Chapter 12

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An alarm starts blaring and I groan trying to sit up. Oh? I'm stuck. For a moment I panic but when my eyes adjust to the dark room I remember last night. Oh.

"Conner" I try to sit up again getting a groan in response. I attempt to sit up again, shaking him a bit this time. Nothing.

"Conner" I shake him harder the alarm starting to annoy me.

"Ugh yeah?" He yells startling me. I manage to get out of his arms and hurry to turn his alarm off, sighing in relief when I get it.

"Sorry that was annoying me" he just groans in response, rubbing his head. Hangover.

"You okay? You've got one hour till class." I try to get him up and ready walking over to help. He takes my hand but just yanks me back down so I'm on top of him again. I suck in my stomach and his hands sprawl out on my back as he smiles, burying his face into my neck. I grow tired of holding myself up and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Thank god it was real! I didn't end up in some strangers bed!" He cheers softly, making me laugh.

"No you did not" I internally cry a bit, sad, he probably did forget. Good thing I didn't give in.

I still might give in. With my body still pressed to his and his muscular arms wrapped around my back, one dangerously close to my ass. I am mush. I try to sit up again but he keeps me still. I just sigh into his neck feeling the way his lips curl up into a smile.

"Don't leave yet, it's warm" he is still whining. I laugh quietly not looking but running my hand through his hair. I'm giving up. I'll take what I can get. He hums in return making me want to hug him tighter.

"Well... do you want me to go get you som water? I don't have amy meds, but I can go down and buy some" I tell him, but he shakes his head which shakes me as well.

"No I've got some in the bathroom and I'll live without them today, it's not that bad. I've drank more before... this is just a little hangover. Callum I didn't drink that much... I still remember last night." He tells me straight and I go stiff. Everything? Does he really. Or does he just think he knows. We were very touchy last night. I admitted some things.

"You do?" I ask. He nods into my neck his lips lightly brushing again my skin, making me shiver. I want it. I want him.

"I do. Fuck of course I do. We both didn't want me to be drunk... and I really think you need to play Bon Jovi for me again so I can really appreciate it. Take it all again. I think I want to redo last night. So I can appreciate it all completely" he tells me.

"Well I can't help redo last night, but I can play the song for you sgain". With that said I once again try to sit up getting stopped with a grunt from him.

"Why do you want to leave so bad?" He huffs and I'm glad he can't see my look of utter disbelief. Isn't it obvious. I'm head over heels for you and I'm now laying on top of you. I don't want you to feel how heavy I am and I want my feelings to go away... but no I can't say that out loud.

"I feel like I'm hurting you Conner..." I get one part out, once again trying to sit up. He stops me, but loosens his grip on me. This lets me at least sit up to look at him so I can catch his hesitant look.

"Callum. I need you to understand that you're not fat. You don't feel heavy to me. I like having you laying here with me. It feels great. It was the perfect way to ground me last night. I really appreciate it, so thank you" he thanks me as if I did anything. I mean I did try to help but he- well he didn't really help with anything. Just reminded me how gay I am.

"I like having you on me. I don't want you anywhere else" he continues making me flush. I suck in a deep breath and try to calm myself again, but he doesn't give me time. Conner sits us both up. I'm thrown half into his lap and my other half on the bed. One leg goes over his thigh and this leaving me very discombobulated. I hardly notice when her gets closer again his face inches from mine.

"I- I don't know what to say" I mess up my words sounding like some cringy middle schooler. I practically hold back a scream at myself. Did I just stutter!? He reaches his hand up and gently touches my hair before reaching forward and hiding himself in my neck, scared I grip onto his shoulders tightly. This can't be happening.

"Callum. Please tell me I haven't been reading into this wrong..." he said it. The confirmation. It's happening. This is real. Fuck I need to answer.

"You haven't. Fuck you haven't been" I whisper pulling him out from my neck so I can look at him. His eyes are serious, but full of something else as he studies my face.

"Thank god" he groans squeezing me in a hug.

"I... I'm just clarifying... you like me?" I ask cringing as he laughs.

"Fuck yes. Isn't it so obvious. I like you. Like your personality. Like how smart you are. Like the way you love that guitar. Like how you look. Like it all" he whispers staring into my eyes. I go numb ny eyes flickering between his eyes to his lips then back up his hair, taking in the sight of him completely. This god of a man... likes me? How!? I find myself leaning closer and he follows suit. The both of us taking each other in.

"Conner you've got class soon" I remind him,but my words seem to be lost and I second guess if I even said anything at all. My hand had relaxed against his shoulder and instead of digging into it I had changed to lightly rubbing over it.

"Fuck class- let me kiss you. Please. I held myself back so much last night" He groans while a hand cups the back of my neck, ready to pull me closer.

"Please" I breath out my consent and within seconds his lips are pressed against mine. Plump tan lips that look fucking gorgeous and so kissable all the time leave a soft innocent kiss ok my own lips. It's more than a peck, but it's delicate. It makes me want more. I slide my leg off of his lap and go onto my knees, letting my arms fall over his shoulders as I lean into the kiss more not entirely sure what I'm doing.

My first kiss. It's a lot cleaner than I imagined. I thought it'd be kinda gross. My focus goes back to his lips and the way Conner knows just what to do. Our bodies moving all over trying to find the right position until I pull away completely. I smile resting my head on his shoulder. I was expecting a mess, but it was neat and nice. It was really nice.

His hands fall to my hips and I suck in again but quickly try to hide it. He definitely caught on though. His hands carefully rub up and down my sides making me move from my hiding spot on his shoulder.

He curses quietly before leaning in again, but instead of going for my lips he ducks down to gently kiss up my neck. A hand leaves my hip to reach up and push my hair out of the way. My body immediately reacts and I tilt my head away to give him more of my neck. Conner's kisses become firmer as he trails his way back up to my jaw before pressing one more peck my lips. I know I look fucking stupid right now, kiss drunk or whatever it is called, but I force myself to look at him.

"What does this mean?" I whisper watching his eyes move from my lips to meet mine. I can see that he's confused as he takes a second to process what I said and I groan dropping my head back for a second before shifting again making myself look back into his blue eyes.

"For us? I like you... you apparently like me" I trail off at the end, but he just smiles at what I said.

"I think that means after my practice tomorrow you should let me take you on a date. Dinner? I've lived in Oregon all my life I know the best places" he whispers the hand in my hair massaging my scalp. I go bashful and can't stop the way my eyes flutter shut at the wonderful feeling.

"That'd be nice. I want to go on a date with you" I answer getting pulled into another simple kiss.

"Are you sure I won't be too annoying for you?" I tease getting an eye roll in return. This time I initiate the kiss, pulling him and keeping him close, making the kiss deep and different from the first. I find myself struggling to pull away from him.

"You're a good kind of annoying. I'd let you annoy me any day" he runs with it, teasing me.

I smile, but the time dawns on me as I see my phone light up off to the side. I pull away and push myself off of Conner with a few colorful words.

"Callum! What the hell!?"

"Class! You have class!"


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