Chapter 9 Part 2: First Day of School

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Well, we decided what parts to finish with in our assignment. We had 50 minutes to finish laundry, fold it, make food, and take care of a baby all at the same time. I wasn't ready for this. I don't think it was possible, but I had my best friend by my side. I enjoyed his company and then we headed to history. Oh I hated history more than anything. It was such an annoying subject. We continuously talked about wars and anything depressing. There were little to no happy things in history. I couldn't do much in the class except take notes and take tests. I was starting to get better at it since what we were doing in class we went over in my old school already. I waited and waited as the bell rang. Ah time for lunch! Jayden and I walked out and Owen had joined us. I felt slightly awkward, but everything was kept cool. We had headed to lunch as I just sat down. "Not gonna eat lunch?" Jayden said. "Nah, I'm not really that hungry." I said as Owen sat next to me. The tension between them was real and kind of scary, but I started up a conversation. "So, how's your guys and your classes?" Although I didn't really care, and I knew for some based on their reactions. No responses, so I got up and left the table and headed out of the cafe. Jayden followed as I looked at him and told him I didn't feel comfortable with being around both of them because of the tension between them. He looked sorry and hugged me. "I'm sorry Lorelia. Owen is just bad news and-" "Oh shut up Jayden you have the worst title in the school" Owen said walking out and dropping his stuff. I didn't know how to react between them. I just looked at them and walked away quickly. I didn't want to handle fighting and I tried to find my next class which was Cooperation and Music Theories. Jayden ran after me and Owen just looked at me and walked the other direction. I didn't know what this next class was as Jayden started explaining it. He was sweet and I soon forgot about everything between those two. Things went well the rest of the day though, soon we were at the end of the day. Hm. I guess it wasn't too bad. Gym was the last class which was pretty self explanatory. We soon ended up getting on the bus. I decided to call mom to pick me up instead, so I didn't have to socialize with people. She was at work, but she had Max come to pick me up. Max hugged me once he got here, but looked down at Jayden. They looked at each other with a deathly, cold stare. Max took me away, and Jayden looked mad. I was concerned a bit, although Max tried to brighten my mood. I soon forgot about the different situations throughout the day as we got home.

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