Chapter 20

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"I don't want to dwell on this feeling any more."

"Save me from the feeling that I can't seem to shake."

"Whisper to me sweetly and hold me tight."

"Treat me just- fuck"

"Don't let me... blah blah then I'll cry"

"Sometimes hold me through the night-"

The door flies open and I go quiet besides my fingers which slowly play through the rest of what I know of the song. I miss notes and rush measures due to how anxious I suddenly am.

"Why'd you stop?" He slumps a bit closing the door. The frown on his face prominent as I stop completely and pack Will away.

"You know I don't like when you hear me sing" I murmur, but his confusion only grows.

"I know but usually you keep humming... I thought I was getting somewhere. What made me go backwards?" He asks tapping his foot with his lips puffed out.

"Because it was my song... not a cover of something" I whisper embarrassed, watching as his eyes widen.

"You're writing something?! Callum that's amazing, prince I'm sure it's amazing and I'm so proud of you. You should already know that of course" he comes and plops next to me kissing my head once as I hide my face practically mortified.

"You'll show me sometime, right?" He asks. I give a hesitant nod but it's a yes. I will. Eventually. If it is good enough.

He stands with a smile before putting his phone on the charger. The phone he had just walked down to get after he had forgotten it at dinner. As soon as it's plugged in he is standing right back up a confused expression once again on his face.

"Were you sick when I was gone?". It's my turn to give him a confused look before shaking my head.

"Nope healthy as I am now" I answer. I can't tell what expression flickers over his face.

"Really because Tanya, the girl in our building who you've talked to a few times said you didn't come down for food once. Something about being sick and not keeping food down?" Shit. I can hear some sort of anger or maybe disappointment in his voice. I'm not sure what it is, but I know I don't like it.

"You see I- well I wasn't- I- I...I can't lie" I give up, crumpling in on myself. He crosses his arms but quickly relaxes them again to run his hands over his face and then through his hair suddenly stress out? Great I'm stressing him out.

"I know, trust me I know you can't lie" he laughs a pretty pathetic laugh. One that easily gave me the feeling that I was in trouble.

"So are you going to tell me why you haven't ate in three days?" He asks keeping his voice quiet as to not let anyone in on our business.

"I did- I had snacks and stuff. Just because I didn't go down for meals doesn't mean I didn't eat" I snap back.

"Okay so maybe you ate, but you didn't eat enough. So now I'll ask again are you going to tell me why you haven't ate in three days?" He asks again and I stand crowding into his space. My hand goes to his bicep and my other takes his hand.

"It's okay. Nothing to worry about. I promise it was made to sound worse than it actually was" I attempt to bypass the conversation, squeezing his arm with a smile as I look into his eyes. His very serious eyes that narrow showing he's not letting this go.

"Baby don't lie to me. I just want you to eat when you need to. That includes three meals a day or whenever the fuck you're hungry. If I find out you're starving yourself I might actually force you into daily dinner dates where I always pay and pick out the outfits and I know you don't want that" he takes control taking his hand from my so he can wrap his around my wrist and pull me closer.

"Good thing that won't happen because I'm not starving myself". My body is just getting use to it. It's like a schedule or routine that I'm getting accustomed to. I went from not eating breakfast for a week and by time he was gone I was able to go without eating until 5pm. I mean ya I get a little uncomfortable, but when I continue to drink water it makes the urge somewhat bearable.

"Okay then you'll be fine if we go out for lunch. We've both got class in about 2ish hours, plenty of time" he pulls me in tighter, whispering it into my ear.

"Conner I don't have the money to go out and you can't keep paying for me" I huff as he quite literally shoves his face into my neck leaving tiny kisses on my skin, skin that still has bruises left by him.

"Watch me. Now get that beautiful ass of yours ready and let's go" he taps my butt. I huff stepping away.

"Can't we just eat here, I'm not very hungry and I'd hate for you to waste any money" I explain getting a glare.

"Baby Boy I'll throw you over my fucking shoulder. Go get your shoes on" he tells me and I'm not proud of the little yelp that escapes my lips as he walks towards me. The threat worked though because I hurry over to my shoes. Conner picks up my phone and wallet, pocketing them both just because he likes to hold things for me.

He grabs his own things and I hurry over to him going onto my toes for a quick kiss. I love the smile I get every time I kiss him. He goes for the door and I hurry to run back and take a few drinks from my water bottle. When I get back to Conner he's holding the door open for me, with a not a very pleased look.

"Too much water can be bad for you" he tells me and I don't know how to answer at first, so I just grab his hand with both of mine.

"I haven't been drinking too much I think. Just trying to be a bit healthier" I tell him.

"Well that's good for you if that's what you want, but I don't want you upsetting your stomach from drinking too much water" he explains pressing the button to unlock his jeep. He opens my door for me and makes sure I get situated in. I smile happy by the normal attention leaning in when he does for my usual kiss, but it doesn't happen this time. Instead he grabs my seatbelt before reaching over and buckling me up.

I watch him with wide eyes, but he doesn't seem phased as he steps back, now giving me my kiss before closing the door. My eyes follow him around as he walks to his side hopping in and buckling up himself.

"Uh- thank you for buckling me" I whisper embarrassed, but I felt like I shouldn't be because he's being so nice.

"Of course my prince" he tells me starting up the jeep, putting his hand in his usual spot on my thigh. I get a squeeze before I put my hand over his and he pulls out of the parking spot without another word.

"Where are we going?" I ask and he smiles taking a turn.

"Mmm well I was thinking we could go to that pizza place? They've got that meat lovers with the black olives. Wasn't that the one you wanted to try?" He asks and my face goes white at the thought. Yeah I wanted to try it. He must see me as disgusting for wanting that. Even I'm finding myself revolting. The calories.

"I think that sounds fucking delicious at the moment though. We can just get one to share a light lunch?" He asks. I find myself nodding, betraying the many thoughts going through my head.

"Will you eat some of it?" He doesn't look over, but his smile had left as he takes another turn.

"Yeah it sounds good. I'm hungry... and I'm happy you even remembered that I had mentioned it." The smile comes right back as his gaze flickers to me.

"Of course. I want to remember everything. I saw how excited you were when we last looked over the menu. Plus you remember how excited I got about the barbecue sub they had at the one place" he laughs making me feel better about myself.

"Well of course you were practically drooling, so I thought I'd surprise you with them" I laugh at the memory. He had been so worried since I came back later than usual. He had been done with practice and I still hadn't shown up. His worry left immediately when I gave him his dinner the man practically sobbed as he ate the 'Heavenly dish'.

"It was so good too!" He groans and I laugh again.

"If you like it that much maybe I can buy dinner again" I tease, but his smile just grows.

"You can buy it with my card" he nods with a cheesy smile and it makes me laugh.

Maybe I can stand having dinner today.

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