Chapter 8: The Re-Beginning

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"The parents of Lorelia Varmessa are Mr. and Mrs. Holmes." the judge said. Police officers started walking in and handcuffing Rebecca and Doloris as they were cursing the judge out. Wait, that means that I need to move and everything. "Lorelia. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes will now take you, but you guys will go back to Colorado to retrieve your items and then you will be moving in with the family. There will be a case opened to figure out who's real identity was stolen and who you really are. Court case closed" and she hit the hammer of the block thing. I ran over to Maple and Lincoln who I could now call mom and dad. We got in the car and we all went to Starbucks and McDonalds afterwards. We started heading to Colorado as we were talking about what all happened as I was living with Rebecca. Maple looked back at me. "Sweetheart, I need to tell you something about Rebecca. She's your aunt. We both had kids around the same time. I had you and she had a Wren.. Wren is your cousin, but she went missing a few months after birth. She accused me of stealing Wren and then she took you away from us. She managed to change your identity completely and caused a lot of issues. We decided not to contact the police because they threatened to hurt you if we did. We eventually had someone spy on you. You may know them." As we pulled up to the house I was confused and Mom looked at me and said "Kalee is your cousin that is actually Wren. Doloris stole Wren away from Rebecca and then they both decided to steal you away from us claiming we stole Wren." I was shocked and called Kalee. The call answered right away as I heard Kalee say "Hey Lorelia. I guess you know now. I'm actually Wren. I know that I may not have been your best friend, let alone your cousin. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I get you may be mad. I'm sorry. I love you" and I heard a loud bang coming from my old house then. I ran inside and checked what it was. As I checked all of the rooms I got a strange feeling. Maybe I was just going crazy. My mom came and put her arm around me as we headed up to my room to get packed to leave. I opened the door as I saw something I wouldn't want to ever possibly see. "K-Kalee?!" I ran in and tried taking her down from what was hanging from the ceiling in my room. My best friend and cousin killed herself.? S-she hung herself in the very room I used to sleep in. I started to ball my eyes out and the police were called. They investigated as I finished packing and they let us return home to Alabama. I was destroyed and my heart hurt as I was constantly crying and weeping over my dead best friend. How did I not know? We started heading back home and my family had bought me ice cream and chicken nuggets to try to cheer me up. We reached Oklahoma and we stopped in a parking-lot. We got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the place. I looked around confused and looked at my mom and dad. They smiled and said "We figured we could cheer you up by taking you to an amusement park. Do you like roller coasters?" My eyes widened as I jumped up saying "I love roller coasters!" We all headed in and I tried to forget about what happened with Kalee. We enjoyed our time at the amusement park and we rode multiple roller coasters. We stopped and got food at one of the stands. "So Lorelia, you got a boyfriend yet?" Dad said to me. I suddenly remembered Owen and I started to tear up. ", but there's this one guy I'm really interested in." I started to cry, so they dropped the subject. We went for more rides after eating and then the park was getting ready to close. I was a little disappointed, but it was a good day for the most part. I decided that it has been a while since I messaged Jayden, so I decided to call him and update him on what happened.

"Wait, so you moved to Alabama now?!" "Yeah basically"

"What part?"


"Wait seriously?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I live there with Owen. We go to Florence Middle School."

I put the phone down real quick and looked at mom.

"Hey mom, what school will I be attending?"

"Uhm Florence Middle School I believe. You'll be starting next week on Monday."

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