Bitchy Bloody Bastard

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"ah! Fuck my life" Mago spat, heaving, hovering over the toilet bowl while clutching his stomach in agony. The disgusting taste of stomach acids filled his mouth and rested on his tongue. The boy moaned in pain, hunched over the toilet, as another wave of nausea hit his core making him groan.

It was another day of morning sickness and Mago was cursing his forefathers for knocking him into this terrible existence while he emptied his guts.

The boy had woken up only for his stomach to stir awake too and then hurled out the content immediately without considering the boy's proper condition. The reason Mago was being more than agitated was the accident that had happened on the bed where he couldn't manage to the bathroom on time and ruined his clothes with stinky stomach content.

Oh, how awful he smelled at the moment.

King was beside him all this time, the older rubbed at his back and whispered sweet nothings into his ears only for Mago to counter back with profanities, making King suck in a harsh breath each time.

Mago hated being sick and King knew that now.

"It's going to be over soon baby......just hang in there a little more" he whispered dropping a kiss on Mago's side of the head and the boy in return scowled at him.

"I fucking hate you" Mago cursed with closed eyes, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve, as he rested his tired back against King's chest. There was no bite behind his words, it was just pure discomfort and King was understanding in the matter.

But for how long?

"I know baby.....I know. But I am trying to make it better, aren't I? I have got you some ginger tea an--..." King started while rubbing circles on Mago's stomach but Mago cut him off grumpily. They sat in the bathroom on the bathroom floor early in the morning. One trying to cope with the pain in his stomach and the other trying to cope with the 'pain in the ass' in his arms.

"if you wanted me to feel better, you wouldn't have knocked me up with an overly hyperactive seed of yours" the younger scolded and King heaved a long sigh.

"well.....since I can't take back what I did .......why don't you stop being a little shit and let me help you to feel better" the older retorted roughly, pulling away his large warm hands from the younger's stomach, and regretted the second later when Mago's doe eyes filed with complaining tears.


"don't call me shit, you bitchy bloody bastard. I have been puking my inside for the past twenty minutes.....and you are the fucking reason for it" Mago countered angrily but his eyes filled with unshed tears and his lips wobbled.

King felt guilty as he rushed to hold the boy once again. Mago looked back at King with big eyes before nuzzling his button nose in King's neck sideways and inhaling his manly scent to calm his nerves.

"I am sorry baby.....I am sorry. I know what you are going through.....and that's why I am make you feel good." The older coaxed calmly, kissing Mago all around his face and jaw. The boy sighed against the king and went lax in his hold.

"come on now......let's get you cleaned up" Mago groaned when King started to help him get up from the floor and towards the sink to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth before leading him to the bathtub. The tub was filled with reasonably hot bubbly water, courtesy of King when he saw how Mago had dirtied himself accidentally and was now kind of irritated with it.

" ribs and stomach hurts........I don't wanna fucking eat ever again. This is torture." The boy complained being lead, carefully secured by the older. king made the younger sit in the tub after undressing him completely out of his clothes.

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