Oh, wait what?( kit walker)

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I fucking hate it here,
I didn't Even kill my dad,
He fucking did it to himself.

I sat in the corner of the room and smoked a cigarette.

While I smoked a pretty man walked up to me.

???: um can i sit here?
Y/n nodded at him.

Kit: hi am kit, and you?
I looked down at my feet
Y/n: am Um y...y/n.

Fuck fuck calm down it's ok

Y/n kelpt smoking

Kit: can I have one love?

He called me love what is this fucking feeling FuCKkKk

Y/n handed him one

Y/n: i swear if you waste,it
It is very hard to get.
Kit: I promise I won't waste it.
Y/n: good.

Y/n and kit talked about how they got in here and why.

Kit: I didn't kill anyone but they didn't believe me.
Y/n: it's ok they didn't believe me ether.

Y/n and kit got comfortable with it each other and then
Y/n laid on kits shoulder

Kit: you don't talk very much
Don't you?
Y/n: i don't because most of the people here are ment to be here and um and they
Wouldn't understand.
Kit: Mmhm

Y/n mushed her cigarette on the floor because she had finished it and also kit

Kit: how come you were not talking when I came up too you?
Y/n: I wasn't talking because
Um you know that I don't talk to any one here unless I have to so um ya.
Kit: but how come your talking to me?
Y/n: Um I  don't know
Kit: but what?
Y/n then started to giggle at bit
Y/n: because your very very attractive
Then y/n started to laugh

Kit: oh, wait really?
Y/n: yes very much.
Kit: well you are too beautiful.
Y/n and kit just stared at each other

Y/n turned bright red
Kit noticed and started to laugh

Kit: yes and I do think that.
Y/n: same here.

Y/n smiled at kit and then she saw him turn bright red.

Y/n: now whose blushing.
Y/n giggled
Guard: kit and y/n go to your cells!
Y/n: SoRrY
Kit started to laugh
Guard: now y/n and kit.
Y/n: fine

Y/n and kit sat up
Y/n: Um so see you tomorrow?
Kit: ya, see you tomorrow y/n.

Kit grabbed y/ns hand and kissed it and walked away

Guard: come on y/n,
Your little boyfriend left now.
Y/n just looked at Him and rold her eyes.

Y/n: he's not my boyfriend.
Guard: yet.
451 words

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