..." He said and apparated them away to their house, where their school luggage was waiting.


"DRACO! YOU FUCKING GENIUS!" Pansy yelled and threw her arms around Draco's shoulders. "I COULD BLOODY KISS YOU!"

"Please refrain from doing so..."

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