Funny Coincidences

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Y/N's POV:
With the wind blowing strong, the trees sang loud. Squirrels scampered around and played with one another. A little pond was in front of me and I walked towards it. My reflection is all I see, a human. Only one in the Inkwell isles college.
Until a figure is seen from the water and I quickly turn around. Mugman looks at me smiling and I immediately smile back.
"Let's finish this strong Y/N."
He came closer to me, raising his hand to caress my cheek. Closer and closer, we were close to each others faces. I felt his blue nose and forehead press on my face while holding my other cheek. We leaned our heads at opposite directions. Our lips are getting closer and closer.
"Strong Y/N."

BEEP! BEEP! All of the sudden I'm back at my room! I slammed both of my palms into my face. I'm literally blushing like a huge idiot. I can't stop remembering the kiss Mugman texted me last night. Time to get up for classes.

"My goodness I just can't stop smiling!" I exclaimed before getting up and starting the day.

Going into lab class, I see Mugman smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back. The professor told everyone to get with their partners they had yesterday. Today was to finish our project and explain how it relates to our topic. Tomorrow is when we present our final. Mugman and I got our computers and started our work. It didn't feel like work when he was around though.
As soon as class was over, Mugman tapped my arm to get attention.

"Y/N! My brother has invited both of us to an amusement park. I was wondering if you'd like to go after we finish our project?" Mugman showing excitement on his face.

"Yeah. Of course Mugman!"

I sounded too excited compared to him. I hope he doesn't think of me as a weirdo. I mean I'm already am aren't I?

...Two Days After...
Mugman's POV:
Oh boy! This can be it! My chance to ask Y/N if she would like to go out with me! Walking with Cuphead to the amusement park waiting to see her. As we get closer, I see Y/N standing by the entrance way. Cuphead nudged at me.

"Okay Mugsy. I'll make sure you two get into scary rides. Don't stop me from meeting her too."

"Of course Cuphead."

Going up to Y/N I introduced my brother to her.
"Nice to meet you Cuphead! Hope we can get along and be friends."

"Y/N, any friend of Mugs is a friend of mine. Now let's get this fun started!" Cuphead says while quickly seeing the rides.

We all went to rides and Cuphead was always leading the way. Soon, I see a Photo Booth. I told both Cuphead and Y/N that we should all take pictures. Y/N went in first and before I get in, Cuphead holds my shoulder.

"Mugman, take the pictures with her. After all Elder Kettle already took many pictures of us together. I'm going to get some cotton candy."

"Thanks Cuphead." I said going into the photo booth

"Where's Cuphead?" Y/N asks.

"He went to get some cotton candy." I replied.

She smiled as soon the photo booth started its work.

We first smiled, made a silly face, and did peace signs. In the last picture, I wrapped my arm over Y/N's shoulder and put my head on hers. She put her head on my shoulder and we smiled.

Me, Y/N, and Cuphead all laughed as we walked up to my cottage. Cuphead told to the both of us that we can stay out here for a while, as he walked towards home.

Y/N's POV:

"Thanks for the amazing day Mugman." I said.

"No problem Y/N. Before we leave, I want to give you something that you will remember."

"Y/N, will you...kiss me?" Mugman quickly looked down and back at me when he said this.

My eyes went wide and I looked down to the ground too. "M-Mugman. Um, it's been a while s-since I kissed someone, but yeah. W-why not." Nervously saying. He put both of his hands on my cheeks and I looked at his eyes.

"Let me help you." He whispered.

Soon, our lips met one another. This time it wasn't a dream, it was real. Holding behind his mug head, the kiss went on without time.

Hello readers! Finally I have the time to write and create artwork for this book! Here are two chapters with this Mugman x female reader lol

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Hello readers! Finally I have the time to write and create artwork for this book! Here are two chapters with this Mugman x female reader lol. For all you Mugman lovers out there. (Including me). As well, comment if the photos appear for you at all. That you will be very helpful! Have a great day everyone and hope you vote for more!

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