Chapter 42

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"Baby... come here" I turn back to my boyfriend as he closes the room door secluding us in here. I had been silent since the game ended. Eden and Jessica came back... escorted by security. Both immediately questioned me about Adam.

I answered what they wanted, went quiet, and I stayed that way. I know Conner had noticed that my family didn't show up, but I couldn't talk to him as we were both on separate buses.

As soon as we arrived back at the hotel Conner had hurried to my side. I offered him my congratulations and told him he did a good job but nothing after that.

He didn't say anything just followed me along to our room. Now here we are. Perfect just perfect. I wrap my arms around myself and step closer but nothing besides that.

All the men tend to shower and change after the game so they can go straight to bed without worrying about anything else if they don't go to party.

"Callum... I'm sorry they didn't show up" he apologies and there goes my last straw I lose it.

"No- just I don't want to hear that. I don't want to hear anything anymore" I quickly turn away again and go for the bathroom slamming the door shut. The tears fall down my face as I go to the mirror gripping harshly onto the edge of the counter. My ugly face makes me sob even harder so I sink down to the floor right up against the sink.

I can tell he followed after because the door opens immediately and he's slipping down onto the floor, hissing to himself. Probably from the injuries he got. I don't need to be making it worse.

"Please Conner just- leave me. Leave me. You deserve better. You deserve prettier, handsomer. Somebody who isn't fucked up like me with a fucked up family- I'm sorry just leave me" I bawl, turning away from him more.

"Callum no. Don't say that. Hey look at me- look at me!" He shouts and I quickly turn to look at him. His hands find my face and he forces my eyes to lock on him.

"You see that jersey you're wearing. You're wearing it because I want people to know you're mine. I find you so fucking beautiful. You're the prettiest most handsome boy in the world. You're my prince. I love you. I love you through all the problems. Now tell me. What happened? We've been doing so good with your confidence. My love you deserve to be seen as some god to worship. I shouldn't be the only one that worships the ground you walk on" he rubs a thumb over my face as I sob at his words because I love him so much. I love him so much.

"My family didn't show and then I ran into someone that I knew and he- he was so mean. Conner I don't get why I'm so targeted it has to be for my looks. I want to believe you so bad but I can't possibly look good. I can't. I've been trying so hard with my weight, but I'm not trying enough. I get defeated and I stop" he pulls me in his grip,tight. I sob into his neck.

"No no no why do these people ruin it? Why do they do this? We worked so hard baby and you were confident. You look amazing and god- when you're confident about how you look it drives me over the edge... Callum go lay on the bed" he sucks in a deep breath before finishing, but I stand and do what he says.

He doesn't let me leave the bathroom before pulling me back against him in a crushing hug. His lips kissing up my neck.

I falter and lean into his touch but he helps me back up and leads me to the bed where I'm laid out. I stay silent as he takes my shoes off and then socks. He starts at my shins and kisses up my legs nipping at my thighs before lifting his jersey up to expose my stomach.

"Conner" his name comes out like more of a whimper. He doesn't stop and begins to kiss up my stomach and to my chest kissing every inch of skin as I squirm underneath him. Too caught up in his praise to cry.

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