Why her?(Evan peters)

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This story has smut cursing and a lot of crying and then we have LOVE so ya byeee<3

Flash back of 2004
You and Evan were going to be in the movie sleepover, but the thing is that you have to kiss,and did not know how to.
After the movie was done someone tapped your shoulder
Evan: hi y/n...
Y/n: oh hi evan.
Evan: I wanted to ask you a question if that's fine?
Y/n: Um ya sure.
Evan: was um t-this your first kiss?
Fuck did I really kiss that badly bro I hate my life
Y/n: Um y-ya why d-o you ask?
Evan: oh it was mine too.
Y/n: oh Um sorry to ask this but Um was I ok?
Evan: you were AWESOME.
Y/n: i was?
Evan: yes you wer-
Evans parents were calling him over from there car.
Evans mom: Evan come on!!
Evans dad: calm down his talking to Um oh that's y/n.
Evans mom: hi y/n!
Evans dad: hi!
Evans parents knew you because you would come over and your parents since you were little
Evan: wow this is kinda embarrassing. He laughed nervously
Y/n: no it's fine.
Y/n waved at them
Evan: well I better get going bye y/n. Evan kissed he on the cheek
You saw him running to the car and you didn't realize how red you were
But ever since that day evan would kiss you cheek after a movie was done.
End of 2004 flash back now we are going to 2012 flash back
After a movie you were waiting outside your car waiting for Evan to come running to you and kiss your cheek goodbye
But you ended up seeing him with a girl
You didn't know who that was but you just stared at him then you and him made eye contact for a minute
But you stoped looking at him then got into your car
You were about to cry but you didn't want to but you were sure he saw your water eyes
You drove back too you house and cried on your bed.
End of flashback of 2012
Ever since that day you would never go nowhere
But only if you had too for movies
You would just lay on your bed crying remembering that day
Flash back too 2015
You were at your house crying on you bed the 5th time but then you heard the door bell ring
Y/n: who the hell is that, and what time is it?
11:36 midnight
Y/n: fuck if I die in my own house.
You ran down stairs you forgot to wipe your tears
But you didn't care so then you opened the door and it was Evan crying
Y/n: evan are you o-
He hugged you
Evan: am sorry
He kept repeating those words
Y/n: evan come inside and you can tell me all about what happened ok?
He nodded
I closed the door behind him and then I went to the kitchen and turned on the light
Evan stared at me
Evan: why are you crying?
Y/n: it's ok it doesn't madder just tell me what happe-
Evan walked up too me and kissed me
I pulled away and said
Y/n: evan you have a girlfriend-
Evan: we broke up.
Y/n:what happened?
Evan told me all of it and I just looked down and cried
I wiped my cheek
Y/n: he can stay the night if you want.
Evan: wait re-
I grabbed his hand softly and took him up stairs
I told him he can sleep on my bed if he wants too and me and him cuddled and fell asleep
You and Evan are still not dating sadly 😢
But not yet:)
End of flash back and
Flash back of 2020 I hate this year
Of course you stayed at your house and you watched movies but then you come across a video that said

I just ignored it but then some  of my family members texted me

Text messages
Dad    I told you he would go for another women
Mom    It's ok if you need someone to talk to just tell me ok.
Sister   Bro am gunna beat the shit out of him
Brother   Y/n if you need someone to beat up or just need a hug tell me please an if you want someone to beat the shit out of him I could call my friends
Sister   I feel bad for you
Evans mom   Am sorry honey
Evans dad   Don't worry I think he will snap out of it and maybe he will finally see that he like him
End of messages

How the fuck does everybody know that I like him and is this on the news or something????

You felt sad but mad but mostly sad
Y/n: i should go too sleep
6:00 pm
I gunna go too sleep but then I heard a knock on the door I opened it and it looked like a angry mode but it was
My mom, dad, sisters my brother and evans parents
And most of my family members
Y/n: fuck I hate my life.
I wispier
They all hugged me when they saw the door open
One hour time skip
They were all in the living room talking but I was in my room
Two hour time skip
It's all ready 9:00
They all hugged me and then left
Idk why I went back to my room and started crying  All night
Even though he dated 5 people he still didn't find the one 
After a few mouths they broke up but this time evan didn't come to my house crying but he did come

I heard someone knocking on my door
Y/n: comeing!
I opened the door and it was him again
Evan: hi y/n...
Y/n: hello?
Y/n: come inside.
Evan: thanks
Y/n: no problem
Evan sat on the couch and I went to the kitchen
Y/n: want water or anything?
Evan: no thank you but I missed this couch so much.
I laughed
And then stoped and saw him looking at me. And I smiled

Y/n: so why you here?
Evan: I don't know.
I saw his eyes starting to water
Evan: I missed you
Y/n: but am still here? Why would you miss me?
I went to go sit right next to him on the couch
Evan: my parents told me.
Shit did they say that I liked him fuck fuck umm ok y/n calm down it's ok you got this
Y/n: what did they say?
Evan: that you cried ever since That day you saw me with her.
I said nothing I just hugged him and started crying on his chest
Evan: shh it's ok am here now...
Y/n it's just...
Evan kissed me on the cheek
Evan: I missed that too.
You and Evan fell asleep on the couch cuddling.
After that day it seemed that Evan lived there because he would come to your house every day or even have a sleepover but then you ask him if he wanted to live with you and he said yes <33

Present day 2023
Evan: y/n!!!!
Am back from the store!!!!
Y/n: ok!!!!
Y/n came running down the stairs and hugged Evan tight
Evan: what happened?
Y/n: nothing I just missed you.
You looked at him and then smiled
Evan: y/n...
Y/n: ya
Evan: I um I love uh you
Y/n: i love you too.
You kissed him
He kissed back
Oh and by the way they were by the counter;)
Evan picked up y/n and put her on the counter
Y/n: ah
Evan: sorry are you ok, did I hurt you?
Y/n just laughed and kissed his neck
Y/n realized that she left a hicky on his neck
Y/n: sorry
Evan: it's ok keep going.
Y/n keeps kissing his neck then she took off his shirt and started kissing his chest and colerbone
Evan: ah y/n
Y/n took her shirt off
Evan just stared at her and smiled he then kissed her again.

Imagine the rest Sorryyy :(

2 hours later they were naked on the bed cuddling

Y/n: I love you Evan.
Evan: I love you too y/n

That was a long one but I hope you liked it<333

1444 words

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