Chapter 15 - Our Final Goodbye...

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A/N: Have fun reading! 

Draco walked with the head of Bellatrix in his mouth, by her hair, walking towards the dark lord who was staring at the wild beast. "Harry was his mate..." Narcissa gasped and Voldemort felt himself being scared for the first time since he was a young child.

Shredding the sorry excuse of a man, Draco threw his body over the edge and turned to the snake with a growl; knowing that the dark lord would be able to get back to life again if even a single Horcrux was left alive, he stepped on the snake and crushed it, biting its head off managed to do the trick, the Lycanthropy poison still coating his fangs.

After letting the adrenalin seep out of his body, Draco whimpered and fell to the ground, wanting nothing more than to just die. The strain on his and Harry's bond, was making every muscle and nerve in his body, ache, the feeling of it, burning and stretching as to not break. He needed Harry...

Draco sniffed and turned his wolf head to the side, ever so slightly, seeing Dumbledore's old wand, he narrowed his eyes and then nudged it with his snout, before gently picking it up with his teeth. Shakingly, he got to his feet once more and began to stumble over towards the place where Harry laid, now on a hospital gurney, still on the ground with his eyes closed and hands on his stomach. His head had lolled to the side, and he had hair covering some of his face... Harry doesn't like when he has hair in his face...

Whimpering, Draco dropped the wand onto his mates chest and nudged his body, before breaking down again at the sense of the cold porcelain skin. He shifted back to human, his shaking hands brushing away the wet curls that had grown so long that they reached a little past his shoulders... On such a short amount of time, there was no way, he wasn't a Potter.

"You said you'd ask nicely... You promised..." Draco whispered, shaky hands clutching at his, damp from sweat, clothes. "You promised... That you would come back..." Severus shakingly placed a hand on Draco's shoulder, but the boy shook it off, and he just sat beside his godson with a solemn expression on his face. "Please... Harry... Don't leave me..."

Hermione and Ron both sat on the other side of Harry, tears streaming down their cheeks from bloodshot eyes. Exhaustion, from not sleeping properly for months, overwhelming them both. "Draco..." Minerva said softly and Draco looked up at her, before lowering his head once more.An hour flew by, as they all sat and stood around Harry's body, unable to do anything, the killing curse having done its job... Everyone, except for Draco, had been patched up and seen to by Poppy and some of the others.

Hermione and Ron had been given some potions to help with their exhaustion and almost emptied out, magical cores. Draco was hugging Harry close, not alowing anyone to touch his mate. The bond was straining painfully in his chest, but it wasn't broken, which confused him. The steady flow of tears still left the corners of his eyes, but he wasn't raking with sobs anymore. Running a hand down Harry's chest, he settled it on Harry's stomach, his brows scrunching together. "What..." He whispered and shakingly raised his aching head. All eyes turned to him and Severus instantly helped, support his godsons body. "What the..." Draco's eyes widened as his hand flinched away from Harry's stomach, his head whipping around.

"Where... How..." He wasn't making any sense to the people around him, Severus was worried that the mental snap of losing ones mate had finally caught up to his godson, who had now lost both of his parents in the fight. "Draco... Calm down, what's wrong?" Severus asked, having to restrain the weak man from standing up and doing something foolish. Draco just shook his head and tried to fight against his godfathers restraint, Severus being surprised by the amount of force, let go.

Draco stumbled to his feet and went to the place where Harry had died, around 40 feet from where he laid now... Falling to his knees, he dug through some weirdly placed rubble, his eyes widened. "Holy shit..." He whispered and quickly got the rest away. Underneath the rubble, which had almost served as a protective barrier, was a sphere of bluish light, with a baby inside of it, securely protected and somehow, wrapped neatly in a blanket.

"H...ow..." Draco's voice broke as he reached down, the sphere popping as he picked up the child. Gasps echoed through the place, Draco felt the bond stop straining and he looked at the baby in his arms.

"Draco..." Severus calmly walked up to the man, sitting cross legged on the ground with the bundle in his arms. "Draco... How did you know..?" He asked and Draco gulped, shaking his head. "I...I... Harry's magic... It called out to me... I can't..." He stuttered through his sentence and Severus just nodded, finally up by Draco's side, only just catching his godson as his knees gave out underneath him, he looked down upon the baby.

"Are you saying... Harry Potter, was pregnant..?" Minerva asked, watching as Severus helped Draco settle down beside Harry once more, everyone desperate to get a glimbse of the child. "I don't know how... But yes... I believe he was..." Draco gasped, his eyes moving to Harry. Hermione followed his train of thoughts. "Harry knew... Of course he did... He must have glamoured his body from us, like how he did to make it look as if he had lost his left arm, as to not be called..."

Draco's markings moved and he glanced down, noting how the lines had formed into long and swirling feathers, the paws still visible as well. Poppy's eyes widened. "You said you felt Harry's magic calling to you?" Draco stiffly nodded. "Lay the baby down with Harry." It felt weird in her mouth to say baby, she had not been around a baby since Harry himself was one... Draco quickly shook his head, holding the bundle closer. This was the last piece of Harry, that he had left, he was not willing to let it go. It... Was it a boy or a girl..? Draco didn't even know... Oh why had Harry not told him of this?

"Please, Malfoy. Nothing will happen to the child..." Poppy said and Draco shot her a tearful glare. "How the hell do you know that?!" He snapped, Severus was quick to calm him down and all the eyes made Draco very self-conscious. "How do you know... That it won't die..? How do you know... That she- I mean..." Draco was confused. Why did he just call it, a she? "That they won't both be taken from me..."

He may have only just learned that Harry had been pregnant, and some how, the baby was here now... How had Harry been pregnant in the first place..? They were both, males... Severus, catching up with the confused look on Draco's face as his godson stared at the baby in his grasp,smiled. "A bonded mating..." He said, catching everyone's attention. "No matter, between man and woman or woman and woman or man and man... A pregnancy, is very possible when the love is truly compatible. Even Magic, makes mistakes. Albeit it happening rarely with you two's type of bond... There are the weaker mate bonds, such as elves, goblins, dwarves, vampires, werewolves and so on... Who it happens to." Draco glanced down at Harry. "A true shifter Wolf bond - not the werewolf one - is truly one of the rarest there is... While Phoenix bond has been recorded only once, in all of magical history..."
"Arthur and Merlin..." Draco whispered and Severus nodded. "I still... Don't understand..." Draco furrowed his brows. "How did Harry have all of those different DNA markers within him..?" Severus lowered his eyes, before glancing up at Remus, whom sighed and squatted down. "It's a long story..." Draco glared at him. "I have all the bloody time in the world, now speak." He sneered. Luckily, Remus knew better than to defy a grief stricken wolf.

"When Harry was concieved by his mother... The war had broken out... Before his parents knew that Lily was pregnant... They were in a fight, along with many others, that inclueded Snape, Minerva and Merlin himself, against Tom Riddle..." Draco nodded slowly, shifting to sit against his godfathers chest, more comfortably. "Harry was a fetus, at the time, and magic is actually very dangerous to fetus'... It can affect their growth, their living... And especially their magic..." This made Draco stiffen, the baby in his arms had been around magic her whole short life...

"While the fight was going on... Lily was hit with multiple spells, even from our side, as there was so much chaos..." Minerva recalled and her face paled. "Our magic... Holds parts of our DNA, Mr. Malfoy... And Harry, as clever as the little idiot was... Sucked in the magic from us all, instead of deflecting it and letting it affect his mother..." Draco was confused again.

"Harry got our DNA through magic..." Severus said and Draco nodded. "He has biological markers from us, due to the spells that came from our wands. It is likely that it was not only Lily's love for her son, that made the Avada Kedavra spell reflect off of Harry that first time all those years ago... But the fact that Voldemort shot the spell from the same wand that had been used to transfer his DNA into the fetus..."

"But... How could it be that he could kill Harry now, then..?" His voice thick with grief as he spoke, Draco looked back down at his mate. "Because... Dray..." Pansy said and pushed some hair out of her best friends face, knowing that he was in a world of hurt. "He was protecting you..."

After another panic attack, and having Poppy Pomphrey look over the baby, Draco finally allowed them to lay his daughter; yes, a girl, Poppy had confirmed it when examining the little thing; down by his mate. She had a clean bill of health, and that eased his aching heart.

Watching as his godfather took the baby from Poppy and gently moved down beside Harry. The girl began to fuss instantly as the warm embrace of someone, left her on the cold hard ground. Draco was about to scoop her up, right as she let out a wail of displeasure, but he was kept back by Hermione, Blaise, Pansy and Luna. "Nothing is happening... Please..." Draco sobbed and tried to wrestle free once more, but he was so tired... He just wanted to lay down and not wake up again. "Give it a minute, Draco... Let Harry's magic call out... Have you felt the bond, break..?" Poppy asked and Draco faltered. He hadn't... It had just stopped straining the second he laid his arms around their daughter.

"Exactly... Harry's magic is strong... That is why the dark lord feared him, as did Albus..." Minerva looked down at her former lion and over to his snake mate. "Albus was terrified of what Harry could become... He could easily feel Harry's magic, from day one... Which was the reason the boy was given to his horrid relatives... But alas... Harry turned out to be a better man, than anyone could have hoped for." Mad-Eye moody grumbled a low agreement to Minerva's words.

"I may despise that mark... But Harry never once failed to prove that he was light itself..." Many agreed with the two, while Draco's eyes stayed fixed on his crying daughter; until she hiccuped and became silent. His eyes widened. "Is she okay?!" He exclaimed, placing a shaking hand on Harry's left arm, wincing as something burned him- Burned... Harry had been cold a minute prior.

"She's just fine... Look, she's opening her eyes..." Poppy said and Draco watched, she was opening her eyes... A white light moved from where Draco had his hand on Harry's, it traveled up Harry's arm, as well as Draco's, before moving to Harry's chest and then over to their daughter. Now it was Poppy's turn to calm the itch of removing the baby from the magic... But Draco seemed to relax.

It happened so fast... The light seemed so calm and easy, until it exploded and blinded everyone. Draco stared at his mate, being able to see him and how two pearly white wings spread from his back and out to either side of him. They had a soft blue fire spreading over them and Draco glanced behind him. Seeing his own black ones with the red flames. But they were turning white in the edges.

And with a blink of the eye, all the light was gone. Draco stared at where his and Harry's wings had just been, their daughter sleeping once more, peaceful and seemingly happy. "What the hell was that..." Seamus gasped and they all looked at Harry, expecting to see something.

But nothing changed... And Draco leaned over his mate in tears.

A/N: Aaaand! CUT! Yes, that's a wrap everyone. Draco is a father, and Harry is dead. Sorry. Well, hope you enjoyed these two books-! ... Okay, I'm joking, kinda. Book three is in the making, where we follow our favourite characters returning to Hogwarts! Woohoo! Yes. Alrighty. See you later everyone!

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