Chapter 11: Backwound

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"J-Jayden?" as he held a cloth on the stab wounds. "Lorelia, I'm so sorry. I never wanted you to be able to get injured like this. I only want the best for you, but I'm forced upon this job. My parents forced me to be this person, and I know it isn't good. I just want to impress my family. They forced me to become this." as he looked me in the eyes. "You heard Malira call me GA 3, right?" he said. I took as an assumption that Alexis was the girl that stabbed me. "Y-yeah. What the hell does GA me-" as he interrupted me. "General assassin." he said looking down. I looked shocked, and looked away. I suddenly felt scared of him, but he was helping me so I let it go. The stab wounds were painful, and it honestly hurt a lot more than what I expected. Jayden held my face as I started to close my eyes again. "Malira, I need to take her to the hospital. She's going to die." Jayden said. She looked worried, but agreed as she walked up to me. "If you tell anyone about this so help me I will make your life a living hell Lorelia." she said in a harder tone. It was slightly terrifying, but I was getting sent to the hospital to get this taken care of. Jayden lifted me in his arms as Malira drove us to the hospital. I was picked up as we arrived at the hospital, and Jayden carried me inside. Malira ran inside with us after parking the car. "Please! Help us!" she shouted as she ran inside next to Jayden as he held me in his arms. "My friend has been stabbed please!" She ran to a staff member as they ran over to me. I could hear the beeps and sounds as I was put on one of those moving beds they have there. I was taken into a room immediately, but I couldn't see much. I heard doctors around as Jayden and Malira were running down the hall chasing us. We finally got into a room as I was being asked a billion and one questions. I heard my mom's voice as I tried to open my eyes, and get up. The doctors held me down as she was holding onto my hand. "I'm so sorry Lorelia. I wish I was there to help you when you needed me." mom said. She seemed really upset as I was laying down, quickly losing blood. They found the type of blood I needed to be able to add to what I needed. Jayden and Malira were standing next to mom as I was almost in tears, squeezing mom's hand. I was in a lot of pain to say the least. The doctors spent a lot of time on my stab wounds. "Lorelia, it's a miracle you're still alive." the doctor said. "LORELIA, WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!", mom screamed as she was in tears. I knew I couldn't tell them it was Malira and Jayden. Soon dad came into the room, but he seemed to be in a good mood. As if he knew that I was gonna be hurt. He handed me my favorite burger from McDonalds. I just threw it at him as a police officer walked in the room. Dad continued to try to be in a good mood, but I suppose the officer thought it was suspicious based on the way I was acting around him. They grabbed dad. "Lincoln Holmes, you are under arrest for attempted murder on your daughter Lorelia Holmes. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." they said taking him out. For some reason he seemed happy, and enjoyed it. Mom was worried and chasing the police down screaming, "LEAVE MY HUSBAND ALONE! HE WOULDN'T DARE TO HURT OUR DAUGHTER!". You could hear dad laughing throughout the hall, but I didn't have the strength to chase them and say Malira was the one who actually tried to hurt me. The doctors said they needed to do an emergency surgery since it seemed like part of the knife was left in my body and blood stream. I was rushed into a surgical room as they put a mask on me. I felt dizzy and soon felt like I was asleep. When I woke up, I was the only one in the room. Soon I heard a familiar voice. K-Katherine?! "Lorelia! You must run away. Stop trying to fight me off. I can't leave you no matter how many times you try." she said. After that I didn't hear her for the rest of the day, but I was all spooked. The doctors could easily tell something was wrong. They looked at me, and said the surgery was a pass. Two people walked in the room, and they looked familiar. I wasn't sure who it was. I couldn't put my finger on it. "Lorelia, I can't believe it. You're okay!" the guy said.

"Sorry, but who are you guys again? I don't remember. I feel like I know you, but I'm not sure." I replied.

"I'm your boyfriend, Jayden. This is your best friend Malira." he said

The girl waved and held my hand. "Oh Lorelia! I'm so happy the surgery was a success." Malira said. "Look, your dad went crazy, and tried to kill you." Jayden said after her. I knew something was up. Jayden and Malira came in to visit more often, so I decided to study the way they acted towards each other and myself. Once I got discharged they called my mom to come pick me up. She looked like she hadn't eaten in days, and lost a lot of sleep. I guess that's what happens when your kid is in the hospital, and your husband tries to kill your kid. She didn't look too happy to see me, but that was understandable. When we got home, she just walked inside, locking the car door behind her. I was still young. 14 to be exact, and was locked inside the car. I stayed inside the car until someone was to walk by, but no one came by at all. It got dark and cold, and I didn't have a blanket or towel to keep me warm. I lay there in the back of the car waiting and waiting to be let out. Before I knew it I was asleep. When I woke up I felt cold and shivering. It was snowing? I grabbed what looked like a phone, and looked through the contacts to see if I could call anyone. Last messages that were sent appeared to be from someone named Max. I decided to call the number.

"Hello?." I said as the phone answered.

"L-Lorelia?!" the voice said. "Where are you?! Mom said you died, and the police accused dad of killing you!"

I assumed that this was my brother because of his word choices.

"Uhm yeah. I'm in a car right now. It's in a driveway, and I lost all memory. I want to assume you're my brother right?" I replied.

"Yes. Yes! I'm your brother! Okay, okay. What does the driveway look like?" he said.

As I looked around in the dark, and snow without getting out I looked around out the window. "Well it's snowing. It's dark outside. There's a tall house next to the car on the left side, and it had a light blue window outlining." I said.

He seemed to know where I was as I heard wind blowing through the other side of the phone. The door flew open with a guy coming out who looked a bit older than me. A ringing started coming from the phone, and suddenly hung up. The person ran to the car with keys, and unlocked it. He picked me up and started to speak. "Oh my god. I'm glad you're okay. I can't believe mom would do this to you." he said. It was Max. He tried to take me inside, but mom was at the door. An aggressive slam and lock was there. We tried to open the doors, but there was no budging. Max took me back to the car, and started it. He started to drive away as mom ran out of the house chasing us. He looked calm as if this happened before. He drove to a random house and pulled out a key from his pocket. "Come on." he said, getting out of the car. I hopped out of the car with him, and we walked to the house. "I rent a tiny house here and there in case something bad happens and I need to get away from mom." he opened the door and we walked in. It was quiet, but dirty. There was dust everywhere, and not much of other necessities. I sat on the couch that Max had sitting in what appeared to be the living room. The lights were dim, and the couch was slightly rough. It was a light brown, and busted everywhere. We sat down and we almost fell asleep until there was a loud knock at the door.

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