Your ok.(camren protzman)

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You got kidnapped
And the only friend you had was Camren
When you got kidnapped they put you in a room and you just sat there crying and then you you heard the door open it was a little little boy
???: shh it's ok am here.
Y/n: W-who are you?
???: am ca-
Women?: I told you you can't be here get Out.
???: fuck you whore
??? Whisper under his breath

They both left but y/n kelpt crying then a few seconds later the little boy came back
???: sorry about that am Camren .
Camren then smiled at y/n and sat on the bad with her
Y/n: a-m y/n
Camren: hi y/n
Y/n smiled at Camren
Camren: there is no need to cry it's ok.
Camren wiped her tear with his thumb and giggled
Y/n then kissed Camren  on the cheek and hugged him
Y/n: thank you camren.

Present day they were found and they are at the police station 🚉

Camren: y/n!
Camren hugged y/n tight and y/n did the same but she started to cry
Camren: I told you we were going to be ok.
Y/n: cam.
Camren: ya?
Y/n: I um I love you
Camren was shocked and did not what to do but when he was with his parents when he was little
His parents would watch romance movies so camren knew what to do
Camren kissed y/n and she kissed back
Sorry if this one was short
258 words read

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