Chapter 15 ⚠️smut⚠️

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"Million thoughts and you're every single... nope that sucks... maybe I should just repeat the first verse" I started singing, but quickly trail off not liking the lyrics that I had added after the chorus.

With a frustrated curse I go back to the beginning playing a slow melody before adding what little lyrics I did have. As soon as I got to the chorus the door opens and I clamp my mouth shut humming along instead.

He's back from practice. My boyfriend. Wow that feels amazing. Conner's look falls a little when he sees me humming and he sighs throwing his dirty clothes into his hamper before joining me on my bed. It dips from all the weight and I almost tilt over, but quickly steady myself. Setting my guitar to the side.

"When are you going to let me hear you sing?" He asks puffing his bottom lip out.

"Never. How was practice?"

"Tiring per usual. Lots of positions were moved around so I had to get use to some new techniques which can be irritating sometimes" he admits picking Will up and putting him away complete. I give him a confused look, but he doesn't say anything as he takes my calves basically spinning me so my body is completely on my bed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure you'll do amazing though" I tell him, but he ignores my words, settling between my legs. I fall back as a hand presses my shoulder down. With an eye roll I smile up at him ready for his horny self.

He smiles back before pressing his lips to mine a firm kiss before leading his lips down to my neck. I hum to myself my arms hugging him as he pulls always suddenly laughing slightly before kissing a certain spot on my neck multiple times.

"I love your spots" he mutters as I shy away very insecure of my moles and other dots. He doesn't let me think much about it before he is kissing right back up to my mouth.

His tongue swipes across my lips and I can't tell if it's on accident or not but I open my mouth for him willing. If that is what he is aiming for. I think he is.

His tongue slides into my mouth and a weird noise escapes my lips straight into his as he practically devours my mouth with his. The kiss, so much more heated than anything we've ever done before. I try to put in as much effort as I can, my hand goes into his hair and my other one on his shoulder.

Conner makes sure he keeps me down on the bed as he parts from me. My eyes wide and my mouth open, I can already feel that my lips are swollen from all the nipping and rough kisses.

"Fuck you're a beauty" he hums swiping his thumb over my lip, leaving it there to toy with me.

"How was class?" he must be joking I can't answer now. He leans in to kiss up my jaw and back to my lips while his hand gropes at my thigh making me whine into his mouth. I don't bother even trying to answer.

"Fuck prince I love your thighs". Another shameful noise leaves my mouth due to that stupid name. Okay answer, gotta answer. I pull away slightly trying not to focus on his fingers.

"Class- good... boring. Prince? You keep calling me prince" he smiles at how flustered I am before he takes a hold of both of my thighs staring with a lustful look.

"You already know I'm going to treat you like royalty. My pillow prince. My passenger prince , all of it. You won't do any work" my face is red at what he admits and I don't know how to answer. Instead I just grip his arms pulling myself closer, desperate for a kiss. 

Conner moves on top of me more his arms on either side of my head closing me in. I try to look sexy and attempt to look up through my lashes; hoping I don't look like an oversized troll.

It seems to work how I wanted it to because within seconds Conner is dragging his hips down and I immediately feel how hard he is against... fuck I'm hard. Fuck. I moan desperately squeezing him in my grip.

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