Chapter 36

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"It's cold can we just hurry up and get inside!" I whine as Conner takes pictures for his stupid Instagram. Now that he's gaining more attention he's been posting on his socials more. The phone turns to me and I cross my arms glaring at him. His coat draped over my body.

"Definitely making the cut" he smiles and I huff to myself as he takes my hand and guides us inside the tall building. Conner doesn't let go as we enter the dimly lit room the music already so much louder.

"I think a few other guys came here for this party as well and some of their partners so if you see anybody and for some reason can't find me go ahead and go to them" he tells me as I squeeze his hand.

"I want to drink... is that okay? I liked how it made me feel last time" I admit as he leads us towards the wall. It's New Years Eve and the party had started hours ago for everybody else, but I had been reluctant to come and Conner didn't want to come without me.

"Yeah of course I'll watch out for you don't worry." He assures me and I smile reaching up to kiss him. His free hand sliding up and pressing against the exposed part of my chest, making me blush.

I've got a pair of tight blue jeans on and a black t-shirt that was tucked into my jeans. There's a oval type cut at the top of my shirt revealing a part of my chest and I had put my curls up into a low ponytail keeping it there with a black bandana.

I managed to wrangle some dangly silver earrings into my ears and ended up stealing some of Eden's glitter since mine was green. Applying that around my eyes.

Conner dressed himself up in baggy ripped blue jeans and a loose black button up which he had tucked in. The first three buttons undone and two silver chains hung around his neck which had to be cold on his chest, but he had to match with me as much as possible. His hair jelled and messy.

"Let's go find the refreshments, okay?" He tells me. I nod letting him lead us through the crowds of people. At one point a girl basically threw herself onto Conner.

"You play football! You're so good! Can't believe I'm here and you're here! We're so cute!" She giggles and squeals definitely having smoked a bit as well. You can see it in the way her eyes seemed to have gone dopey.

A few other girls start shouting I assume her name once they see her and quickly drag her off. They throw out apologies and Conner looks over at me bewildered, but I just laugh.

"You stay right here, okay? Drink table is full. I'll grab us two drinks" he kisses my forehead before pushing his way through. I watch him the whole time until my attention is taken away.

"You are absolutely adorable!" A different person had stopped in front of me. Her hair in high pink pigtails and her outfit glittery and scandalous.

"I- thank you" I go red while she happily claps.

"Of course! Of course! You're hot! Work it!" She yells before leaning forward to pat my head and walking off. My face is a permanent red now just from compliments. What makes it worse is that it wasn't just her. Many people would accidentally bump into me and then shout an apology followed by some sort of compliment. As if I actually was an attractive person. When Conner finally comes back I hug onto him hiding my flaming face in his chest.

"What's up baby?" he keeps his hands up, holding our drinks.

"So many compliments" I groan, making him laugh. It's a loud laugh that I could easily here over the pounding music.

"So you're finally getting the attention you deserve? See everybody thinks you're hot, because you are. They're just too shy to tell you. Tell you how cute they find you. I mean I guess lucky me because if people were more confident I'd have to fight off so many other guys" he groans. I swat his shoulder still so embarrassed.

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