Break up

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                                    Break up

The sun was up and shining brightly, and birds were chirping as they returned home with breakfast for their families while the morning breeze was blowing, creating a beautiful morning. Although it was still dark in the room because of the heavy velvet curtains but still the freshness of early morning could be felt inside the room.

King was awake a while ago, he was lying straight when he felt the soft presence of someone beside him. Mago was soundly asleep, his body curled while he hugged a pillow between his arms and legs and face hidden beneath the softness of the cushion.

The mafia king turned his face to marvel at the boy beside him, taking in his appearance which looked nothing like reality. Never in his life had he expected to share his room with anyone, all his one-night stands were either called in a hotel room or a private club room. But Mago was the only one king has offered his room to.

Okay not exactly offered but yeah you get that....

Oddly, he was comfortable with the fact that a young rebellious boy was sharing his bedding and room as he owned them personally. Mago didn't even for once made it known what he felt instead, he just accepted everything naturally like it was meant to be his.

Maybe it was...who knows.

A smile formed over his lips when he watched how Mago mumbled something in his sleep, how his pouty lips moved trying to say something. But that something vanished that smile over the king's face and a shocked frown replaced it.

"fucking asshole..." Mago mumbled in his dream where a cute rabbit once again flew out of grip and into the hole he has created.

King chuckled silently while shaking his head at the adorable being cursing like breathing normally, also hoping that it wasn't him who was cursed in the dream Younger was having.

A phone ring reverberated inside the room, making King snap out of his daze and Mago to stir. The older of them reached for his ringing device while glancing at the younger.

"turn that shit off.....I am trying to fucking sleep...." Mago whined turning away from the king. The latter rolled his eyes, attending to his phone. He could have scolded him for cursing early in the morning but then he ignored the boy and diverted his attention to his phone.

A few minutes later, he ended the call and looked at Mago sleeping like no tomorrow. Marching towards him he towered the younger, a sudden guilt flashed across his orbs but he shrugged it off, a sly expression took its place in his eyes, and bunched the blanket in his fist.

Mago gasped sitting up straight on the bed when his blanket was pulled away roughly. He cursed loudly looking around for the prey he needs to pounce on.

"you motherfu-.." his eyes widened when they landed on a somewhat mad king in front of him. Mago was thankful that he had his tongue controlled before he could deliver the appellation of honour. But it was too late, half of the title was delivered.

"get up and get ready....we have to leave in a bit" announcing the schedule. King marched away to his side of the bed, putting his phone on charging.

Mago watched him with dislike and confusion in his eyes. Falling back on the bed with a thump he whined loudly while stretching his aching limbs.

The older took a double take watching how beautifully Mago arched his slender back, how his soft pillowy ass was touching the sheets under him made King gulp.

" I have to go with can do your shit by yourself.." he whined dragging the words with his posture on the bed.

It was amusing to deal with such a boy, the king found him alike to a child of young age. A simple difference is that the child would never know the language Mago speaks casually.

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