Chapter 6: The Doctor and Kidnap

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It's been a while since I've actually been out without having people body guard me basically. As soon as I got home I ran upstairs to my room and got my phone. I called Kalee and we decided to meet up. She was on her way to my mom's house as my mom sat in the living room trying to talk to me. I told her I didn't want to talk, but she ended up taking Kalee and me out to eat dinner along with dessert. I was okay with this treatment, but that didn't mean I wanted to talk to her. As we were eating our ice cream my mom got a call from the hospital. Ugh I did NOT want to hear this. She put it on speaker as the receptionist spoke. "Hello, Lorelia is signed up to do our outpatient program. I was frustrated because I didn't want to go back. We still listened. They said it was the same thing as inpatient, but instead I'll go within the time they have school. They'll provide transportation. I told the lady I wasn't going, but it turns out it was a requirement to complete my treatment. I was not happy about that. I looked at Kalee and she said "At least they won't prisonate you" . She had a point, but I didn't want to go back. The next day I was picked up at my house by 7:35 a.m. and I got in the van. People started looking at me as I got in, but I just sat there and texted Kalee. As I sat there texting her, we slowly arrived at the mental facility. I sat there in the seat and sighed as we rolled in. I jumped out and continued texting Kalee. I didn't care what others said or thought, but as we went in I started getting anxious as they took me into the room. I looked at the person and she was the teacher-like person. She was happy and cheerful. She welcomed me to the class and sat me down. As I sat there as everyone introduced themselves and said how they felt I was still texting Kalee. Miss Petunia, the teacher-like person, reached her hand out as if she were trying to take my phone. No way was I going to let her take my phone, so I just kept texting Kalee. As she reached to take my phone I just handed her it aggressively. I didn't want to be here. This was dumb. I hated it here and I hated the people whether or not they liked me. I ignored her lectures the rest of the day and started drawing instead. Some pretty lady walked up to me. She took me back and it was the same thing on how it started when I went inpatient. This was dumb, but I answered her questions. She then mentioned what my coping skills were. I never really thought about it before, so I just stayed silent. I guess this is what happens when you don't pay attention. I started thinking about it, which then I got distracted by a painting which made me zone out. I didn't really think of the time. Just what was in that moment that caused me to feel peace and calm. It kind of made me tired in some form of way, but I liked it. Almost as if I was too tired. I didn't realize how tired I was at that moment until now. I was exhausted. Not only mentally, but physically. My body suddenly couldn't move and I just sat there staring at the wall. Before I knew it my mom was in here to pick me up and it's been 6 hours. I'm so full of energy now. I didn't quite understand what was going on, but there was a lot of note taking. It was confusing and hard to understand what was going on. I just zoned out to gain energy. My mom took me home then as I asked to get McDonald's. Kalee was there and we ended up picking her up. She practically lived with me. I sat there thinking about how I was going to deal with tomorrow. I'm just going to take extra sleeping medication and make me pass the fuck out. Kalee and I were watching a movie when I left the room to take my meds. I stumbled into the kitchen and fell down from being dizzy. What the hell? I stood back up and took a deep breath. I picked up my bottle and just dumped the whole thing in my mouth as I looked over in fear of Kalee rushing towards me throwing the bottle on the floor.

"Kalee. I'm trying to take my pills."

"No Lorelia. You were about to take the entire bottle of Prozac. Not Benadryl."

"No. No you-"

She showed me the bottle and it was Prozac.

"No. No. No. Kalee I swear I was only trying to take benadryl. Don't take me back there please."

I started to hyperventilate and cry. She hugged me.

"Lorelia, I'm not sending you back there, look at what they did to you. You're not okay."

I cried harder and she hugged me as we got food and watched movies. I felt so much better, but I was still crying. What was wrong with me? In all honesty, a lot. That's what the doctors said anyways. I still had to visit the doctor again. I went in, but it was an in-person meet? I was slightly confused honestly. I looked at the doctor completely with a weird face as she told me to sit down. I explained in honesty what had happened that night and suddenly she started laughing. My legs started bouncing. I was nervous. I looked up as her eyes and hair style changed. I was scared, so I stood up and tried running out. I was lost and confused. "Lorelia darling, where are you going? I freaked out and froze. "K-Kylar?" I turned around and then the room went dark and cold. Dimmed dark red lights went on and I felt a cold hand touch on my face. I was shaking as she told me to calm down and I suddenly blacked out. I woke up to what sounded like screaming, but it wasn't. I felt dizzy and unstable, but I didn't know where to go. Once I regained consciousness, I ran out of the room with the doctor and ran home. It got really cold outside and I couldn't feel anything. It was so cold, so I called Kalee. She got her parents to come pick me up as I was shaking and I saw a car pull up. I didn't even bother to check the driver. I ended up resting my head on the backseat and fell asleep warmly. I woke up to a huge bump in the road as I looked down at my phone. 362 missed calls from Kalee?! I looked up to see I was still on the road and it's been around a few hours since I got picked up. I opened my phone to read the texts from Kalee.

"Lorelia where r u gurl?"

"My parents are there to pick u up why arent u there"

"Im checking your location"

"Why are you in fucking Kansas."


And many more texts after that. I panicked as my phone battery dropped to 5% and I didn't have a charger on me. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I checked my location as we were almost in Oklahoma. I looked up and the driver looked in his mirror a little shocked I was up.

"Huh you're awake now? Here take this you must be hungry."

He handed me a bagel and a soda, and I decided to take it.

"Where am I and where are we going?"

He looked so upset and then tears started to fill his eyes.

"You'll find out then. I'm so sorry"

I looked down at my phone as he handed me a charger. It was hooked up to the car.

"You can text people. I don't care, we're going to be on the road for a while."

I looked around. It was kind of nice. He had blankets, pillows, food, drinks and gave me a charger. I didn't mind getting kidnapped though considering it got me away from my mom. I just started doing a word search on my phone. It was boring, but it was cool. His name was Max and he was really nice. He was 16. He got his license a few months ago and we ended up getting along really well. I turned 14 recently a little bit ago. We kept talking and we had a lot in common, although he was from a different state. He was from Alabama.

"So max. Why did you pick me up and why did you come from Alabama to Colorado?"

He looked shocked when I asked him that and then sighed.

"Lorelia..This may freak you out, but I'm your brother.."

My what?! I didn't remember having a brother. I'm so lost and confused. I jumped up and said "My brother?!" I said in a shocked tone. He looked at me with surprised eyes.

"You weren't told about me? I'm guessing you haven't heard about Everest either?"

"Who the hell is that?!"

"Our oldest brother. He's 20, but still lives at home with our parents."

We arrived in Alabama as I was still shocked and asked him about our family. I didn't believe him and then we stopped in front of a house. "This is our home," he said. We walked inside as I took my phone and soda inside. As I stepped inside there were two rather tall men and a lady looking at Max and me. They started to tear up as the lady came and hugged me "Oh Lorelia, we missed you so much." Things started spinning and then everything went black.

Is its really just me? LORELIA 1Where stories live. Discover now