What started ?( peter maximuff)

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They all ready meet Peter by the way:)
Peter: so who is this girl you guys are talking about??
Wolverine: you will see.
Peter: well how does she look like, or what things is she into?
Wolverine: well let's just say she is a lot like you.
Peter: wait are we siblings??
Wolverine: no but you guys are gunna be super close in the future.
Peter: what the hell is that supposed to mean?!?!

10 mins later and they are at the girl s house

Beast: we're here.
Profesor x: finally.
Wolverine:it was only 10 minutes.
They walk infont of the doorstep
And they ring the doorbell
Y/ns mom opens the door

Y/ns mom: Y/n what did you do now!
Her mom yelled
Y/n: nothing!
Y/ns mom: are you the police?
Wolverine: Um no but we would like to talk to y/n.
Y/ns mom: oh yes she is in the basement.
Wolverine: thank you.
They go to the basement and see you playing pack man
Y/n: what did I do?
Wolverine: nothing but we would like you to join-
Peter: wow you like Pink Floyd too?
Y/n: uhh ya who doesn't.
Wolverine: anyways we would like you to join us breaking someone out of the-
Y/n: yes
Profesor x: great let's g-
Peter: wow you have a lot of stuff do you have abilities too?
Y/n: ya.
Y/n: but what are your guys powers?
You all ready know that scene if you watched the movie<3
Y/n: i have the same abilities as you but I can also read minds but him naw that's gross.
Peter: I said the same thing when they came to my house.
Y/n laughed
(Y/n read peters mind)
Y/n: wait you think am pretty?
Peter: wait what?
Y/n saw peter go really red
Y/n: so you do think am pretty!
Peter nodded
Y/n giggled
Wolverine: this was when it all started.
Y/n: what started? Peter: what started ?

They all laughed except for y/n and Peter.
Sorry I was just so lazy.
361 words read

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