Cooper(Luke cooper)

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This story is like so cute Brooo I got this from one of my dreams I loved it so much
And all there is a little bit of Kissing Flirting Holdingo Hands
And cussing that's all.

It's my third year of working here at the office, everyone says that it's a living hell but I don't think so, I like having people around well only people I talk to like Jim and Pam. Jim's my best friend he talks to me when ever he's down or just wants to hang out, and Pam,
Pam and I like water colors and paint things.
I was the youngest person at the office, and it isn't bad but sometimes you get treated like a little kid,
You were talking to yourself then you here 'Coffee monkeys arrived'
You totally forgot that Michael
Hired his nephew everyone crowd up where he was so I knew I was gunna be the last to get coffee
I don't think they like him I heard someone say 'dick head' or
Big O
And that Michaels nephew got
Someone decaf,
I really didn't care what I got to be honest what ever I got, I got.

Finally, I was the last one after
Waiting for about 2 minutes.
Once I saw him he turned around as I walked up to him I wondered why.
But then he turned around he was bright red he looked so cute.
Fuck I can't say that to bosses
Nephew, what the hell is wrong with me.
????:here you go beautiful.
Did he call me beautiful?
No no he just said that because
I was the shut up y/n and why the fuck am I blushing bro.
What the hell???
Y/n giggled slightly
As he passed y/n her coffee
Y/n: hi am y/n
You are?
Luke: Luke, Luke cooper
Y/n: well thank you Luke
Luke: no problem
He said smiling.
As I was walking Jim asked me
Jim: y/n are you ok?
Y/n: why you ask?
Jim pointed at your face then said
Jim: your red, Like red red you can go outside if you want for a bit you know.
Y/n: oh Um am fine, but thanks for asking.
Jim's pov
Jim:Something's up with y/n Pam.
Pam:Jim your really really dumm. She said as she was laughing
Jim: why dumm?
Pam: Jim, can't you see that she's in love.
Jim: uhh no.
Pam:Jim, jim,jim,
Pam started laughing at me I didn't care but she was so cute :)

Y/ns pov
I sat at my desk and got a phew calls from places then it just stopped. I look behind me
But then I turned back because I made eye contact with Luke for like a second but I couldn't handle it, I blushed to hard,
But all I heard is that someone was calling his name
People were complaining about Luke, but I don't know why?
Luke's pov
I was gunna pass the last coffee to the last person but then I stoped and looked away and why is she so pretty?
I snapped out of it and blushed hard and turned to her again.
Luke: here you go beautiful.
As I said it I saw her go red
Like a rose or a strawberry.
She looked so pretty,
Her eyes her style,
Her hair the way it brushed down her shoulder.
Man my stomach
It feels like I ate a bunch of butterflies.
Y/n's pov
I heard Michael say my name
So I got up and walked over,
Y/n: yes mike?
Michael smiled at y/n and said,
Michael: can you and Luke go to the supermarket to get ice cream.because it's national ice cream after noon.
Y/n: Why m-
Michael looked at me, and waved and pointed to his office. We walked to his office and said.
Michael: y/n I just feel that Luke would be more comfortable with you, because you guys are the same age.
Michael: and plus, he's the only one that didn't speak to you rudely of say anything bad to you.
Michael:thank you.
As we smiled at each other we walked back too Luke,
Michael: now please don't get a ticket or get pulled over.
Me and Luke nodded then Luke said Luke: Great.
As we walked out Luke asked,
Luke: y/n.
Y/n: ya Luke?
Luke: how old are you?
Am sorry for stopping but I don't now how old Luke is so I am just gunna say he's 17 because he looks 17,
Evan peters was so young,
But he will always be beautiful. 😍 <3
Y/n: 17 why?
Luke ignore my question and asked.
Luke: and your birthday?
Y/n: September 6?
Luke: dang we're the same age but not birthday.
Y/n: whens yours?
Luke: January 20
Y/n just sighed,
Luke: wait did you drop out or something?
Y/n: ya I did
Luke: why is that?
Y/n: family problems I don't want to talk about it.
Luke: oh sorry.
We made it to the supermarket.
Luke: I think we should get that one.
Y/n: nah I think this one.
Luke: let's just pick with Rock Paper Scissors.
Y/n: Okk.
Luke ended up winning.
Luke: yesss I win you lose!
Y/n: aw man.
Y/n starts laughing.
Luke: what's so funny?
Y/n: I don't know.
Luke: am glad I met you y/n.
Y/n blushed.
Y/n: me too cooper.
Y/n and Luke just smiled at each other,but y/n noticed that Luke was getting closer
And closer.
Y/ns pov
Luke had kissed me,
On the lips,but then he started pulling me closer to him.I can feel his arms under my shirt it felt weird,but then I got used to it,but then he went to my lower body.
I let out a soft moun .
And I can feel him smiling,
End of y/ns pov
Y/n: Luke.
Luke just stared into y/ns eyes and said.
Luke: I love you so much.
Y/n: me too but.
Luke: you don't?
Y/n: Luke I do, it's just we have to go back to the office.
Luke: oh shoot I forgot about them.
Y/n started laughing then stoped.
And they started walking back to the office holding hands.
They made it there and the went to the meeting room.
Luke: calm down here you go animals.
He placed the bag that we got from the supermarket.
And they were complaining about it.
Until they noticed that you guys were holding hands. then all of the girls at the office say
Me and Luke were wondering why they said that, but then me and Luke quickly unconnected our hands.
Michael just looked at me and smiled and also Pam.
Then it was a meeting and we had to sit down.
I sat in the front of the room but away from Luke,
I didn't like it.
After the meeting
Then I looked out of the window and saw everyone crowded around Luke's car.
I didn't go outside because it was too hot,then after they came all inside,I saw Michael on his computer.
I think he was in a meeting,
I was reading his lips
And he said I love him.
I knew he was talking about Luke,so I just turned around and I saw Luke staring at me,
Then he quickly stoped and looked away
It was really cute.

A few minutes had passed and I went to go in the snack room,Luke was just putting the food that Michael was passing him in the trash.I just stood there watching him,then I think he felt someone looking at him then he look d at me.
And waved.
I waved back and walked away.

I saw Michael doing all the work that Luke should have been doing. But then I got a message from Michael.
But he's not at his desk I looked over and it was Luke.
He said,
Text messages:
Luke: hi beautiful<3
Y/n: hi:)
Luke: after work wanna hang out?😃
Y/n: uhh sure.
Luke: :)
Y/n: love you bye I have to work.
Luke: aw ok bye bye beautiful.
Y/n: <3
End of text messages

I got back too work.

Then there was a meeting I was the first one to get there then the second was Luke,
Luke sat right next to me.
Luke: hi beautiful.
Y/n: hi Luke
Luke: I forgot to ask you Um something.
Y/n: ya what is it?
Luke: will you um be my
Y/n: yes Luke.
I laughed.
Luke: few I thought you were going to say no.
Y/n I would never say no.
Luke kissed y/n on the neck,
Then stoped because Jim came in.
Jim rose his eye brow and then took a seat in the side.

After 2 minutes everyone was there, then Luke started playing around with a red light that he was supposed to be pointing at the scene.

Then he went out side,then pointed it at a guys eye,
I think he was over reacting.
I tried to tell Luke to stop but he would not listen,
I saw Luke get smacked,
I told him to stop but he just did not listen to me so I kinda think he needed it.
He grabbed his bag and ran over to kiss me on the lips and
Said bye.

I kissed back then he left,
Everyone was looking at me especially Michael.
But then pam said,
Pam: aww young love, it's so beautiful.
Everyone started looking at Pam and laughed.
But then they were saying that Michael did the right thing.

After work I texted Luke my address and then went to my house and changed.

then fell asleep a few minutes I herd a knock on my door I opened it and I saw Luke, Luke: Y/N!!!!!He sounded so excited To see me,no one ever was excited to see me,until nowY/n: hi Luke

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then fell asleep a few minutes
I herd a knock on my door
I opened it and I saw Luke,
Luke: Y/N!!!!!
He sounded so excited
To see me,no one ever was excited to see me,until now
Y/n: hi Luke.
I said smiling.
I told him he can come inside with bags.
Then I close the door,
I turned around and I saw Luke.
He kissed me then and I kissed back,then he pulled me closer to him.He then was kissing my neck while he was doing that he was also unbuttoning my
He pulled it off while still kissing my neck.
He stoped and then looked at me then he said.
Luke: y/n your so beautiful I love everything about you.
I just smiled at him and held his hand and walked him to the couch.
We watched Netflix and
Watched My Girl.
Then once it was done he turned off the tv
The only light in the living room was the kitchen light that was not not bright.
He then kissed my lips and let go and we cuddle then I felt his arms rap around my waist.
Luke: I love you y/n
Y/n: I love you too cooper.
(1886 words read:)

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