Slumber Princess

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                                      Slumber Princess

Light sunlight strained through the thin curtain on the balcony, falling inside and creating a pale yellow glow in the bedroom. The lights were off and the temperature in the room was perfect with a cold morning breeze and slight warmth. Maybe it was the reason the figure curled under the covers was deep asleep regardless of his strict routine and daily activities.

Yes, the crime lord of the biggest empire was completely hidden under the covers, breathing deeply and sleeping like a baby after so long in a while. The man had clutched the yellow blanket of his tiny lover in his taut grip as he snored quietly, swimming into his dreamland.

It was perhaps twenty more minutes later that King stirred out of his sleep. Squinting his eyes open, the man rolled over to his side for a lovely cuddle session with his baby boy and to inhale his baby scent only to land his hand on the empty side and scattered pillow beside him with a thud making him open his eyes a little more.

Mago was not there....and the room was quiet.

Too quiet to be suspicious.......

In an instant, King reached for his device at the side table and looked for the updates from his top contents. Along with Charlton's few messages about the day's schedule, Lucca's update about Mago appeared with lots of colourful hearts that the right-hand man had sent along with the message.

'Tiny majesty is out in the garden with Mr Xavier and Mr Ashford' the message read and King sighed in relief after knowing the whereabouts of his unpredictable boy.

He remembered Mr Xavier landing yesterday night and asking about Mago first thing after he reached home......well the rest is probably a good guess if one can imagine properly.

Nevertheless, the sleep was broken and King was finally awake. Yawning, he rubbed his face in tiredness as he looked around the room absent of his precious lover, no steam coming out of the bathroom where Mago takes hot showers every day, and no open balcony doors to let in the cold harsh air of the early morning and no kicks and nudges at his side.

The day hasn't started as usual........

Along with the absence of his boy from any possible hideout and corner in the room where Mago could be, he also discerned the fact that he had slept more than his usual routine.

"fuck" he cursed under his breath as he scrambled out of the bed and rushed to freshen up before starting his lazy late day and finding his boy. Being particular and disciplined was king's ultimate nature and when such things were ruined, he couldn't help but get mad at himself.



"did you know my papa? Uncle Grey told me he was your friend?" Mago asked as he rummaged through a large box sitting in front of him, filled with goodies and all types of things Mago liked, he picked out a pack of nutty chocolate balls and sniffed the bag out of instinct while the olders' watched him with smiling eyes.

The boy was ecstatic when he saw Mr Xavier leisurely pacing around the living room in a complete gentlemanly attire, with the background full of unknown boxes, when he descended the stairs in search of food early in the morning. The moment Mago looked up and locked his surprised eyes with the former lord, a brilliant smile graced Mr Xavier's handsome features as he opened his arms for the boy.

Feeling a rush of happy hormones, Mago had leapt into the elder's arms with a loud and surprised 'Papa!!!!' and wished him a very good morning with bright pink cheeks and a wide happy smile.

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