Chapter 60

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Only a few more. A few more people then it's my turn. Callum Antrait. They'll say my name as I walk across the stage. You can do it. My hair had been thrown into a low bun a few strands left out framing my face because this cap made me look ugly as fuck. Sadly my last name starts with an A so I get to practically start it.

The person next to me stands and starts to walk towards the ramp, up to the stage, waiting for their name to be called. As they walk across the stage I stand as well feeling all eyes on me. I know nobody can see me well because I'm practically an ant to the audience but god it didn't feel like that.

After getting up the ramp I pause and wait while the person in front of me is handed their diploma. Getting their hand shakes and posing for pictures. The head master raises the microphone to his mouth with a smile.

"Up next we have our campuses own little celebrity Callum Antrait" I start to walk but go red in the face. He didn't need to say that. He definitely just said that to make the school look good. I shake his hand and snatch my diploma with an anxious smile before walking to the others.

"That's my baby!" I hear the faint scream of Madeline. This puts another smile on my face. All the people here to see me graduate. Dad, Emery, Tanya, Conner and all his family. A lot of his family really likes me actually.

I quickly make my way back to my seat after posing for an awkward few photos and then decide to zone out for the rest of it. I'm free from school even though I've decided to not go into engineering since my music has actually taken off.

When the ceremony finally comes to an end I bolt for the doors. Just like he had done after his. With my diploma in hand I search and search for who is waiting for me until my name is called.

I stop what I'm doing to really look around. Thankfully the giant man is already barreling over to me instead so I don't have to look around like an idiot because my vision may be 20/20 but I am still oblivious to what is around me.

"Cally baby!" He shouts again and I throw my arms out speed walking back to him. His arms wrap around my sides and he lifts spinning me around. "Conner" I laugh. The muscled man slowly sets me down and I step right back into his space to kiss him.

"Look at you go, you've got the diploma" he squeezes my side as I rest my head on his chest.

"Yes- yes I did." I let my eyes look around as more pictures start to be taken fairly surprised by the amount that are taken of me and I quickly try to straighten my posture make myself look more presentable. My agent says I need to be ready for all sorts of media now.

"You know what this means?" Conner speaks taking my thoughts away from the impending stress I'm already feeling from some of my mini fame.

"What?" I look up with a big smile already knowing what he's going to say. We've been so excited about it but tried not to talk too much since we wanted to wait for us to both be graduated.

"It means..." he grabs my arm sliding his hand down until he reaches my hand where he quickly kisses my ringed hand.

"We can finally start planning and I can stop calling you my fiancé and start calling you my husband" he whispers the rosy color coming back to my cheeks.

"Such a charmer- you better be careful I might start writing love songs about you" I tease and he bites his lip to trap his laugh.

"Baby you've already wrote me a whole album" he reminds me as arms wrap around me from behind.

"Callum!" I look back to my little brother Emery.

My fiancé takes my diploma out of my hands and I turn to find Emery. I grab him and pull the giant kid now up into my arms.

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