Chapter 1: The beginning

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I woke up at home on April 17th, 3094 at 5:00 a.m. I lay there wondering. I check my phone and roll over in bed while my cousin lays below me on video chat with her friends while playing on her computer. I jump off of the top bunk and she looks at me. "What are you doing up? You only fell asleep 2 hours ago" My cousin, Alexis, says to me. "I just need to go to the bathroom." I say, but in reality I don't want to sleep nor do anything. I want to be lazy. I head to the kitchen before I head to the bathroom. I jump on the counter and grab a lighter. I hop off the counter quietly, trying not to wake the twins. I head back upstairs and go to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and light a candle that was already put in the bathroom. I stare in the mirror and it reflects back. "Pft they say you're not yourself on the other side." I whisper. It's just my reflection. Rumor had it in my town that if you wake up when it's still dark outside and light a candle and look in the mirror, your reflection won't be the same. I almost set the candle out but I see a shadow in the corner of the other side of the bathroom. "Shit, this is real I think" I say to myself. I backed up in fear and hit the wall. There was another me and she warned me not to go on tiktok today. That was a little odd. Of course I was going to go on tiktok today. We're quarantined and I have nothing to do. She said I will regret it eventually. I asked her name, she said her name was Kylar. I asked her about it again, but once she was explaining she just disappeared. I tried getting to Kylar again. It didn't work then I felt a cold breath on my neck. Wait the rumors..they say only talk for about 15 minutes at most or a demon will appear behind trying to hurt you. Don't look up. Don't look up. Although I was curious. I looked up and saw it. My body was melting. I almost screamed then looked at my phone. Shit it's 6:15. Time flies in that other place. I throw salt around the bathroom and blow the candle out. I purposely left my crystals in the bathroom, hoping no one would find them. I headed back to my room where my cousin was still up. "Say you were in there for a while. What were you doing" she says. "I just fell asleep. That was a lie, before she could ask anymore questions I hopped in bed and went on my phone. A snap from my best friend this early? I wonder what she said. I opened it and it turns out she was woken up from banging in her room. She texted me asking for comfort so we sat there and called until the twins woke up. I told her I'll get her later and she was so happy. I looked at my uncle once I went downstairs and asked to pick her up. He just looked at me and said it's fine. We went and picked her up and she went on the top bunk with me and we were up there for a while. My cousin then goes downstairs and I look at Kalee, my friend. I told her about Kylar and the demon figure. She looked shocked at first then said that I should be careful. I told her I didn't believe it and she looked really worried. Alexis walked in then and brought food and drinks to us. Wow she was amazing. Definitely my favorite cousin. After eating Kalee and I head downstairs. "Hey auntie, Kalee and I are heading out for a bit. We'll be back around 3pm." My aunt rushed to me. "Where are you guys going? It's 9a.m. and you'll be gone for 6 hours?!" I replied to her "We're just going into town. You know that's about an hour and a half walk. We'll be okay plus I have my knife and she has her pepper spray" Kalee holds up her pepper spray and my aunt says okay. We end up taking our skateboards, and get there sooner. "Y'know I wanna know why Kylar told me not to go on tiktok" I say "I don't know Lorelia. Maybe you should just listen to her. Obviously she said it for a reason. Plus you know what happened to Alex last week when he tried that. He went missing and no one can find him. Obviously it's someone from the future or a guardian angel! Just don't do it Lorelia please." I looked down. I woke up at home on April 17th, 3094 at 5:00 a.m. I lay there wondering. I check my phone and roll over in bed while my cousin lays below me on video chat with her friends while playing on her computer. I jump off of the top bunk and she looks at me. "What are you doing up? You only fell asleep 2 hours ago" My cousin, Alexis, says to me. "I just need to go to the bathroom." I say, but in reality I don't want to sleep nor do anything. I want to be lazy. I head to the kitchen before I head to the bathroom. I jump on the counter and grab a lighter. I hop off the counter quietly, trying not to wake the twins. I head back upstairs and go to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and light a candle that was already put in the bathroom. I stare in the mirror and it reflects back. "Pft they say you're not yourself on the other side." I whisper. It's just my reflection. Rumor had it in my town that if you wake up when it's still dark outside and light a candle and look in the mirror, your reflection won't be the same. I almost set the candle out but I see a shadow in the corner of the other side of the bathroom. "Shit, this is real I think" I say to myself. I backed up in fear and hit the wall. There was another me and she warned me not to go on tiktok today. That was a little odd. Of course I was going to go on tiktok today. We're quarantined and I have nothing to do. She said I will regret it eventually. I asked her name, she said her name was Kylar. I asked her about it again, but once she was explaining she just disappeared. I tried getting to Kylar again. It didn't work then I felt a cold breath on my neck. Wait the rumors..they say only talk for about 15 minutes at most or a demon will appear behind trying to hurt you. Don't look up. Don't look up. Although I was curious. I looked up and saw it. My body was melting. I almost screamed then looked at my phone. Shit it's 6:15. Time flies in that other place. I throw salt around the bathroom and blow the candle out. I purposely left my crystals in the bathroom, hoping no one would find them. I headed back to my room where my cousin was still up. "Say you were in there for a while. What were you doing" she says. "I just fell asleep. That was a lie, before she could ask anymore questions I hopped in bed and went on my phone. A snap from my best friend this early? I wonder what she said. I opened it and it turns out she was woken up from banging in her room. She texted me asking for comfort so we sat there and called until the twins woke up. I told her I'll get her later and she was so happy. I looked at my uncle once I went downstairs and asked to pick her up. He just looked at me and said it's fine. We went and picked her up and she went on the top bunk with me and we were up there for a while. My cousin then goes downstairs and I look at Kalee, my friend. I told her about Kylar and the demon figure. She looked shocked at first then said that I should be careful. I told her I didn't believe it and she looked really worried. Alexis walked in then and brought food and drinks to us. Wow she was amazing. Definitely my favorite cousin. After eating Kalee and I head downstairs. "Hey auntie, Kalee and I are heading out for a bit. We'll be back around 3pm." My aunt rushed to me. "Where are you guys going? It's 9a.m. and you'll be gone for 6 hours?!" I replied to her "We're just going into town. You know that's about an hour and a half walk. We'll be okay plus I have my knife and she has her pepper spray" Kalee holds up her pepper spray and my aunt says okay. We end up taking our skateboards, and get there sooner. "Y'know I wanna know why Kylar told me not to go on tiktok" I say "I don't know Lorelia. Maybe you should just listen to her. Obviously she said it for a reason. Plus you know what happened to Alex last week when he tried that. He went missing and no one can find him. Obviously it's someone from the future or a guardian angel! Just don't do it Lorelia please." I looked down. "What if it's something good that will happen to me though?"

"Dude everyone that tried it and didn't listen something bad always happened. It's definitely NOT something good!"

I guess Kalee has a point. Maybe I should listen to her. It was quiet the rest of the way to town. We pulled out the money she took from her parents and headed into the vape shop. We asked the dude for 2 N-Joys and he gave us our shit and we paid him. Yeah we're 12 and 13, but they don't ID us. We end up going to the middle school and just sit there. Our other friends pulled up and we all just vaped. Ivy brought weed that she stole from her dad. We sat there until the police were near and we ran. We had a hiding spot and went there and continued. I looked down wondering about what happened that morning. Paris said "Lorelia you good bro? You're kind of quiet and it's not normal." "I agree, here take some weed" Ivy gave me it and I smoked it. I smiled and then explained what happened to them that morning. "Yo that's sick dude!" Paris said after. "It's not cool she could get hurt!" Kalee said. I looked at my phone. It's 11:39a.m. I stood up head out of our hiding place. I sat on the green grass questioning what happened that morning. Soon I heard the group calling my name and I stood up, turned around and everything went dark again. I heard them calling me, but was unsure. I felt a presence near. No, I blew the candle out earlier. I started heading towards my friends, but I felt someone tapping my shoulder. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I ran as fast as I could. The demon got out and followed me. Maybe I'm just going crazy. I stopped breathing and everything turned black. Once I woke back up Kalee was hugging me. "What's going on?" I asked. It turns out I was led on by a demon again and my friends were trying to pull me back from it. I felt so embarrassed and looked at my phone. 1:25. I look at Kalee "We need to go back home. See you guys later maybe?" We agreed to meet up the next day. After skating back home with Kalee it was 2:57 and we were hungry. We went in and got food. After eating Kalee, I took a shower. It was 3:59 then and my Uncle left to get something? Weird. He came back with a chair and Kalee and I were sitting down playing cards when he set the chairs up. I sat down in the chair. "I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back," said Kalee. Then it hit me. This morning I waited until she went upstairs and pulled out my phone.

Is its really just me? LORELIA 1Where stories live. Discover now