(Ch3) September 20th, 8:30 AM

51 7 3

My alarm wakes me up not a moment later than it's usual time. I stretch in bed and go over my mental to-do list of the day. I have my Drawing class at noon and my marketing class at 2:45... so I'll have to leave my apartment by 11. Not a bad morning, I can take my time getting ready.

I roll over and grab my phone. One notification, in my email.


The email came from one of those writing websites I signed up for ages ago. What the hell, I don't have anything better to do. I click the video link, and it opens in a new page on my phone.

The video opens up with the interview and Rhianna Estrada laughing, sitting at what is obviously a very staged book nook and some chairs.

The Interviewer starts off. "Now, Mrs. Estrada—"

"Please. Call me Rhianna. I don't love formalities." Rhianna interrupts.

The Interviewer blushes. "Rhianna, how do you do it? You've written and published over 10 fiction and fantasy books over the past 5 years. What's the secret?"

"Well. To be honest, I don't think when I write anymore. It just comes out of my fingertips now. But it wasn't always this way. I struggled a lot earlier on when I was writing my first book, Lava Passion."

"What did it take to overcome that struggle? What would you tell new writers out there as advice?" The Interviewer leaned forward.

"I would tell all new writers and authors out there to write down everything. If you have the time to lean, you have the time to write! I remember when I was working as a waitress in New York in my early twenties. When I had down time, or when I was on my break, I would open up my little notepad I would orders with, and just write. I would write about the people eating, walking, anything. I would describe them in my words to help keep my writing abilities sharp... Hell, I used to even make up stories about what I saw!" Rhianna took a sip from the teacup on her right side. "It may not be the most conventional way to do things, but that's how I worked on my writing skills. It also helps me overcome writer's block every now and then today. Just last week, I wrote about my neighbor watering his beautiful flower garden!"

The interviewer smiled. "That is wonderful advice! Now, about this new book you are currently writing..."

I close the video. It had about 5 minutes left on it but I didn't really care for it. I think I got all that I needed out of it.

I sit up in bed. Writing down things as it's happening? That's not such a bad idea. I wonder if I can even write fast enough to keep up with real life. I'll have to keep that idea in mind for later. For now, I have to start getting ready for the day.

I walk out of my room and to my kitchen/living room. My apartment is only a one bed/one bath, and doesn't really have much else. The kitchen tile ends when the living room begins. Not that I need a big place, it's only me living here. Which is probably for the best anyways, If I had a roommate, I would have to upgrade to a 2 bedroom, and that would practically double my rent. I do wish my apartment complex would allow pets though, I would love to have a cat running around here or something. It can get a little lonely.

I pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit on my living room couch. Not such a bad setup for a 20 year old. I found all of this furniture either at thrift stores or on the side of the road. Except for my TV. I had found a great Black Friday deal last year and decided to buy myself an early Christmas treat.

I finish eating and hop in the shower. When I get out, I look at myself in my bathroom mirror. Maybe I should dye my hair again. At least I should choose a color that can cover the leftover hair dye pieces. Or maybe I can go all out and choose a wild color like pink. I shrug. Maybe another time.

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