Chapter 6

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*James point of view *

I just dropped zack off and I grabbed my phone from the back seat and I had one message from an unknown number

Are you ready -unknown?

I figured it was Castile since he would be the only one texting me this early in the morning.

Yea where you at - James

"At the park I went for a piss and yawl was gone "- Castile. I figured that was a lie because I'm hella light sleeper after 6 am so I know he was hiding something. But this isn't something to press on at the moment.

"Yea Alright I'm on my way". I head back towards him when I got a phone call from a very unhappy girlfriend. I sigh and I didn't pick up. I would rather dill with Castile then to talk to her right now she a bright blond fire ball right now .After a few minutes I got to the park picked up Castile and he smelt like roses and his hair was wet.

"You went to take a piss whatever lie you tell yourself dude "he didn't respond but stayed in silence for a few.

"Head back to my house they would head there since there was a party they got clean up duty" he said folding his hands over his lap and leaning back. We drove in silence for a good time. Once we got to his house it was actually looking clean. 90% of the cars were out of his parking a lot, His lawn was clean looked as if he never had a party.

"The memories right?" I could tell he was grinning. Ignored him and got out the car and he got out still grinning.

" your something that takes time to erase but when I finally grab you by your roots and pluck you out you won't weave your way in my life anymore " I smiled and walked away head into his house and he did the same and his grinning was far gone now . The house was in the process of getting clean all his gang had little sections of the house to clean. They look like more of cleaning service then a gang if you ask me. Castile came in behind me ignoring me and bumping into my shoulder on purpose. I didn't do anything but I let it slide even though in my head I punched him in the stomach wouldn't want his gang to see him get his ass handed to him . He looked around and they all looked at him.

"The twins right now" he said with a calm angry voice. No one moved but the twins came down from upstairs with trash bags they looked terrified.

"So the abandon factory like honestly you think I wouldn't find out "he said look at his fist and then folding his arms taping finger on his arms.

"See boss what happen was "they both said at the same time but Castile put his hand up they both shut up and he smile.

"Like honesty. You guys have no idea how fucked up you guys are going to be in a few minutes like honestly "he was now in their face.

"Like I would love to see you guys. Fight like honestly I will have fun beating the shit out of you so will James over there "I don't respond as he. Pointed at me I just had my arms fold just staring at them. Then I noticed a tape blade on the table I picked it up rising the blade up. The twins where no longer focus on James rage but now my quit silent rage. And I walked towards them more people around the room looked focus on us instead of cleaning. I punched the one with red boxer in the face and I'm pretty sure I broke his nose since blood started spraying as he tumble back and I pushed him towards around the ground I got on top of him. Dropping the blade for the moment and I started to be his face in with my fist till he was black in blue and his eye was swollen and his lip was busted open and I grabbed the blade of the ground and grab handful of his dreads slicing them off his head and I got up and kicked him in rib pretty sure I fractured a couple of them .then I looked At other one who Castile was standing in front of him and made. He watch his brother just get the shit beat out of him.

"Honestly not even a fight back how fun is that" I sucked my teeth and kicked his brother again in the ribs.

"Oh don't worry I'm not Going to beat the shit of you castiel is so good luck with that "I said as castiel had that happy smirk on his face.

"don't be like your brother please fight me back like you guys are making us look weak in the front of guess "castiel said spinning around with his arms out to me and then he turned back around to the blue boxer one and he tried to punch castiel was faster than him he caught his arm swiped his feet from under him with his free leg.

"Get up and try again" he said harshly. He got up again castiel cracked his neck and smile.

"We'll try something different ". The twin smiled and pulled out a gun and out towards castiel head.

"See boys this is why you don't give fucks boy's toys they try to bite. The master "castiel smiled and I started laughing and everyone looked at me if I was crazy.

"What you guys don't know is that I knew castiel before you all. You guys never seen him get out of shit likes this you all should takes notes "I said looking around. And then I look at Castile

"Stop playing games boy and end this" I said to him unimpressed by his so call defeat. After a few more seconds grab the twin hand and twists the guy back on to him while having his armed pin two his back and castiel push him away.

"Grab the blade and cut your hair" castiel face was dead serious the fact the twins haven't talk since I arrived was kind of creepy

I guess Castile has dark sides I don't even know about. That scared the shit out of all his men because they all just watched everything. The fact he's not even the gang leader is even worst so I can only imagine what he does when he's angry. With me lost in thought I was snap out of it when actually started to slice dreads of his own head he did really bad job. After he cut it away. Which was like a 2 minute process Castile grab the gun and pistol whip him for a good 20 minutes. After he was finished I step up next to him he looked worst then his brother.

"Get your shit and leave and I never want to see your faces again" Castile said coldly like spikes.

They both got up red shorts was holding his side and nose limped away outside and his brother holding his head to stop the bleeding that was tinkling down his forehead and left I didn't turn around to see them. Walk away.

" what are you all looking at get back to work my parents are coming back tomorrow. " he said they all quick went back to do their jobs and Castile walked up stairs and I followed him and we walked into his bed room . Which when you open the door you could see the end of his bed and he had video games all over the place with soda cans and weight bells as well and his ps4 was still on with his TV on and it had on Netflix .

"Still messy as ever I see" I said with a friendly smile as I sat on his bed and looked at my hand it looked as if it was swollen. I looked at Castile who still didn't reply back to me and I just saw a flash of his towel and figured he took a shower.

•Castile point of view •

The words that James said still echoed in my ears

"You're something that takes time to erase but when I finally grab you by your roots and pluck you out you won't weave your way in my life anymore ". It felt like I got shot in the chest and the blow was a deadly shot that struck hard. I got undressed. And I got in the shower as I put my head on under the shower head and I cleaned the blood of my hands I would hope James would figure it was best to leave. I thought of this as I started to wash my body as slowly as possible hoping he would get the hint.

Sorry guys I've been mia on you all I been having a busy stressed life but I'm back for sure I'll have another chapter up tomorrow hopefully 😍💋

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