Why do you do it y/n? (Jimmy darling)

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This one's kinda sad so byeee wait but it does end up with a happy ending<3333

It is going to start when y/n first comes to the circus because her mom and father did not want her anymore
She was not like the rest she was not in any of the shows because she didn't have any special abilities
But everyone liked her even tho she was not like them
When they would do shows she would have to stay in her trailer
And cry and cry and wonder why her parents did not want her
She would even hurt her self with knifes that they use at the show and they would ask people who's blood is this but no one said anything
Present time:)
Y/n was in her trailer cutting her wrist but she lost track of the time and the show had ended
Jimmy: Y/N I got you cotton can-
Y/n turned around and tried to hide her arms but then Jimmy already saw
Jimmy: what- what were you doing??
Y/n: i- am sorry
Jimmy: why do you do it y/n?
Y/n: I-
Jimmy: why?
Y/n saw that he started to cry
Y/n just looked at the floor and
Y/n: am sorry it's just-... it's about my parents
I never new why they left me or why they had to left me.
Jimmy touched y/ns wrist
And got up and went to the first ad kit
And started to wrapp her arms
With bandages
Jimmy: you don't have to say sorry just don't do it again please for me?
Y/n nodded
Jimmy was done wrapping her arm and then he grabbed her hand and started to walk out side and then he stoped at his trailer
Jimmy: can you stay with me.
Y/n nodded
And then they got in Jimmys trailer and then they both went to the ba and then her wrapped his arms around her waist and her head on his chest
Y/n: am sorry
Y/n started to cry on his chest and then he said
Jimmy: shhh it's ok am here.
Y/n looked up and stared at Jimmy then she kissed him on the lips
He kissed back
They separated for they can breathe
Jimmy: I love you
But y/n I don't want you to be doing that to yourself promise me you wouldn't do that ever again?
Y/n: I promise
They laid in bed and cuddled and fell asleep sorry if this is short
433 words read

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