(Ch6) September 24th, 8:30 AM

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I roll over and shut off my alarm clock. This alarm is starting to get on my nerves. Maybe I should get a new one.

I sit up and mentally prep myself for the day. I don't have to look over at my calendar to know that I have work today. I have always had the Saturday 12-6 shift. And by the looks of the sun shining out my window, its going to be a busy day. Everyone wants to get that last minute ice cream before it gets too cold and we close for the season.

I find myself going through my morning routine without even thinking. Eating, showering, brushing my hair and teeth, and homework, all done within three hours. When all of it is said and done, it's 11:15. I've got about 30 minutes before I have to leave for work.

A wave of boredom falls over me as I slump down on my couch. I look up at my ceiling and sigh as I pick at the only fabric on the couch. I wonder if I should consider getting a new couch. The one I'm sitting on now I had actually found on the side of the road. I had to rent out one of those big vacuums with a fancy sucker on the end of it to clean it off, but getting it into the apartment was worse. I'm lucky it was a small love seat that I dragged in here. The whole process took me 45 minutes, between dragging it out of the back of my car, to through my doorway and into my living room. I wondered why none of my neighbors helped me.

I look over at my living room windows. There were a few people outside right now. A few of them walking, a few of them getting into and out of their cars. It was a very lively complex. I remember there being a few of them outside the day I brought back that couch.

I remember having finally gotten the couch dragged out of my car's trunk and was dragging it inside. Everything was going smoothly up until I had my door propped open, and the couch just wasn't budging. I know now that I should have had it at an angle instead of just trying to shove the couch inside, and that taking a break would have been the worst thing for me. But in that moment, I was sweaty from pushing and dragging with no progress, and had decided to take a five minute breather. I was leaning on the side of my building, next to my propped open door/couch half-shoved-in combo, and had made eye contact with one of my neighbors. He was outside walking his dog. He looked away quickly and kept walking his dog. I looked over to the left of my building, and saw a couple taking a walk together, staring at my debacle and whispering. They passed me by, not even trying to hide the fact they were staring.

Then, I saw it. I looked up at the other building across from mine, and saw 3 different windows with eyes watching me. One of the windows was a man holding a water bottle, smiling down at me, as if to say Wow, that sucks. The other two had their shades drawn, but there was break in them with eyes staring down at me. I turned back to my couch, still just as stuck as it was five minutes ago. The red hot embarrassment I felt had given me a surge of adrenaline as I grabbed the bottom of the couch and lifted it at an angle, before I gave it a good shove inside the apartment.

I ended up giving the hardwood floor a scratch because there wasn't anyone on the other end of the couch to help lift it inside. I'm sure that scratch will be the final reason I lose my security deposit, but I don't care. I got this couch in there without the help of anyone.

I don't think I'll ever accept the help from any of these people in this apartment complex, because to put it bluntly, they all suck.

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