Scene 20: Blackfire Strikes

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Just as the three men were preparing to perform their sadistic procedures on Starfire, another Tamaranian had arrived outside Slade Industries. Blackfire was advancing on the front gate, and a pair of guards were moving to intercept her. She was amused by the fact that these fools had no idea who she was. Here on this planet, that would be a useful asset.

"Hey lady," said one of the guards, a young woman. "Mr. Slade said he wouldn't take any more antagonistic questions from nosy reporters!"

"Please leave the area now!" commanded the second guard.

Blackfire sighed. Her hands glowing purple, she melted the fence between the two humans and herself. As they cried out in shock, she seized them both by the fronts of her uniforms and threw them behind her. She had no time to waste on the likes of them.

Pressing several buttons on her wrist, she said in a commanding voice, "Overload this place's heating systems, but only enough to cut off my sister and the room containing the War Suits," and the probe moved to carry out its new order.


"We're almost there, Lex," Slade was saying. "I'm glad this situation is finally drawing to a close. Once we extract the girl's power, I'll have profit than Wayne Enterprises, and you'll have the tool you need to take the presidency."

"We got a bright future ahead of us, Wilson," replied Luthor in agreement. The man bent down and placed his hands around Starfire's shoulders. Smiling, he added, "Today, we use our key to unlock undiscovered secrets, undiscovered possibilities. What we uncover will go down in the history books."

Luthor could understand the relief his old friend was feeling. Once the War Suits were operational, he could use them to completely eliminate every politician who ever doubted him, who ever even considered passing the Alien Integration Act into law. Once they were gone, and every American city secure, other countries would bow to his leadership.

He could have everything he ever wanted and more. When all was said and done, there would be no one left alive left to challenge him. He was ready to finish this once and for all.

Suddenly, the ground shook under his feet. An explosion had just gone off somewhere in the building. Something he wasn't knowledgeable about was going on. What was interrupting his triumphant moment now?

Another explosion went off, this one closer to their vicinity. Luthor would've been toast if Payton hadn't pulled him back a few steps in time. Slade lept forward to get himself out of harm, but only succeeded in cutting himself off from the others.

To make matters worse, the restraints holding Starfire had come loose. Pulling with all her might, she got her left arm free. A starbolt from the palm of her free hand was all she needed to free her other hand; a pair of eye beams came in handy for freeing her legs. Without looking back, she blasted her way through the window and flew away.

"No!" Luthor called after, struggling under Payton's grip. "She's getting away! We have to stop her!"

"We can't!" argued Payton. "We have to get out of here before this whole place blows up! Come on! I know where we can go!" And with increased pressure, the former government agent pulled the future president to the safety of his car, which was just outside the blast radius.

My legacy, thought Luthor, it can't end like this. I won't allow it.


Smoke and rubble were everywhere though fortunately for Blackfire, the room with the War Suits was still intact. Blackfire was currently advancing closer to her desired destination. Now she could take what she needed and finally kill Koriand'r.

"I know you're here, sister!" she called. "Come out and show yourself! You've caused me enough trouble for a lifetime! The time has come for me to end your existence!"

There was no reply. Blackfire was ready to call her sister again, when she heard  sound she wasn't expecting. It was someone groaning, but she could tell it wasn't Koriand'r. No, the sound she was hearing was more masculine.

Blackfire dug through the rubble and uncovered a man with short hair and a tattered suit. He was still dazed, so Blackfire took the opportunity to scan him and verify who he was. Sure enough, it was Wilson Slade, the one who had built the War Suits, the one who had conspired with Lex Luthor to capture her sister. Perhaps now she could learn where her sister was being held presently.

Leaning in close to the man, Blackfire forced his lips into her's. Now she could speak in Slade's tongue. She could now save time in talking to him and uncover her sister's current location.

"You are Wilson Slade," Blackfire said to him once he caught sight of her. His eyes were still dazed from realizing someone had kissed him. "You run Slade Industries and commissioned the construction of the War Suits. Am I wrong?"

Slade got to his feet unsteadily. He was acting like he was drunk. "I am Wilson Slade," he admitted, "and yes, I did order the War Suits to be built. They're in that room."

"Open it," commanded Blackfire, "then you will tell me what has become of my sister."

Slade stopped in his tracks. Something Blackfire had said had made him realize something the girl didn't. "She's gone."

"What do you mean gone?" demanded Blackfire. "Where has she gone?"

"Beats me," replied Slade, and now something else was making sense to him. "You let her escape! You're the reason why my company has been falling apart more rapidly! You somehow created Plasmus! Now you've destroyed my career! I can't believe I actually thought I could trust you to get me out of here alive!"

Blackfire grinned. The fool had finally caught on. Before he could say anything else, Blackfire fired one of her starbolts into his chest. His eyes were still open and fixed on Blackfire when he fell to the floor. "Never trust a Tamaranian with black hair. They will always lead you to turmoil," was the last thing  Wilson Slade ever heard.

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