Scene 21: Bait to a Showdown

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Jennifer had followed the car that had taken Starfire as best she could. Once she had followed it out of the path to her house, she got a good look at it. It was a black 2015 SUV from Toyota. Wherever the kidnapper was going, they had to be in a hurry.

Although she came close to losing the car several times, Jennifer was able to stay with it. Determination to save someone who had become so much like family was the main thing that kept her going.

Unfortunately, she had to stop chasing the car when she realized where it was heading for. It was driving toward the front gate of Slade Industries. "Wilson Slade kidnapped Star?" she wondered aloud. "Why? This makes no sense." Shaking her head, Jennifer continued to drive forward, muttering, "Whatever the reason, she's not staying there."

By the time she had reached the destroyed front gate, the explosions had gone off, sending debris everywhere. Jennifer did the only thing that came naturally: she ran from the debris, minus screaming her head off. Also, instead of running away from the building, she ran closer to it.

What Jennifer had noticed was that practically every part of the building was being blown apart, all except one part near the front gate. That had to be where Starfire was being kept, because Jennifer was sure the kidnapper wouldn't want her damaged. Unless of course someone else was responsible for the explosion.

In her haste to reach the undamaged section of the building, as well as avoiding more falling debris, Jennifer didn't look up in time to see the person she had come to save had already escaped for freedom. She also didn't notice two men escaping in the car that had kidnapped Starfire. When Jennifer finally got inside, she found the room to be completely empty, though she had no idea what was inside with her.

As Jennifer moved cautiously down the hall, something caught her foot. Looking down, she almost screamed. It was a man, and he was dead. A closer look and Jennifer realized it was Wilson Slade, the founder and CEO of Slade Industries. Jennifer could tell he had been murdered, and suddenly two thoughts ran through her mind.

The first was the possibility that Starfire had died in the explosion. She had found no trace of her friend, and she knew, even though she hadn't learned them, Starfire had her limits. She just couldn't see how anyone, alien or human, could've survived such an explosion.

The other thought that made Jennifer more nervous was the killer might still be here. If that were the case, she had to get out of the building, before it too was destroyed.

Jennifer was all set to make a run for it when she heard a feminine voice talking to herself. As jennifer moved slowly toward the voice, she heard it say, "Excellent! The suit is now fully operational. Once I kill Koriand'r, I will return here and deliver the rest of these War Suits to the Citadel. Then worlds will suffer fates worse than Tamaran."

Jennifer barely managed to stifle a gasp. This woman was from Tamaran. She was part of this Citadel that had taken over the Tamaranians and enslaved Starfire. She had to have followed Starfire somehow, and from what she had said, she had been keeping an eye on Slade Industries too.

Before Jennifer could back away, a loud screech went off right behind her. clutching her ears and turning around, Jennifer saw it was some floating machine. Jennifer knew it belonged to the woman, since there was no technology like it on Earth.

Jennifer backed away from the floating machine, still clutching her ears. Suddenly, she felt herself bump into something metal, something much taller than her. Looking up, Jennifer saw who had to be the woman she had overheard towering over her. Knowing she had no chance of escaping, Jennifer closed her eyes, expecting a death blow at any moment. To her surprise, none came.

"I know your face," said the woman. "You're the girl I saw with my sister. So, you're the one who has spent all this time feebly trying to conceal her from me."

"You're Komand'r," said Jennifer, and she was surprised that her voice wasn't shaking. "You're the one who sold out your own planet for power. And I thought people only betrayed each other here."

"Jennifer, I believe," replied Komand'r. "First thing's first; there are some things I should clarify. First, my family never cared for me, and my mother deserved to die when Tamaran was conquered. Second, although I despise your pathetic planet, you will call me by name translated in your tongue: Blackfire. Third, the only reason I haven't killed you yet is because you're presently more valuable to me alive. You are just what I need to draw my sister out of hiding for good."

Without waiting for a reply, Blackfire seized Jennifer by the front of her shirt and they flew off into the sky together.


Starfire was out of breath when she landed in front of the Hawkins house. She couldn't believe just how narrow an escape she had just had. Unfortunately, only one thought was preventing her from feeling cheered up: only one person could've followed her to this planet, and that was Komand'r.

Her arrival had not gone unnoticed. "Star, you're okay!" It was Mr. Hawkins. As he pulled her inside, he asked her desperately, "Where is Jennifer. What happened to her?"

"Jennifer is missing?"

If her heart hadn't been racing before, that was nothing to how Starfire was feeling now. The truth was hitting her harder than a building falling on her. Jennifer had seen her being taken by Victor Payton and had chased after them. In her haste to leave, it hadn't occurred to her to think anyone had seen been taken.

"Mr. Hawkins, I am so sorry. I have not the faintest idea where your daughter is. I did not even know. . ."

Suddenly the TV, which had been broadcasting the news of the destruction of Slade Industries, was now being replaced with static. In a flash that static was replaced with an all too familiar face to Starfire, albeit she was wearing a suit that was completely unfamiliar to the Tamaranian.

"Greetings, humans. I am Komand'r, though you will know me as Blackfire. I have come here to finish off my sister, who I know you have hiding from me. Her name is Koriand'r, though you all know her as Starfire. 

"Sister, I speak directly to you now. Surrender yourself to me now, or everyone in this city will die, starting with this young lady. I know you've befriended her, and I will end her life now if you don't meet me at the center of this city and except your own death. And hurry, because my patience is running out."

The TV returned to its original program, though Mr. Hawkins was no longer interested. "She's got my daughter. I'm not gonna stand for this! I have to get her back."

"No, Mr. Hawkins, you cannot face my sister and live," cried Starfire. "Only I can stand up to her."

"Are you crazy?' asked Mr. Hawkins. "did you see that thing she was wearing? How are you going to stand up to something like that?"

"I must try," argued Starfire, imploring Mr. Hawkins to understand. "I am the only chance you have at seeing Jennifer again, and I wish that were not so, but I will tell you this. I have already lost one family; I have no desire to lose another one tonight."

Sense seemed to hit Mr. Hawkins. He seemed to accept what she was saying was the truth, though he didn't like it. However, there was one thing he knew that made him nod his head in agreement. Jennifer had become more of a sister to Starfire than Blackfire ever had been to her.

"Okay, so what are you going to do?" he asked Starfire, finally relenting.

"I must get changed," replied Starfire, smiling slightly. "Now that Blackfire has revealed who I am, it will hardly matter if I am seen in uniform."

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