Aether x Xiao

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Okay scince this has now a lot of attention I have decided to do a long part kind of like a full story but you will see this is a 1k special views. Thank you all.

Moden AU btw

Xiao awoke to the sound of ringing of his alarm. Slowly turning it off he climbed out his bed and started to shower. After he finished his morning retuine he got his uniform on (I'm brittish plus this is set in China so they wear unfiorms I belive), he walked out his room to see his rather empty apartment. Leaving his apartment building with his bag he went down the path to Teyvat school. He entered the gates seeing many talking and interacting with eachother. He was never to social type he always belived his rather litteral inner demons had a harmfull impact on each other many people themselfs didnt think that found of him either only some have found out about his past with the very known assasin which people call the evil god (The god that enslaved him and made him devour dreams).

Xiao entered the building before anyone else simply to help with a teacher who had helped him with many diffuculties. He entered the classroom "Hello Zhongli-samma." he said walking towards Mr Xiansheng who was at his desk "Hello Xiao I have surprise for you, its over on youre desk." he said with a gentle smile as told Xiao went to his desk to see a bento box. Opening it he saw a container of rice,cucmber,4 sakura mochi and finally two slices of almond tofu, "Just the way you like it." he heard Zhongli say : Xiaos eyes braticlly sparkled Zhongli always knew how to make the seemingly emotionless boy secretly happy. "T-thank you Zhongli-sama." he said. Zhongli only could see Xiaos back but knew that he had a small smile on his face, he always wanted to try to give Xiao a childhood even though it would be hard to even see a bit of happiness in Xiaos almost dead yellow eyes he was determind. They heard the bell ring "I suppose you must sit down before the others arrive...Xiao." Zhongli said and as of said Xiao sat down putting the bento box in his bag. Mr Tartagila entered the classroom "Hey Zhongli when is the new kid going to arrive?" Xiaos eyes narrowed seeing the ginger "10:30 Aj-Childe." he said as Childe nodded returning to his class. "Xiao stop glaring please dear." Zhongli said seeing Xiao glare at the doorway where Childe stood. Xiao flinched at the sudden sound but then looked a Zhongli nodding.

Kids began to sawm the classroom ruining the peacfull atsomuther.

It got to about 10:25. "Okay everyone we will have a new student in about 5 minuets." Mr Xiangsheng said as the class went quiet. And in about 5 minuets a blond haired boy entered the classroom, "Hello please interduce youre self." Mr Xiangsheng said as the boy nodded "Hello I am Aether I am 16 years old." the class nodded "Xiao is it alright if he sits next to you?" Mr Xiangsheng asked Xiao stayed silent for a while before saying a quiet no. Aether sat next to the mixed green haired boy. Almost every five minuets he found himslef glancing at the boy. At about 11am Mr Xiangsheng's class had ended Aether found himself still sat down in the seat along with what he knows the boy named Xiao the two didnt seem to notice him. "Zhongli-sama is it okay if I stay here for the next lesson, only if its alright with you and Madam Ninnguan." Xiao said he seemed a little stressed is what Aether thought "Of course dear anyway the school and goverment is aware of youre situation they cant do anything to you." Zhongli reasured though then went silent when they both noticed Aether. "Oh IM SO SORRY! I-i didnt know what to do! My apologise for listening in!" Aether paniked when he earned a stare from the two. Zhongli nodded in respond "Keqing I belive is at the entrance ready to give a tour." Zhongli said as Aether uncomfortably walked out. His curiosity got to the best of him, he pressed his ear to the door listening in. "Xiao..." Zhongli said gaining Xiaos attention again "Yes Zhongli-sama?" Aether heard Xiao say "You may not notice but a scar has opened in youre leg. Bandages are in that closet over there." Aether suddenly became concerned it was normal for people to have scars from whatever but something about Xiao was diffrent despite barely having a innteraction Aether felt as if Xiao was diffrent. He had the feeling Xiao had gone through way more than it seems, he hates seeing people suffer. He came up with a quest that he must befreind Xiao and help the yellow haired male.

Aethers been at Teyvat school for about 3 months now he has almost befreinded everyone exept the one who he wanted to.....Xiao. One day during Mr Xiangshengs class he decided to go get Xiao at the end. The class now ended Aether stood ouside waiting for Xiao,the door clicked open to see Xiao walking out "Hey wait." Aether said making the yellow eyed boy flinch and quickly turn around to Aether "What?" Xiao said a bit of annoyance in his voice. "How about we become freinds?" Aether asked only getting a shoked face from Xiao "I-i what?.." Aether lifted a eyebrow "Is something wrong? Do you not wish to be freinds?" Aether asked slightly upset "I-i no..I'm just not use to that but I suppose we could be freinds.....Zhongli-sama did suggest I socialise more." the last part was quiet but Aether heard. In habbit Aether hugged Xiao earning a small sqeak in surprise, "What are you doing?..." Xiao asked as he felt Aether tighten around him "Oh. Sorry its kind of a habbit." Aether says breaking the hug. Xiao nodded.

The two continued their day but both thought of the other.

Authors note: It might not be long but if recomened I'll do a part two on this part.

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