Isle Unto Thyself + Black Rainbows

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Simon woke up, enthusiastic. He'd get to see Charlene today. Why else would he be this excited? Plus, he already had a kiss planned out. He could only hope that she loved him back. Simon headed out, back to the beach, but not before chugging water, which somehow helped to calm him down a bit. He couldn't start rambling in front of Charlene, he loved her too much.
Plus, they had a full day of talking yesterday. That's enough of getting to know each other, right? He felt comfortable enough to share everything on his mind. So did she.
Today would be perfect.
Simon caught sight of Charlene immediately and speed-walked to her.
"Hello again!"
Charlene turned around, smiling.
She had a towel set down for him.
This was really love, at least Simon thought so.
Simon sat down, and began a conversation.
"So, how have you been?" he asked.
"Great, I love watching the waves."
"They are sort of mesmerizing."
Charlene nodded happily, "I know the perfect ice cream place, if you're up to it, but that might not be your sort of thing
Why would Simon resist that?
Was this basically her asking him on a date?
"Of course I would go with you!"
"Great, let's go! It's only a few steps away from the beach. We should eat it right here."
Charlene quickly lead Simon, and maybe it was coincidental, but they both got the same flavor, strawberry.
Maybe they were meant to be, or maybe it was just Simon who thought that.
They both got back to the beach and started eating it immediately.
Charlene was right, it was the best ice cream ever.
Simon finished quicker than he wanted to, only because it was so delicious.
You could taste the fruit in it.
Charlene was about to say something, but hid whatever it was.
Simon, out of curiosity, asked what she was going to say.
"Oh, it's nothing. No, it isn't nothing, sorry, it's just that you, how do I word this?"
"It's just that I love you?" Simon said as quickly as possible, half not wanting to.
Simon didn't respond.
Charlene blushed.
She knew what he said.
Maybe he'd postpone the kiss, it just didn't seem right.
"Okay, listen, your personality, and you yourself, is just so lovable! I'm surprised no one else is in love with you, unless they just are too embarrassed to admit it. I don't think they should be, if they are. It's also too visible that you like me back. You get this semi-awkward tone sometimes, and you stammer a lot when we ever make eye contact."
"You are absolutely correct."
"No wonder you sat next to me last night."
"Yeah, I couldn't resist it."
Simon grinned. This is everything he'd been waiting for.
He was also going to forever associate Charlene with strawberries and the moon.
There wasn't much to say anymore, only sit in silence, but he had so many thoughts running through his mind.
He wanted to tell her every thought he was thinking, but he knew he couldn't.
Simon suddenly imagined them both walking through a garden, and it contained all of the most beautiful flowers he'd ever seen, but that was probably only because he was with his own beau  jardin de la lune.
"Sorry that this was cut short, but I have to leave now, It's this whole family thing." Charlene stood up.
Simon stood too, and they simply stared at each other for a few seconds.
"Is it too early for this?" Simon whispered.
"No, not at all."
They both embraced each other, and both of their lips touched, but not for an incredibly long time, though long enough to be romantic.
All was well in the moment.
"Goodbye, my love." Simon said.
"Bye, Simon. See you tomorrow?"
Simon nodded.

Back at the hotel, Simon was only thinking of what just happened, but he was incredibly saddened by their departure.
Another way he could describe her was like a stellated octahedron.
She was his beau jardin de la lune, and his Stella octangula.
He thought of himself as a whale, because he loved the ocean, and because he thought of larger animals as awkward due to their size.
Simon, the more he thought about the experience, was crushed by the fact he could never experience that again, and that he couldn't talk to Charlene more.
That night, he dreamed about them together on the beach, and there was a rainbow, but it was night out. Whenever he looked at the sky in that dream for ten seconds, it became day, and the rainbow disappeared.
Charlene also gifted him a small stellated octahedron at the end.

When Simon woke up, he was incredibly mad that it wasn't real.
He'd be able to see Charlene today, though, which was great.

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