Chapter 4: The Hospital Beginning

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My mom spent the night with me in the hospital until they came to pick me up, but I didn't care. I ignored her all night and then they came. They strapped me down to the bed thing they had brought me into the ambulance on. It was uncomfortable, but they gave me my blanket which I was fine with. It took half an hour to get to the hospital. Ugh this sucked so much. They checked me in and I looked at the time. 2:45 a.m.? Wow, time went fast I guess. I looked down and someone asked me questions after questions.
"How do you feel right now?"
"What are some of your triggers?"
"Things that cause you negative emotions"
"This place"
"Any prefered name?"
"Do you see or hear anything?"
She handed me papers and told me to fill this out for my contact forms. I put Kalee, Owen, Jayden, and my dad down. "Why is my mom and grandma here?! I DON'T FUCKING WANT THEM ON HERE!" I threw the board and they led me to my room. I flopped on my bed, waking up my roommate. She just looked at me and fell back asleep. Is this my life now? In a mental hospital? I rolled on my side and I passed out from being so tired.
I woke up to screaming in the pod. What the hell?! I stomp out of my room to see some kid yelling. I got surrounded by people my age. I just looked around and yawned. "5 more minutes for breakfast!" a nurse yelled from across the room. I just sat down when a girl that was a bit shorter than me was talking to me. We started talking instantly. I never found myself to have issues talking to people, just people that I didn't like. That unfortunately happened to be most people. A brunette girl with really pretty eyes sat down with me and the other girl. We all introduced ourselves. The first one to sit next to me was Olivia. The brunette was Nora. They later called us into the group and it was a little awkward. I looked around and they asked what we wanted for lunch and dinner. Fuck, I really didn't want to answer so I just copied what Olivia said. I sat there and looked down when they asked how we felt. I said fine. Typically people would leave you alone when you said you were fine. Not these people. They're so nosey! I couldn't go anywhere or do anything without one being up my ass! I wish mom never sent me here. About an hour later I got called into the doctor. I walk with the nurse out of the room. They set up a camera and a video call with the doctor. I talked to the doctor and it was boring. After the doctor they told me someone wanted to see me. It was the person from last night! I sat down as she handed me the contact form. I rolled my eyes and filled out the information for everyone. I slightly froze a bit filling out Owen's information, but it was worth it. I went back to my room and it was boring the rest of the night. I didn't have my phone on me or anything. What the hell? I just talked to Olivia and Nora. Later that night I got called out for a visitor. I was so confused on why someone was here and who it was so I ran out. I opened my eyes to see my mom?! My happiness quickly turned into anger and I snapped on her. The nurses had held me back from yelling at her even more. Who the hell did she think she was to show up and talk to me? I left and told her to fuck off. It felt good to tell my mom off for once. I went back to my pod and told them about what happened and we just made jokes about her. Gosh it was so funny. The next day I was taken to the therapist first. She was told ahead of time about what I did to my mom and what I said. I didn't regret anything. I openly told her I was proud and I hated my mom. I explained that my mom was the reason I was here and I'm perfectly fine.
"My mom never understands me. I'm perfectly fine. I get upset here and there. It's nothing serious. Am I able to leave? I never agreed to be here."
The therapist said I couldn't leave until I have a good weight and positive attitude. I thought that was bullshit. I should be able to leave when I feel good, not when they feel I'm okay. I looked up and she was taking notes. I just rolled my eyes and walked out of the room before I was able to be dismissed. I didn't care. I ran back to my room and laid on the bed. It was more comfortable, but the blanket was so thin. I took a nap and then later I woke up because of a nurse. I was confused, but so pissed off. They took me out and I saw my dad. He had a bunch of stuff for me. My eyes widened as I ran to him crying. "Take me out of this hell hole please!" He showed me the stuff he brought. Huh. I guess he knew and brought me stuff. I saw a new blanket and took it out. I turned around. He was gone. I looked at the nurse and they went through my stuff. I guess to make sure they didn't bring any weapons. At least I had a heavy blanket now. I dragged the blanket with me to my room as I laid on my bed. I just laid there. They were starting goals group soon. I didn't want to participate, but my friends wanted me to go out. I took my blanket out and aggressively fell to the ground and just looked at the nurse with a straight face. I didn't care what they thought of me. I could do my own thing and they couldn't boss me around. I laid down. What was the issue with this? It was still considered Christmas break. I ended up just talking to Nora and Olivia the whole time. That Christmas we ended up getting something special. Secret Santa from the nurses. I don't think I'll get anything from the nurses. I never talk to them and ignore them all the time. I didn't expect anything much when they called my name. I looked at the nurses and took it. I didn't want to open it so I took it to my room and fell asleep. I ended up waking up later that night. Everyone was still up so I decided to get a shower. I looked over after getting out and looked down at the gift on my bed. I picked it up while in my towel. I slowly started unwrapping it, but then I heard a loud knock and set the gift down to where you couldn't tell I was unwrapping it and hurried to put clothes on. I put on my favorite black hoodie and then I headed out to see who it was. I looked up to see Olivia and Nora. They wanted to play card games with me. "Yo Lorelia you down to play poker?" said Olivia. I guess it was alright so I went and sat down next to Nora and just looked down. I found myself eventually staring at her. "Oh Lorelia. Are you playing? You seem to be looking at Nora a bit too long" Olivia said. She gave me a stare like she knew something about me. I quickly looked in the opposite direction and tried to make up an excuse. In reality, I had a crush on Nora. It was pretty obvious. She was a year older than me, but was so sweet. She had these beautiful green eyes with silky brown hair. She has the most gorgeous freckles ever. She was the prettiest one and had the deeper of the female voice. I was attracted to that for whatever reason. Nora got called to go talk to the therapist. I looked at Olivia once she left the pod, which was the room we were in, and I said "I like Nora".
"Oh trust me I knew you liked her from the second you met her!"
"Hey! That's not true I just rea-"
"Let me guess you just realized you liked her even though you don't know how long you've actually liked her for?"
I guess I never really thought about it like that. Maybe I did fall for her at first sight. Nora came back then.  "Hey Noraaaaaa~" Olivia said. I reacted quickly and punched her and smiled at Nora who smiled back which made me blush a little. We continued playing our games, but then it was quiet time. I hated quiet time more than anything. Nora was on the opposite side of the pod which made things boring. Olivia and I sat there still playing cards and she looked me in the eyes with a flirty look.  "I talked to Nora about you." I turned bright red and looked at her room as she leaned against her door looking at Olivia and me. Oh shit. I quickly looked away. She's perfect. I looked at Olivia and at that point quiet time was over. I stood up as they called my name to see the doctor. I stood up and started walking. I had to pass Nora's room and she still stood outside her room. I started walking past Nora's room as she brushed her hand against my thigh as she walked passed. I turned around to see her winking at me. I quickly turned my head and rushed out of there blushing. I couldn't really talk normally after that for the session with the doctor. I walked back into the pod feeling red in the face still. Ugh why was she so sweet? Why did she look at me like that? I went and sat down next to Olivia. Nora was on the other side of the room. I was still blushing like hell, then Nora came over and sat down next to me. I could feel my face turning even brighter when Olivia said "Lorelia likes you Nora". I didn't know what to say. My face just dropped and then the phone started ringing.

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