A Tick

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A Tick

The meeting room was filled with people representing their important positions in the mafia. They took their turns to revise their progress in whatever their duties were in front of the king.

Some wanting to impress King with their actual task completion and some just using flattery.

Those who were appreciated were on cloud nine.

The huge club which held the meeting came under the zone of the king’s headquarters. The place was lit with elites and rich people dancing and drinking like no tomorrow. They were served with drinks of a special kind and were entertained by many dancers and strippers.

In contrast to the main club, the meeting room on the upper floor was quiet and calm. Several dangerous men were sitting in a circle around the table to pool in their searches and work.

Discussions about reports on various businesses, their management and new projects were exchanged between those men.

It was all systematic yet so chaotic

Finally, the time came when King placed a red file on the table and leaned back on his fancy swivel chair. He placed a cigarette stick between his lips, before Charlton could ignite it, Kangsu rushed to do the favour.

“let me king “ he muttered with a wide smile. King didn’t say anything and took a long drag from his cigarette. Once Kangsu reached back on his chair, the room went quiet.

King’s eyes fell over Kangsu’s frame as he observed the man with something burning behind his orbs. The old man squirmed under King’s gaze once he noticed the crime lord’s stare fixed on his face.

He smiled sheepishly.

Something was not sitting right in that meeting and that was the reason Kangsu was scared to attend this event.

King, on the other hand, smirked internally when he made the old pumpkin squirm. He exhaled sharply and decided to start his inquiry when the door of the meeting room got banged loudly as if whoever was outside wanted to break it down.

Charlton curled his fingers around his pistol and King glanced at the door while the others went alert right on their places.

The door creaked open slightly and a lovely little head peeked inside.

“Excuse Muah!....” were the first words echoed in the silent room. All eyes were fixed on the door and on that cute intruder.

King’s eyes widened and a smile appeared on Kangsu's face as soon as he saw Mago at the door. His wide smile wasn’t hidden and King didn’t like the look of it.

“what is he doing here?” King hissed towards Charlton and the man looked between King and Mago dumbfounded.

They had left the boy at the manor against all the protests Mago had displayed. He wasn’t allowed in such meetings and King made that clear once and for all. But here he was, standing at the entrance of the meeting room reserved for only selected people.

“Can I join pleasey…..” Mago fluttered his eyelashes and asked for permission from no one in particular.

King glared at the younger and Kangsu smiled wider.

“of course, you can join your tiny majesty. It will be an honour for us if you grace this room with your presence” There he was again, starting with his flattery.

Kangsu doesn’t know any bounds.

Mago smiled sweetly, with his button nose scrunching cutely and eyes crinkling, as he entered the room making every head turn in his direction including King. The crime lord clenched his jaw seeing Mago in his long cotton midnight blue shirt with baggy pants that belonged to King and his duck slippers which the boy adored.  

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