What are you doing? (Cooper day)<3333

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You are cooper have been best friends since you guys were 5 years old
You too have a crush on each other by the way byeee<333

Y/ns mom: the days are coming over so get dressed
You better greet everyone.
She gave you a look and walked out of your room.
Y/ns mind
Oh man hate the coopers.
We'll all except cooper.
Cooper day I love you so much

Y/n screamed in her pillow and then got up to go get dressed.

You looked in the mirror Y/n: wow I look ugly ?????: no you don't You turned around and you saw cooperY/n: you got hear so soon why is that?Cooper:Well first of all I live right next to you and there is a tree right next to our windows so I can climb

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You looked in the mirror
Y/n: wow I look ugly
?????: no you don't
You turned around and you saw cooper
Y/n: you got hear so soon why is that?
Cooper:Well first of all I live right next to you and there is a tree right next to our windows so I can climb.
You just laughed and then smiled at him
Then you realize that he was getting closer and closer
Then he was so close to you face that you can feel him breathing on you nose
Y/n: what are you doing?
Cooper: something I wanted to do once I saw you. He smirked then kissed you
You were shocked but then kissed back
He then started holding your ass
Then he started kissing your neck
You moun quietly
Y/ns mom: Y/n the days are here!!!
You and cooper quickly looked at each other and said
Y/n: I love you cooper day.
Cooper: I love you too y/n y/l
You and cooper ran down stairs and he say his parents and they gave him a look
I laugh and greeted all of them, and sat down.
Then I saw cooper sit right next to me he smiled and sat down

20 minutes later
Y/ns mom: you should go show you room to cooper.
Y/n looked at her mom then she got out of her chair and holded coopers hand
Once they made it they heard laughing
Y/n rolled her eye then walked in the room with cooper then she shut the door and then locked it
Cooper and y/n sat on the bed for 2 seconds
Cooper: am sorry for what I did.
Y/n: am sorry for what I did.
They said it at the same time
Y/n looked at him and smiled
Cooper: am sorry for what I did but I don't regret it.
Y/n laughed and then pulled cooper and kissed him
Y/n: I don't regret it
Cooper smiled and pulled y/n for a kiss again.

Am sorry if this one was short but I am really tired after last night and also from school I hate it
But I saw my crush so that's the only thing that doesn't make it boring
His code name is Cupid he so cute

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