Sweet Apples Child Care

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Sweet Apples Child Care

Mago skipped down the stairs to get his breakfast. Since he didn’t have dinner last night, the boy was hungry like a beast and was planning on eating everything that he could see in his sight.

Just as he went past the living room, the boy halted in his tracks hearing some murmuring sound. He listened closely and sure enough, the voice coming from there belonged to his dear boyfriend.

The crime lord

So without any further ado, the boy sneaked a peek inside the living room and his eyes twinkled seeing Mr. Xavier and King talking to each other while sitting on the sofas

Oh! And of course, Charlton, who was standing at attention beside King.

“Charlie!!!!” Mago squealed as he dashed towards the right-hand man, the other turning around after hearing his name with a shocking expression.

Charlton opened his arms on instinct to catch the boy who jumped onto him out of nowhere. The younger tightened his grip around the older and engulfed him securely in his embrace.

“I missed you so much Charlie” Mago confessed leaning his head back a little and looking at the older. Charlton smiled at the boy he had also missed, totally aware of the glare that was set on his back.

King was a protective, possessive and jealous man about what belonged to him and that fact about him was not hidden at all.

So keeping that in mind, Charlton opted to stay quiet and not to say anything like ‘I missed you too’ back to Mago. Instead, the man slowly placed the boy down on the ground and ruffled his hair.

“Ahem!” King cleared his throat a little loudly getting a glance from his father.

The boy, hearing that, turned towards the other two and rushed to the king’s side only to get settled on his lap like the tiny king he was. Mr. Xavier chuckled and King secured his arms around his boy being somewhat calm.

“When did you get back crime papa lord,” Mago asked making Mr Xavier laugh his handsome laugh. The boy was absolutely adorable with his creative mind and Mr Xavier loved every encounter they had so far.

“Just yesterday night.” Mr Xavier said with a charming smile and Mago beamed in return. 

“I see you missed your buddies” Mago nodded at the question enthusiastically before leaning back on King.

“I did. So much” he replied earning another smile from the handsome father.

“come on Rowan. I made your favourite….. let's have breakfast” Jayce entered the room dusting his hand like a cute wife as he asked his husband to come with him.

Jayce was back from his visit and the manor was once again lively with so much commotion and activities directed by him to the staff of the house.

“thank you my love” Mr Xavier said and stood from his seat to leave the room while dropping a swift kiss on Jayce’s cheek who smiled back.

“see you around cutie,” Jayce said while pinching the squishy cheeks of Mago, who whined unapprovingly, before following his husband to the dining room.

Once they were alone, Mago shifted to face his boyfriend, placing his hands over the king’s shoulders. The man under him held him around his waist and looked at him with a certain desire.

Nawwghty desires

It had been days since he touched the boy and now that the younger was in his lap, King didn’t plan to let him leave so soon.

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