Chapter 47

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"Um, I'm really sorry we haven't done this before." I turn to Conner, who sighs, taking my hand.

"We've talked about this. I know you don't always see yourself as the handsome person you are, so why would we go on a date where you're going to feel bad about yourself the whole time?" He tells me. I suck in a deep breath before looking back up at him again.

"I know, it's just this is important to you, and you know I'm going to suck at it, and I just really don't want to make you sad because I can't get my shit together." I lean against the seat, mad at myself.

"Baby, I'm glad you're concerned for me, but I'll be okay. Now, I know my uncles are going to be in there soon, so let's go see if we can get in there first, and if you don't want to skate anymore, you tell me, and I'll make an excuse." He assures me as I sigh but nod.

I lean over, getting a soft kiss from my boyfriend before he hurries over and opens the door for me, helping me out like the kind person he is.

I don't let go of his hand as he locks up the jeep and leads the way to the neon-lighted rink. We drove for about two hours to this place to meet up with Kayson and Holden. They had been visiting the rest of the family in Oregon and offered for us to come skating with them. Conner seemed so excited I could never say no to his excited face. Didn't even try to get out of it.

So, as we got up to pay, Conner, of course, takes the lead. I step forward a bit more and pull my card out as discreetly as possible.

"Can I get two for admission, both just regular skates?" he asks, and the woman nods, doing a quick total. She states the price, but I really didn't listen. Instead, as fast as I can, I just slide the card over the desk to her, and she smiles while picking it up. My boyfriend, who had let go of my hand to get into his wallet, looks up confused by the sudden move.

"And what was that for?" He asks as two tickets are slid back, and I'm handed my card.

"What?" I ask innocently, putting my card away and continuing on. We have to hand our tickets to a different man who puts bands around our wrists.

"Have a good day," I give him a smile as Conner's arm wraps around me, tugging me into a different line.

"You're going to be in big trouble when we get back," he whispers into my ear, making me flush red.

"Conner, you need to let me pay sometimes!" I huff, hitting his arm lightly.

"My prince shouldn't have to pay for anything," he insists, squeezing my side.

"I want to pay for things, I want to contribute to this relationship!" I huff, but he shuts me up with a firm kiss.

"Get ready for your shoe size; they'll ask," he warns me, and I nod, just laying my head on his shoulder, enjoying the momentary peace I get. God damn it, I need it. I'm so scared.

With a few people left in front of us, I take off my tennis shoes after watching Conner do it. He goes first, and I follow after, nervously waiting for when we have to talk. After grabbing our skates, we're led through a different hallway with all the seating and another entrance to the rink.

"Conner! Callum!" Both of us turn to see Kayson and Holden. It was obviously Kayson who had greeted us, a cheery smile on his face while Holden had a hand on his husband's back, somehow managing to keep it there as they both juggled skates in their other hands. Also the fact that Kayson was taking long striding steps compared to Holden's shorter ones. I'm quickly pulled into a hug and then let go of as Kayson pulls his nephew into a hug.

"Hey Cal? How are you doing?" Holden pulls me into a hug as Kayson and Conner start doing their macho man things. They start like hitting and chest bumping each other, talking about random stuff.

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