Chapter 21 ⚠️smut⚠️

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I'm startled when a door flies open and out comes a red faced Conner. His football stuff all shoved into a bag. I watch as he clumsily steps out of the door and looks for me walking by friends and any other person that seemed to want his attention. When he finally sees me he hurries over pulling me into a tight hug. His hair wet from his quick shower.

"You did so good!" I tell him even though I know he could hear me during the game.

"We need to go back to the dorm" his voice is husky and low the number one sign that he is horny. I just don't know what the fuck made him like this?

"Okay... what happen to you?" I whisper as he takes my hand dragging me along. He doesn't even try to hide how he ignores his teammates attempts to give him the party information.

As soon as we make it to the jeep his bag is thrown in the back and I'm buckled up into my seat. Within seconds his lips are pressed against mine his hands kneading into my bare thighs.

"Please wear these shorts more often" he groans leaning down to kiss each of my thighs.

"Oh god baby when I saw you I about came right then and there. My jersey hanging over these shorts. Makes you look fucking angelic" He explains pulling me in for another kiss before forcing himself to pull away from me. I stare unable to speak but absolutely flustered and maybe a little bit turned on.

When he manages to let go of me, Conner is quick to hop into the jeep, starting the engine and whipping us out of the parking lot. I can feel myself growing anxious and potentially even hard, realizing that something is about to happen. What though? Another blow job. Hand job? More. I want more again.

I'm shaken from my thoughts as the vehicle comes to a halt making me slam back against my seat. Conner is quick to unbuckle and hurries to my side opening my door and unbuckling me.

Then he tries to pick me up. I let out a very manly squeak as I panic and wrap my arms around his neck. I straighten my legs so my feet touch the ground. "You need to get your bag" I remind him, but he shakes his head reaching down to kiss my neck. His hand holds my ass as the other reaches for the jeep door slamming it shut. My eyes flutter as I feel myself give in to the man who's currently devouring my neck. I let my gaze follow his hand as he reaches into his own pocket and I don't question it until there's the loud beep of the jeep which makes me jump.

"Such a precious man" He chuckles trailing his kisses up to my ear.

"Now let's get you inside or I'm going to have to pleasure you out here" he chuckles his hands trailing up my sides before one arm wraps around me completely, leading me towards the door. Conner curses when he remembers he left his keycard in the Jeep, but I gladly take mine out unlocking the door which he happily opens for me.

I walk in and once again his arm is swung around me, speeding us up the stairs and only slowing when I fumble with the keycard to get the door for us again. I barely get the key back in my pocket when the door is slammed shut and I'm pushed against it.

His lips crash against mine and a squeaks escapes my mouth before I manage to catch up kissing back just as aggressively. My hands pressed to his chest wanting to feel him as he is.

His tongue dives into my mouth. It's dirty, but I can't find it disgusting. If anything he somehow makes me crave it more. Making me pout when he pulls way his eyes taking in every inch of my body as if he's trying to memorize me in some way. I immediately step forward getting pulled
in for another kiss. He plays along with it his hands squeezing and teasing every piece of skin he can before pulling away again. I don't know what comes over me, but I speak up my dick thinking ahead of my shyness. Insecurities out the damn window at this point.

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