Scene 18: Kidnapping

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One week later. . .

The conversation at the Jump City Central Hospital had been most insightful. Carpenter's sister had been more than cooperative. She had fully complied and had answered all of Mr. Payton's questions without hesitating, all the more willing to get revenge on the girl who had taken her chance at the boxing championship this year.

'One last question,' Mr. Payton had said to conclude the interview. "What is the home address of Mr. Hawkins?"

'It's just outside the southwest side of the city,' Lexi had replied. 'Get off the interstate at Exit 24, then drive down a street leading to Jump Forest. His place is the only house in sight. You can't miss it.'

'Thank you for your cooperation,' Mr. Payton had said, and then he had left the hospital.

Now Mr. Payton was in his car, which was just outside the Hawkins house. He had brought his phone with him to keep in touch with Luthor and Slade. He was here for one reason and one reason only: to capture Starfire and bring her to Slade Industries.

"This is Payton," he said into his phone. "I've arrived at the Hawkins house. I'm getting ready to find and apprehend the target."

"Very good, Mr. Payton," said Lex Luthor on the other end. "You're doing a service to your country. You have my full confidence in the matter at hand."

"Thank you sir," said Payton. "I'll contact you again when I have Starfire. Payton out."

Silencing his phone, Payton got out of his car's driver seat and opened the passenger's seat behind him. In it was a long metal ladder, which he would use if the room Starfire was in was located on the top floor. It was time to go to work.

Leaving the ladder by the car, Payton did a perimeter walk around the house, looking through each window to find a bedroom. Looking around, he saw the living room, the kitchen and dining room, and the bathroom.

"Blast. Looks like I'll have to use the ladder after all."

Payton returned to the car and retrieved the ladder. Recalling his observation from his walk around the house, he recalled that one of the windows was completely open. That was his way in. Placing the ladder directly under the window, Payton climbed up to the top to see the window led to a bedroom.

Looking around, Payton saw her. Lying on her back, one hand over her chest as she slept, was Starfire. She appeared to have fallen asleep in the clothes she had worn that day. She was in a purple, sleeveless crop top that showed much of her midriff and a matching skirt. Off task, Payton thought she was very beautiful.

Returning his mind to the present, Payton reached into his pocket and pulled out the sedative Slade had given him. Since Starfire was an alien, Slade had given him one with a strong dosage. 'This way you should get her here without incident,' was his boss's explanation.

Now Payton moved to the bed, ready to inject the girl with the sedative. Unfortunately, things went wrong when he got to the bed. As Payton was bending down to proceed with the injection, Starfire opened her eyes. Just in time, Payton placed his hand over her mouth, muffling her scream.

Forcing Starfire down, Payton did his best to keep the sedative in his hand, but she was now trying to force him off with both of her own hands. One attempted jab at the ribs that missed Payton almost made him lose the sedative.

Looking to his right, the man saw Starfire's hand glowing green. Knowing he had only seconds left, Payton forced his body on top of the alien's and forced sedative into the side of her neck. . .

. . .three seconds too late. Before he could stop her, Starfire had launched the starbolt in her hand. The shot went wild and flew out the window before finally hitting a large tree. Payton knew he had to get out, and he had to do it now.


The starbolt's explosion woke Jennifer up so suddenly, she fell out of her bed. She didn't know how she knew, but she had a feeling something was wrong with Starfire. She didn't know what was going on. For all she knew, talking about her past might've given Starfire a bad dream and was making her relive the worst six years of her life.

Hastily changing into a red short-sleeved shirt and some shorts, Jennifer entered the hallway and walked to Starfire's room. "Hey, you okay, Star? Star? Starfire!? Kori, open the door!"

Jennifer was sure Starfire would've woken up to her voice. She wasn't surprised that her dad was still snoring loudly; the way he slept, people could've mistaken him for dead if he didn't snore so loud.

"Come on, Kori! Wake up!" Jennifer called frantically.

With no response, Jennifer threw the door open and rushed into the threshold. Starfire wasn't in her room, but Jennifer swore the sound had come from her room. She couldn't have just left.

That was when Jennifer saw the open window. Telling herself , "No," in her head, Jennifer bolted to the window, and what she saw horrified her. A man was climbing down a ladder, with Starfire draped over his shoulders. He looked up and saw her, then he quickened his pace, making it to the bottom of the elevator and pulling it away from the window.

Jennifer pulled her head out from the window, no thought in her head other than intercepting that man before he got away with Starfire. As she made it to the hall, she tripped down the stairs, falling all the way down to the living room. She could hear the man opening doors to his car. He was almost getting away with Starfire. By the time Jennifer was back on her feet, the car was driving away.

"No you don't," Jennifer muttered through gritted teeth. "You're taking her away from here."

Wasting no time, Jennifer snatched the keys to her car and ran outside, not even bothering to put on any shoes. Flooring it, she pulled out her phone, intent to tell her dad what was going on, even if he was still fast asleep. Not taking her eyes off the road, she got his voicemail, so she left him a message.


The Citadel ship had arrived outside Earth's atmosphere. Now back in real space, the ship was moved into position above Jump City. Here was where Koriand'r was, and it would be on this night that she would die.

"We have arrived outside of Earth, Komand'r," said the pilot. "Orders?"

"Remain in orbit over the planet. I will capture my sister personally, then I will retrieve the War Suits from Slade Industries. And since, we're on a new planet, the indigenous will come to say my name in fear. Here, they will know me by the language of their own tongues. They, along with Koriand'r, will know me as Blackfire."

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