Scene 25: Epilogue

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STARFIRE TAKES THE TITLE was the headline of practically every newspaper in the United States. It was all anyone could talk about. In particular, the people of Jump City were in a very festive mood. It wasn't just the fact that a boxer from their city had brought them the title, but it was primarily because it was Starfire who had won. Starfire, who had saved them from aliens and monsters; Starfire, who was the first alien to be registered under the Alien Integration Act; Starfire, who had helped write American history.

Now, Starfire was celebrating her victory with the Hawkins family over bacon, eggs and orange juice. By now, it had become her favorite breakfast from her new home. Before breakfast, as he had promised Payton, Mr. Hawkins had sent a picture of Starfire in full boxing attire, the belt she had won wrapped around her waist.

"You did it! You brought me one of the greatest honors every manager hopes for! Star, you are so on fire!" Mr. Hawkins said approvingly. "This is the start of something beautiful!"

Jennifer hugged Starfire tightly. "I'm so proud of you, Kori! You've earned all this. You should be proud of yourself!"

"Oh, I am quite jubilant," Starfire assured them both.

Suddenly, there was the sound of envelopes sliding through the mail slot. Mr. Hawkins told the girls he would get it and left for a moment to get the mail. A moment later, he returned, a smile on his face.

"Should've known you'd be receiving fan mail," he said, beaming at Starfire. "You got a letter from someone who saw your fight. Here, I'll let you read it while I go through the mail Mr. Darren sent me."

As soon as Mr. Hawkins left, Jennifer exclaimed, "Open it! See what it says!"

So Starfire ripped off the top of the envelope and pulled out the letter it contained. Aloud, she read what it said to Jennifer.

"Dear Starfire,

First, you have my congratulations on being the new boxing champion of Jump City. Second, I hope you are happy here on our planet. I hope we can meet sometime soon, because I would like to speak to you in person.


Dick Grayson


You are a talented kisser.

Starfire put down the letter. When she looked up, Jennifer was staring at her in astonishment. "Now when were you going to tell me you kissed an Earth boy, huh?"

Starfire blushed. "Oh, well. . .so much has transpired since I arrived here."

Jennifer shrugged. "Okay, fair enough. But do you know this guy? And why exactly did you kiss him?"

Starfire thought about how to answer this without Jennifer laughing. "Well, you see, there is something about myself I have not told you."

"Well then," said Jennifer, a broad smile on her face, "do tell."

Starfire sighed once again, still feeling embarrassed. "The people of my planet are able to learn any language instantaneously through lip contact."

Jennifer shook her head. "You never cease to amaze me, Starfire."

"You must understand," said Starfire, trying to explain more. "On Tamaran, the action is merely a transfer of knowledge. Tell me, does lip contact mean anything else here on Earth?"

"Girl, you have no idea," Jennifer informed the Tamaranian. Her expression became more serious. "So who is this guy?"

A light went off in Starfire's head. "I have met him," she realized. "When I first woke up on this planet, he was the first face I saw. He was the first to show me some kindness when I was in a strange new world."

"And you kissed him."

"But, how else was I to learn your language?" asked Starfire defensively.

"Language courses would've worked," suggested Jennifer jokingly. "I can see why this Dick Grayson wants to meet you. Maybe he thinks you'll give him another kiss."

"Perhaps," said Starfire, "though I have a feeling there is more to what he is telling me in this slip of paper. There must be a deeper reason for his wishing to meet me. I cannot explain, but I feel I will have to find him."


From a distance, Nightwing got onto his motorcycle, having seen the package arrive. Phase one was complete. Phase two, meeting and recruiting Starfire, was sure to be executed in a matter of time. Very soon, he was going to need her help.

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