Scene 22: Sisters Clash

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Minus the gloves, Starfire was now wearing her complete boxing outfit. Only this time, she knew this was going to be a fight unlike anything she had ever experienced.

Blackfire was waiting exactly where she had told Starfire to meet her be. Looking ahead, she could see her sister wearing that strange suit she had been wearing when she had hacked into the city's communications. Beside her was Jennifer, who was wisely making no attempts to flee.

"It's so good to see you again, sister. Love your new look," said Blackfire in fake friendly greeting, indicating the purple sport bra and shorts her sister had dawned before leaving the Hawkins house. "It has been far too long. You have no idea how upset I've been to see you miss your own execution. Now that you're here, though, we can make the final arrangements, here and now."

"Release Jennifer first!" demanded Starfire. "I will not comply with any of your twisted demands if she is in danger!"

Blackfire sighed. "You're not in a position to make that request, but since this city is going to be destroyed anyway, I don't mind prolonging the inevitable." Giving Jennifer a shove, she said, "You heard my sister, get out of here."

Jennifer got to her feet and stared at Starfire. Their eyes met, and she could tell Starfire was trying to say multiple things at once. One thing Jennifer was certain she could tell was that Starfire was not going to just lay down her life now.

Once she was out of sight, Blackfire asked her sister, "so what do you think of my new outfit, Starfire?" She said her sister's Earth name very slowly, over-pronouncing every syllable. "It actually came from Slade Industries, and I must say, the design is impressive. After we part ways, this will be mass produced and become standard issue for all members of the Citadel."

"I will not allow that," said Starfire fiercely. "I will not allow you to gain any more weapons to hurt this planet or any other world the Citadel sets its eyes on."

Blackfire laughed cruelly. "You don't get it, sister. My powers are already stronger than yours, and now they've been amplified tenfold. What's more, it has given me the one power I have never had the you possess."

In response to Starfire's unanswered question, Blackfire took to the sky, then landed back where she was, leaving a massive crater. This was going to make things interesting, though Starfire vowed it would not be impossible.

As long as she was alive, Starfire was not going to let anyone get hurt by the ones who wished to bring them harm. She was going to put an end to Blackfire's plans for power. She was going to show her sister just far she was willing to go to defend the people she cared about here.

"Now, let's see what this thing can really do," said Blackfire, and she launched herself at Starfire. Now she had the War Suit, Blackfire was considerably more agile. In fact, she barely avoided the fist her sister threw at her.

The next fist Blackfire threw, Starfire required both hands to hold back. Whatever the War Suit was made of, it was far superior to her own physical strength. To make matters worse, Blackfire used her free hand to fire a highly amplified starbolt at her sister who was thrown the front door of someone's apartment.

"It would appear all those years of training with the Warlords of Okaara won't do you much good now," taunted Blackfire. "Face it sister, the only intelligent thing for you to do now is flee. You have no chance of survival."

So cocky was Blackfire that when Starfire returned fire from the safety the apartment's concealment, the depraved Tamaranian had no chance to defend herself. As she got to her feet, Starfire emerged from her hiding space.

"And it would appear you learned nothing from them, sister," and before Blackfire could react, Starfire unleashed a powerful barrage of starbolts on the War Suit. Unfortunately, most of the shots did very little damage.

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