(Ch8) September 27th, 8:30 AM

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I'm happy to report that last day and a half weren't exciting. I spent yesterday's ice cream shift sitting around. The weather is beginning to shift, and no one is wanting ice cream as much anymore. I'm going to have to look at my savings again and see how long I can make it without a winter job before I end up homeless, or worse, move back home.

    But now it's Wednesday, and I've woken up to the familiar beeping of that alarm. I already know what I need to do today. I roll over and stop the alarm clock and look down at Lucas's jacket that I wore to bed... again.

    The ocean scent is now faded, and has been almost completely replaced by the 'Strawberry Delight' body mist that I exclusively use. I sigh out loud. I hope that this exchange won't be too awkward.

    I end up spending the majority of my morning doing my normal routine. By the time I'm getting dressed for the day, it's 11:00. Today's outfit is going to be a usual: jeans, sneakers, and long-sleeved grey shirt. No name brands. I would call it my trademark, but there's nothing to trademark it. It's definitely too cold to go out in just this, though. Especially considering the fact that I get cold easily.

    I look down at Lucas's jacket, which I had left at the edge of my bed. I couldn't be caught dead wearing it in class, even though I know if I don't wear a jacket I'll end up shaking all day. Why do I have such an attachment to this thing? I don't even know Lucas all that well. I couldn't tell you his last name. All I know about him is that he is tall, had long, wavy hair, he spells like the ocean, and his art skills are extraordinary. I've never seen anything like them, actually.

    Maybe it's because this jacket is the first sign of something— a friendship? Since I moved out here, I promised myself that I was just here to get my degree. A stepping stone; a transition period. Nothing that would stop me from my main goal of writing and publishing a book... then moving to a big city where I could be surrounded all day by like-minded people in smokey coffee shops, before I retire home to my fancy (yet cozy) loft apartment in the heart of whichever city I end up in...

    But I never considered the idea of a partner joining me.

    A partner?

    I jump back at my own thought. I didn't want a partner in this fantasy. Why am I even considering one now? Did I not learn from the last relationship I had? A partner just slows me down and ruins plans. I'm not interested in a relationship with anyone.

    I stare down Lucas's jacket again. I don't want a relationship. Not that I was even considering one anyways.

    I shove the jacket into my backpack and finish getting ready for class.

    Because I had spent so long getting ready, I found myself speed-walking through the hall attempting to get to class before it filled up completely

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    Because I had spent so long getting ready, I found myself speed-walking through the hall attempting to get to class before it filled up completely.

    I swing a left and nearly trip headfirst into the class. I regain my composure and to my delight, the class is not even half full yet. I scan through the heads that are currently sitting, and I don't see Lucas. I feel my disappointment bubble up, but I quickly shut it down. There's no reason for me to feel like this, all I have to do is return his jacket. That's it.

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