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Why am I so quiet?

That I wish I was alive?

Why has life put me here?

If I'm not here to thrive?

Why am I seared with scars?

When I'm trying to be brave?

Why have I become quiet?

When my voice used to be loud?

Why do I face all this pain?

What took me down all these winding ways?

Why is the path never straight?

Why is it always broken?

Why am I split into thousand pieces?

Why am I not together?

Why do I continue to fall lower?

If my grip is still so tight?

Why is there a feeling?

An evolution that I see?

Why is it so loud now?

When I first found myself so quiet?

Why am I not holding back?

Why am I just screaming?

Why do I just feel so free?

When was I trapped away?

Why am I running forward?

Am I desperate for freedom?

Am I really alive or is this a dream?

Why do I speak now when my sounds were first so quiet?

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