Chapter 7: The Trial

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My head hurts. I looked at my phone. It's 6:37 p.m. I looked at the ground and then looked back up. I jumped out of the bed I was resting in and a pair of slippers I found on. I looked in the mirror that was in the room. I was in my normal clothes. Hm I wonder if I-

"Oh my gosh! Mom, Dad! Lorelia is awake!"

A few people ran in and asked how I was feeling. "Confused and dizzy I suppose.." I looked at them and they hugged me with a sweet touch. It felt different, but a good difference. I hugged them back and we went downstairs. The mother's name was Maple and the father's name was Lincoln. Maple had a sweet country accent with golden brown waist length wavy hair and bright blue eyes with a few freckles. She was about 5'10 and wore twin braids with cowgirl boots, a cowboy hat, a pair of jeans and a blue flannel. Lincoln was about 6'5 with dark ginger hair, green eyes and lots of freckles. He just wore a t-shirt with a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Everest had worn an eyepatch and he had golden brown hair like Maple. He just wore jeans and a t-shirt. Max had golden brown hair, but green eyes. I guess I shared more traits with Lincoln than Maple. I had dark ginger hair, freckles, and bright green eyes. I just wore pink and black pajama pants and a long black shirt. A golden retriever dog ran in and jumped on me and then I started smiling and laughing. I loved animals, but my favorite were frogs. I felt at home for once. We decided to go out for dinner and then Maple said something that sent me into tears. "Lorelia, do you mind if we adopt you eventually?" I started crying, but I managed to get my words out. "Give me a bit to think about it. About a week." The rest of dinner went really well and we even had a family game night. That night I ended up waking up at night. I looked over at my phone and called Kalee. I ended up telling her everything and she was shocked. We ended up talking for the rest of the night and I fell asleep around 7 a.m. I later woke up around 1 p.m. and when I got out of bed and went downstairs, I saw Maple and Lincoln were sitting down waiting for me with a police officer. I didn't know what was going on so I came downstairs and asked what was going on.

"Are you Lorelia Varmessa?"

"Uhm yes I am? Why?"

"We need you to come with us."

The police took me into their car and took me away from Maple and Lincoln. We went to their local police station. I looked around as the police walked in with a detective. I looked around as they sat down and asked me questions. The conversation went on for a while, but they eventually took me back to Maple and Lincoln because they couldn't transfer me out of state. My mom ended up demanding a court case for kidnapping and Maple and Lincoln wanted to fight for custody. Everything was happening so fast and I didn't even completely know these people. I was okay with them adopting me though. We ended up getting a DNA test for the court date, but the judge wanted to open it on the court day. We all got ready as I started bouncing my leg. We had to go to Oklahoma as a halfway mark. It didn't feel like a halfway mark though. I ended up falling asleep in the back of the car again. We arrived as my mom and dad stared at me. I never saw my dad look at me like that. I was a little hurt, but Maple walked up to mom and spoke. "It's been a long time sister." Wait. Sister?! "I agree, Maple." They aggressively shook hands and the tension between them was really really strong. We walked into the room as there was a lot of talking. I zoned out for the most part until the judge pulled out the DNA results.

"Miss Lorelia, may you please stand up and come to the front."

I walked forward, shaking and scared for the results. I had faced the judge as she said."It has come to my attention that you have technically been kidnapped by Maple and Lincoln Holmes. They have claimed to be your parents as you didn't even know they existed until a few days ago. Considering that information and Rebecca and Doloris have been considered your parents for 14 years, we assume that they are your real parents. The only way they couldn't be is if your identity was stolen, replaced and hidden which is ALL highly illegal. Hypothetically if Mr and Mrs Holmes are your real parents they would instantly get custody of you and earn their custody and rights for having you. Mr. Varmessa and Mrs. Iphorman will go to jail for 10 years. If Mr. Varmessa and Mrs. Iphorman are your real parents tough Mr. and Mrs. Holmes will go to jail for 10 years and since Max Holmes was your kidnapper, he will go to a juvenile detention center for 2 years. Is that understood by both parties?"

Both parties nodded their heads and I was slightly nervous and sweaty. I really hoped that Mr. and Mrs. Holmes were my real parents, but then I would have to say goodbye to Kalee. I looked at the judge as she opened the letter.

"The parents of Lorelia Varmessa are...."

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