Scene 11: A Starfire is Born

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Two weeks later. . .

"I find your assessment of our meeting with the mayor accurate, Payton," said Lex Luthor. "The fool is too sympathetic to the Alien Integration Act. No matter. At least we know he won't give us any legal trouble."

Days ago, Luthor had met with Slade and Victor Payton to make plans in regards to finding the alien girl. On Payton's suggestion, they had visited the mayor, make him think they were simply concerned about the safety of potential voters.

'I'm sure that girl is just scared,' the mayor had said. 'From the news footage I've seen, she doesn't seem like a menacing killer. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if she's left the country by now.'

'I don't think so,' Luthor had replied. 'I think she's still here somewhere, hiding, and we have to make sure she's not a threat.'

'Well, it is still very nice to see you again, Mr. Luthor. I assure, even though I disagree with you in terms of the Alien Integration Act, you still have my vote.'

Slade shook his head. "Okay, now that we've taken care of that, what do you propose we do next? Even if we get a lead on the girl, she could be long gone by the time we even get there."

"All I know is," said Luthor, "she's here in the city, and my theory for why no one has found her is because she has help here on Earth."

"If we can figure out who they are, they can lead us to her," said Payton.

"Precisely," said Luthor. "Until then, all we have to do is keep our search out of prying eyes, and we should have no trouble finally finding this girl. When we do, we'll have the key to taking control of the government and stomping down on the throat of Wayne Enterprises."

Slade nodded. "If what you say is true, Lex, then it's only a matter of time before the girl is forced into the open."


"Komand'r, the Psion probe has arrived at the coordinates we sent it to," said one of the Citadel's intel officers. "It has found a large debris field within an asteroid belt."

"It's the ship she stole," said Komand'r, not looking up at the screen. "I know my sister, and I know she's not dead. What's beyond the asteroid belt?"

"Two planets. We're sending the probe to the one closest to the belt."

"You won't be able to hide for long, sister dear," muttered Komand'r to herself. "Your days are numbered now."


After two weeks of hiding with Mr. Hawkins and Jennifer, Koriand'r was learning more and more about boxing with each passing day. Whenever she wasn't eating and sleeping, she was training.

In between those days, Mr. Hawkins returned with a bag for Koriand'r. Inside was her boxing uniform. He told her she would be having her first fight in two days time.

According to Mr. Hawkins, her opponent was someone who had taken second place in last year's elimination series. Her stage name, which was also her real name, was Crystal, and she had put her name to use for what critics called diamond-hard jabs.

'You better get all the rest you can get,' Mr. Hawkins had advised. 'Crystal may not know who you are yet, but she rightfully earned that name. Most of her opponents were sent to the hospital once she was done with them.

'Not that you can't handle her,' Jennifer had said encouragingly.

Now Koriand'r was in the locker room of the Jump City Boxing Stadium, having now changed into her uniform. Over that, she was wearing a robe that had been made for her. In bold, all caps letters was her English-translated name: STARFIRE.

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