Chapter 4

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Once I made it up stairs I didn't really see any of my friends. No my friends are geek...... Okay I'm lieing they are nerds but. This wasn't a party that Everyone was invited that was how Castile party usually go i don't really attend anything he invites me to For the number one. Reason James and Castile never got along and that's one secret I've never know about .zack stop talking to your self God sakes It's not the hard. Everyone likes you just go play bear pong or something and stop overthinking

After a debate with my self in my head. I drunk some more wiskey and noticed it was almost done one thing was for surei wasn't going to argue with myself about another cup of whiskey. But before I turned to head down stairs I noticed Castile Leaning on a wall next the stairs talking to some girl then he whispered in her ear and he made her blush. And then he noticed me but I turned around to head down stairs for my drink as I said loud over the music knowing he could hear me
" I guess something are just too good to be true right Castile " he Walked away from the girl who faces was now red with anger. And he followed me down stairs not like I really cared but I turned around in the middle of the stairs to look at him .
" why are you following my boy isn't your hoe upstairs " he. Bit his lip and stood over me and tried to Grab my hand but I snatch back a little to hard and like almost falling to my death but James was was all ready head up the stairs two be and Castiel .I'm pretty sure he saw me falling and he like leap up catching me since he was a few steps behind me . Closing the gap between us and he focused on me ignoring Castiel life force .

" your drunk we're going home "
" I'm not drunk for starters I haven't even drunk much " I let out a little burp
" yes but you didn't eat before. You got hear " he said still holding me and he looked up at Castile. Who was pist for what I don't even know like who does he think he is and who the hell does James thinks he is comeing and saveing me like he's my shiny armor. And why the hell is Castile in a white plane shirt and beach shorts. He's no angel
" WHAT THE HELL FUCK YOU BOTH JAMES PUT ME DOWN " they both looked at me not speaking and James put me down and. I rolled my eyes at him
"AND YOU. OH YOU YOU THINK YOUR GOING TO PLAY WITH MY EMOTIONS THATS. NOT HAPPENING MOTHER FUCKER YOU CAN DROP DEAD NEXT TO JAMES AND YALL BOTH CAN SUCK EACH OTHERS OFF OH WAIT YOU GUYS ALL READY DID THAT DIDNT U. " Castile and looked over me and shot James a look and I turned around push James out my way and head back out side Where I started to get dizzy but I kept walking anyway I was about half away up the street and when I stopped and took a break I wanted to throw up actually .so I sat on what looks like rocks .This is isn't right I don't get drunk even if I don't eat what's going on with me .
" okay. So maybe you got drugged that's a first ." I thought a loud pulling out my phone. But it didn't turn on Or I couldn't get it on I shoved it back in my pocket with frustration and got back up when a random car pulls up in front of me. And my arms flet like cement and my legs felt the Same way I was put in the back seat and I got sleepy . Then I drifted away way ....


I stood there in silence as zack words were still echoed in my ears even tho the music was still. Louder then my emotions turn to rage and I looked Castile
"Your a fucking retard you know that he trying his best not to like you or catch feelings for you but you really sealed your fate on that looks like the second time you fucked up " I turned away and headed down the steps and looked for my best friend and Castile followed my till I reached the door and I turned around to look at him .
" I won't let you date him. So get over it and your self and just leave him alone Castile we. Wouldn't want a repeat of what happened " I said diverting my eyes some where else and I stuck my hands in my pocket
" James let it go I said I was sorry ". He said it as if it didn't mean anything and I felt my anger building up but I could control my self
" it's not right buts it's okay I'm going to make it anyway " I said singing it softly to him and I turned back around and walked out side to look for zack . I looked around noticing that front of the house was completely empty of human life except me castiel .
" do you miss it " I stop in my tracks and turned around to look at Castile that was my last straw . I was going to pop off on him but I caught my self
" since you want to do this right here " everyone was in side which was wired maybe there were I the back at the pool and bar. I walked up to Castile and put my arms and kneed him in the balls. With that I walked away
" yea I deserve that" he said in strain voice and in pain holding his balls . His eye healed fast you can't even notice I punched him earlier this week .i looked at each ends of the street and i figured zack walked home so I walked up the street when something bright and shiny shimmer of the moon light . And I look to see zacks chain . and I picked it up and that set alerts and alarms all in my head I pulled out my iPhone 6and went to find my iPhone and I see zack is moving to fast Away from his house he was headed to abandon factory . I ran back down the street to see James. Siting on the steps
" I really don't want to fight you James I said I was sorry " I ignored him
" huh?!? Shut up Castile get in the car. It's zack I think he just got kidnapped " there was no argument. There we both got in the car and I pulled out the drive away speeding towards zack . I keep my eyes on the road
"Who took him " I figured it was one of his boy from his gang .
" I'm not sure Which one it is to be honest but they must be my boys. Know one else would come this close to my house " he said. As he hit the dash board
" let's not take your stupid actions of being in a gang on my car please ". I pulled out my phone. To see that sack wasn't moving as fast as before which mean they were on foot. About 10 mins later I pulled up to the factory it was old and rust stain and shatter windows looked like it was plucked from a scary movie and the nightly gloom wasn't helping much either .
" so why would they bring him hear? " I said as I Got out my truck and he did the same.
We meet in front of my car .
" because they don't like him and I know i who took him the Fargo bothers " he said. Sounding more aggravated
" for what " I could care he cared for zack even tho then they been talking a week or has Castile been into him since the beginning of high school .
" they don't like gays and bisexual " he said as he finally lead the way into this freak show of a factory.

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