Chapter 5: The Hospital End

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The phone just rang, but everyone continued their conversations. I was getting annoyed by the ringing, as the nurse went and picked it up. "Yes.." The nurse looks over to Olivia, Nora and me. "Yes she's here. May I ask who this is?...Ah okay I'll get her for you" I really hoped it wasn't me. I looked back at Nora and Olivia as the nurse called my name. "Lorelia, your friend Owen would like to talk to you." I felt color drain from my face. How did he know I was here? How did he get the exact hospital? How does he-? They called my name again and I stood up and walked towards the phone. I picked it up shaking. I was scared, but Owen sounded worried. "Lorelia. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you and I love you."
"Owen, you have a LOT of explaining to do."
"I know. Trust me I know."
"Well then explain." I was still nervous, but hearing his voice was nice.
"Lorelia. Jayden was brainwashing me. I didn't want to hurt you any of those times. He kept telling people I was single and then they were always hitting on me and shit. They kept sending me nudes and you know I hang out with Jayden a lot. He took my phone and-"
"I have to go I love you Lorelia"
The phone hung up after that. I looked at the phone and then looked up. I casually just walked away with a straight emotionless face. I loved Owen so much. He was just so confusing. I wanted to just hide right now. I sat back down with Olivia and Nora. "What was that about? You look dead inside." Nora said as she poked me. I ended up telling them everything with Owen and Jayden along with the call. They looked at each other and looked shocked. I just looked down as Nora took my hand. "You poor thing. I'll kill them for you" she said. I don't know what happened at the moment, but she leaned over and kissed me. I didn't want to let go so I kissed her back as people started cheering us on. I pulled away as I realized what was happening as the nurses separated us. My face was bright red and I looked at her as she winked at me. Oh my god this was actually real. They sent us to our rooms as I sat outside my door and Olivia sat outside hers. Nora hand signaled us. I forgot what they meant so I saw the paper. I pulled out the paper from under my bed and looked. She held up a fist followed by 7 fingers. Meet up at 2:30 am in her room. I headed back out and gave her a thumbs up as she smiled and turned around. I sat down outside my door and talked to Olivia. She said that Nora had a crush on me. I just sat there blushing a lot. I didn't think she would. I suppose it's believable now since she had kissed me. I looked at Olivia who gave me a flirtatious smile. "You and Nora should totally date. After that kiss everyone will say you guys are together. I told her we will see then and I told her Nora told me to meet up with her at 2:30 in the morning. "Oh? You guys gonna smash?" she said. I looked at her with a blank expression. "No." At that moment it was time for dinner. We went out and watched a movie as Nora sat next to me as I ate and she rubbed my thigh where the nurses couldn't see. I turned bright red and looked at her. "Are you guys dating now?" Olivia said. I choked on my food as Nora smiled and said yes. There's no way she just said I was her girlfriend did she? Before we knew it, it was bedtime. 10'o o'clock P.M. We all said goodnight as we headed to our rooms and Nora gave the sign again. Only one nurse is on shift at 2:30 and they typically always fall asleep. I went to my room and closed the door. My roommate looked at me. I waited until 2:30 and then snuck out. I ran to her room and then closed the door. I looked over and she looked beautiful. I was so into her and I didn't notice what was going on. We just sat there and talked. I was falling for this girl more and more and I wanted to be her girlfriend. She was so sweet and I loved it. Why was I feeling like this though? I didn't think I was gay, since I was still in love with Owen. I liked both and I didn't want to. It felt wrong, but at the same time so right. I went to lean in and kiss her when suddenly a nurse walked in. I quickly pulled away and looked at the nurse. She ended up taking me and Nora away and when I went with the nurses,  I avoided eye contact with them, but Nora gave them a snarky attitude which ended up being pretty hot. I didn't know I was into girls who have a big attitude until about that moment. After the nurses scolded us they said there will be someone monitoring us at all times. I didn't like the sound of that, so I just stayed in my room more than half the time and she did too. I missed her, but talked to Olivia. Later that day two new girls joined our pod. The one looked pretty nice while the other just pissed me off just by existing. Rebecca seemed pretty cool. She got along with Nora and Olivia well. In that case I ended up talking to her and she was rather nice. Lila on the other hand only talked to Nora and got super close to her. I felt a wave of jealousy every time I saw them together. That small thing ended up building anger issues on me even more that I hadn't realized. When I went in to talk with the doctor I just sat there. I ignored him as he was talking to me about putting me on more medications. I only really got interested when he mentioned a discharge date. I sat there looking at him over the call as he said I need to do the following which were things I didn't want to do the most, but I was already in here for 3 weeks. I was ready to leave, so I was gonna listen. 1) Family counseling with my mom and grandma. Fuck I was not looking forward to that. 2) Remain calm and not yell or fight for the 3 days I have left, otherwise I will be discharged next week. That seemed easy enough. 3) Attend all my meetings I need to go to. That was easy. 4) On the last day, get blood work. Shit. That was almost a deal breaker for me. I have a fear of needles. The doctors and nurses bribed me with ramen and hot chocolate. I was fine with that, so I said yes. I headed back to the pod to join the group. I was calm. The next day went smoothly. Alright! One more day can't hurt. Would it? I sat down next to Olivia as she looked nervous. I asked her what was wrong and she said nothing as she was looking near Nora's room. I was confused so I stood up and walked over there as she tried distracting me. I knocked on Nora's door to see her with someone else. Lila. They were next to each other and Lila was rubbing all up on her. It was my last day, but I couldn't snap. I did it anyway. I started yelling and cursing Lila out. Nurses pulled me back as I sat in the hall defeated. I have to stay here for another week, great. I walked around and was so mad I punched a cement wall. That didn't feel good. I ended up going to my room as everything was being taken out. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Nurse Jennifer ended up bringing me to the side and said she found utensils under my bed and my roommate's bed. She ended up looking under my hoodie, at my arms and I was put in the safe room. We couldn't even have pillows. This was terrible considering the beds were just as hard as the floor. It was terrible. My therapist called me in then and I finally opened up to her. "I can't do people anyone. I'm always getting hurt. I don't know what I did and it just hurts. My mom continues to try to kill herself in front of me, I had to waste my childhood raising my brother. Yet, I'm childish, I'm irresponsible, I'm the bad kid. I had the mindset of an adult at the age of 7 because I had to raise him. I had to be a role model. I had to be the best so I constantly push myself to have straight A's because I need to prove I'm enough for people. I need to get into a good school and-" Before I knew it though it was the end of the session. "Thank you for talking to me, Lorelia" she said. I just looked down while leaving the room and I started crying. My mom and grandma came to visit me later. They saw my hand and demanded they take me to get an x-ray because it was swollen and bruised. I looked down and kicked the ground with my foot. I was later taken back to my room. It's cold. I slowly fell asleep as I felt terrible and didn't wake up until later that night. I ended up going to the emergency room to get an x-ray. It wasn't broken, but it was sprained. We headed back to the mental hospital where I ended up laying in bed. The rest of the week was boring. Then it was my release date. I hated this place more and more. I packed all my things and as I headed out I said bye to Olivia and my roommate. Everyone else was a bitch, but then I headed out and my mom picked me up.

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