Nothing like Imagined

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Nothing like Imagined

It was quiet in the office, some tapping on the keyboard of the laptop was the only noise aside from mild breathing. He was busy, and not in a very good mood.

King was alone and immersed in his work when the door of his room opened and in came a very handsome man in his mid-forties.

His aura and style spoke volumes of how domineering he can be. The flaming maroon suit, tailored to perfection, covering his big built. Long silver hair styled perfectly and a brilliant wooden cane in his hand.

The older walked inside the office and smiled brightly seeing the king who was now standing in his place with an identical smile on his own features.

"Father" he called while walking out from behind his Mahogany desk. The man, on the other hand, opened his arms to welcome his son in his kind embrace, wanting to hug him to his heart's content.

He laughed out loud when his son crashed into his chest with a thump, wrapping his arms around his father. A proud father he was for what the king has become. But don't fool yourself with his kindness because If the king was deadly, this man was beyond the concept.

No one ever knew what could be the thought in his wicked mind. The most handsome man in his early forties was a walking grace but his mind was cunning as a fox and sly as a panther.

"How are you my pride, I see you have grown more handsome, more intimidating, and more authoritative" the man complimented with a strong pat over the king's shoulder, a beautiful smile adorning his striking features.

"I wonder who I have it from?" the king responded mimicking the older's tone making him laugh again at his son.

Like father like son

"tell you what!..... I wonder it too sometimes" he said excitedly, leaning forward to hug his son again who reciprocated the action with a smile.

"come on now let's talk some business," he said grinning widely while moving to sit on a couch in the seating area of the office, King following him.

Both father and son reunion went for a while, discussing different matters and problems that were raising their heads in the mafia.

According to the sources, a group of lackeys was stealing from the mafia. The act was reported from the deeper part where some under-bosses were responsible. The matter was meant to be hidden from the king but somehow the news got leaked when the embezzlement could not be stated as a petty issue.

The group was rising at a concerning level, if not taken care of, they can be a threat to the empire.

Discussing different alternative and planning measures, both father and son were about to finish the meeting when a knock on the door interrupted them.

A dominant 'come in' from the king allowed the man outside to enter with the news. He bowed respectfully seeing the older man sitting there elegantly.

"Mr Xavier" he addressed the father of their king who acknowledged his greetings before the man turned towards the king.

"he is here sir," the man said, standing straight after he delivered the message.

King nodded at him before and looked at his father who tipped his chin, giving him permission to get to his own matter. King stood up from his place marching towards his door before he vanished behind it along with the man.


Mago was being dragged into the manor by four men, one of them being Charlton. The younger's muffled screams were catching the attention from all the workers. All of them eyed that small figure whose limbs were captured like a wild animal

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