🌷 I wanted to give ya. Once I am brave enough to take off this mask 🎭

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I wake up and press the feeling of loneliness down. I'll see Jimin soon.

We woke up early but I guess Jimin was earlier because he's nowhere to be seen. It works out for us but still sends a stab of longing through me. After we eat breakfast we do the decorating and Namjoon and Jin-hyung go to pick up the cake while Hobi picks everyone's outfits and cleans the kitchen and living room again. Yoongi, who for his part did a lot of the ecorating, sits at the table sipping his morning coffee. He'll be fully awake in about half an hour.

When Jin and Namjoon come back with the cake they don't let me see it. They were in charge of the design so it'll actually be a surprise for me as well.

We should be leaving for the company by now but we got manager-nim to cancel our schedules for the day. I text Jimin and tell him to come home. He doesn't reply so I text again. I even try calling him. I get worried then remember he probably just has his phone silenced so I call the choreographer because he's probably still at the company today and tell him to go and tell Jimin that schedules will have been cancelled. I explain the surprise to him and he enthusiastically agrees.

15 minutes later I am still waiting. The choreographer should have told him by now, my Jimin should be home. I text the choreography and he says that he told him. I am very worried now.

"We have to find him, what if something happened?!" I shout

"What! Who?"


"Is he not at the studio?"

"I don't know but he should be here by now."

"Yeah, let's go!"

We run downstairs and run to Tae's car, somehow Namjoon-hyung ends up in the driver's seat and has to switch with Jin-hyung. We race off towards the company.

When we get inside we immediately split up, Namjoon takes the gym, Jin takes the cafeteria, Hobi and Yoongi take the bathrooms and recording rooms respectively.

I take the dance studios. I go to the room we normally use first.

I hear footsteps and throw the door open.

Jimin is dancing, he does our latest routines flawlessly, but robotically and his eyes look far away. I can only see the back of him so I watch his reflection in the mirror. He looks empty, pale with dark circles under his puffy eyes. He's crying. I run over to him.

I wrap my arms around him, encircling him in a big hug.

"It's okay, don't cry, I'm here." I whisper

He sinks into my arms as if he can't support his own weight anymore. "Jungkook, what are you doing here?" He asks.

"Didn't the choreographer tell you? Our schedules were cancelled today." I ask

"Yes, but I thought It was just mine." He explains, freeing himself of my grip.

"Why would it be just yours?" I'm really confused. He doesn't answer.

I persist, "If you knew why you didn't come home, why did you stay here."

"I just wanted to practise some more."

"But Minnnnie!" My voice cracks, "you've been practising so much, I never get to spend time with you anymore. I miss you!" I'm crying now.

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